Page 16 - Beethoven, Ludwig van. Simfonija v F-duru, opus 68: »ljubljanski prepis« - Symphony in F major, opus 68: ‘Ljubljana transcript’. Uredil/Edited by Jonatan Vinkler. Koper, Ljubljana: Akademija za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani, Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2019.
P. 16
Leges Academiae Phil – Harmonicorum Labaci of 1701, therefore, the which historiography has analysed in detail, even in times of hard part-

spirit of the Platonic Academy is expectedly present with a newly re- ing of ideas in the 19th century. In our case, plenty of elements are avail-
vived freshness. It was cultured by all its founders who had been mem- able to claim: music, when free of other alloys and not abused for dif-
symphony in f major, opus 68: ‘ljubljana transcript’ bers of the somewhat older Academiae Operosorum earlier. Interesting ferent purposes, can not only be a joiner of mind and emotions of those
and meaningful at the same time is the close bond of this Ljubljana acad- who do not think alike, but also an inspirer of new creative paths. Mu-
emy’s founders with the Roman, distinctly literary-oriented Accadem- sic, in the power of its inner essence, knows very well that patriotism and
ia dell’Arcadia which appealed to the old tradition of shepherd-poets cosmopolitanism are natural allies, where nationalism, abusing its own
of the mythical Arcadia region in ancient Greece. Therefore, it is also nation and their feelings for its proper and not always good purposes, is
interesting to follow the mental shifts within the Philharmonic Socie- a parasite on both. The music of all times also knows this very well.
ty, searching for contact with their predecessor and its ideals from 1701 The connecting spirit remains alive, also under the new circumstanc-
on the wings of Romanticism, attracted by the glimpse in undamaged es of a young state of ancient roots, which is proven by the desire and all
prehistoric sources. This extensive succession of ideas is proven by nu- the actively united strengths that were selflessly at work the whole time
merous documents, written records confirmed by sources on anniversa- in this edition. To keep this ancient and connectively-collaborative spir-
ry celebrations (including an error in the date 1702 because of only read- it of humanism alive is the sole intent of this scientific and critical edi-
ing a single source, by Dolničar) to the end of activity in 1918 in the ruins tion of the manuscript source of Beethoven’s Symphony no. 6, ‘Pasto-
of the First World War. It is impossible to think or believe that Beethov- ral’, op. 68, which arrived precisely two hundred years ago from places
en could have known about all this, nor to know what was in his mind under Kahlenberg near Vienna, where Beethoven then resided, to Lju-
when, in his wish to stay true to written promise, he decided to send bljana, on the sunny side of the Julian Alps. But it also coincides with
his ‘Pastoral’ symphony to Ljubljana, and not some different compo- celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the first university in the Slove-
sition from the same creative period. Indeed, this is another fortunate nian language, the University of Ljubljana, and the 80th anniversary of
coincidence. Be it as it may, the shifts in naming that the Philharmon- the naming of Academy of Music of the University of Ljubljana, all in
ic Society had been giving itself in its statutes from 1793 (muzikalische a city that had already known higher studies long before, whereas musi-
Gesellschaft) and others from 1801 (philharmonische Gesellschaft), ob- cal interpretation and education even reaches in the Middle Ages. Jurij
viously hinting the naming of its century-older predecessor Academia Slatkonja (Georg Chrysippus Carniolus Labacensis), Baltazar of Mozir-
Phil-Harmonicorum from 1701, which had briefly withered before, very je (Baltasar Prasßpergius Meerspurgensis), Jacobus Handl Gallus Carn-
clearly show that the Philharmonic Society did not wish to break with iolus, and many others, did not spring from nothing. We are all part of
the models and the ideal conception of its founders a hundred years century-old happenings and endeavours, their fruit and successors, even in
previous. changing times brought together by values similar and greater than time,
The Philharmonic Society has long, until the hard parting of ideas the noble and perhaps most intimate expression is music as well.
on the wings of growing militant nationalism in the last third of the 19th
century – the latter unfortunately brought to its abolishment at the end On behalf of
of the war in 1918 – also united in a creative cohabitation the Germans University of Ljubljana Academy of Music
and Italians who had then been living in Ljubljana. Meaningful are nu- National and University Library
merous documented evidence and expressions of uniting collaboration University of Primorska
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