Page 192 - S. Ličen, I. Karnjuš, & M. Prosen (Eds.). (2019). Women, migrations and health: Ensuring transcultural healthcare. Koper, University of Primorska Press.
P. 192
bara Donik, Mateja Lorber, and Majda Pajnkihar

Three research questions were developed: (1) What is the level of cultural
awareness of nursing students on UM FHS? (2) How are dimensions of cultural
awareness related with gender, year of study and level of nursing program?
(3) How dimensions of cultural awareness are correlating?

A descriptive cross-sectional research design was used with a convenience
sample of University of Maribor Faculty of Health Sciences nursing students
(N = 204): undergraduate 1st year (n = 9) 2nd year (n = 102), 3rd year (n =
85), postgraduates (n = 8). Participation rate was 38.9. Data was collected
during summer semester. Before or during the collection of data students
haven’t received any transcultural educational intervention or course. A com-
bination of online and paper questionnaire was administrated. The data was
collected between 17th of May and 31st of August 2018.

For measuring cultural awareness of nursing students, we used Cultural
awareness tool (CAS) which was developed by Rew, Becker, Cookston, Khos-
ropour, and Martinez (2003). CAS consisted of 36 items. According to the
authors of CAS there are 5 different dimensions that best fit the data. Those
are: General Education Experience, Cognitive Awareness, Research Issues,
Behaviour/Comfort with Interactions, and Patient Care/Clinical Issues (Rew
et al. 2003). The questionnaire was translated into Slovene language by two
researchers (BD, ML). For ensuring semantic equivalence we performed the
back translation by a professional translator. The evidence of the reliability
of the questionnaire (internal consistency) was computed with Cronbach’s
alpha coefficient, which was 0.51.

Ethical Considerations
Permission from University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Studies Ethic Com-
mittee was obtained before the study. Students were informed of the pur-
pose of the study. On each questionnaire (paper and online version) there
was short description of purpose of the study and other information related
to the confidentiality. Those who have been asked to fulfil the paper form of
the questionnaire returned them into the sealed envelope. The link with on-
line questionnaire was distributed via social media (Facebook group profiles
of each study year).

The anonymity of the participants to the researchers was obtained, be-
cause there were no identifying data collected.

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