Page 397 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2019. Vloga nacionalnih opernih gledališč v 20. in 21. stoletju - The Role of National Opera Houses in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 3
P. 397
The Reception of the Ljubljana Opera House
Repertoire by Critics in Slovenian Daily
Newspapers from the end of the World-War II
to the 1960s
Tjaša Ribizel
Univerza v Ljubljani
University of Ljubljana
Following the end of World War II, the music institutions in Ljubljana were
in full bloom: the Slovene Composer Society was established, followed by
the establishment of Radio Ljubljana and its orchestra, accompanied by the
reestablishment of the Slovenian Philharmonic (orchestra), as well as the
reinstatement of the SNG Opera Ljubljana in 1945.
Its program within individual seasons was and has been an important
segment of its operation. SNG Opera Ljubljana started staging its first pro-
ductions as early as 1945. The aim of this paper is to shed light on the indi-
vidual productions of the SNG program as reported by newspaper articles
dealing with music criticism in the Slovenski poročevalec and Ljubljanski
dnevnik daily newspapers. These articles do not only report on the recepti-
on of particular productions, but also divulge information on the develo-
pment of the institution in terms of content
Music criticism and SNG Opera Ljubljana
There were as much as 273 newspaper articles pertaining to SNG Opera Lju-
bljana in the period from 1945 to 1963. In terms of content, these are mostly
articles dealing with music criticism, however, there is a number of anno-
uncements of the repertoire as well. This paper focuses on music criticism
dealing with the repertoire and its features. The number and distribution of
the articles is given in Table 1.
The Reception of the Ljubljana Opera House
Repertoire by Critics in Slovenian Daily
Newspapers from the end of the World-War II
to the 1960s
Tjaša Ribizel
Univerza v Ljubljani
University of Ljubljana
Following the end of World War II, the music institutions in Ljubljana were
in full bloom: the Slovene Composer Society was established, followed by
the establishment of Radio Ljubljana and its orchestra, accompanied by the
reestablishment of the Slovenian Philharmonic (orchestra), as well as the
reinstatement of the SNG Opera Ljubljana in 1945.
Its program within individual seasons was and has been an important
segment of its operation. SNG Opera Ljubljana started staging its first pro-
ductions as early as 1945. The aim of this paper is to shed light on the indi-
vidual productions of the SNG program as reported by newspaper articles
dealing with music criticism in the Slovenski poročevalec and Ljubljanski
dnevnik daily newspapers. These articles do not only report on the recepti-
on of particular productions, but also divulge information on the develo-
pment of the institution in terms of content
Music criticism and SNG Opera Ljubljana
There were as much as 273 newspaper articles pertaining to SNG Opera Lju-
bljana in the period from 1945 to 1963. In terms of content, these are mostly
articles dealing with music criticism, however, there is a number of anno-
uncements of the repertoire as well. This paper focuses on music criticism
dealing with the repertoire and its features. The number and distribution of
the articles is given in Table 1.