Page 14 - Beethoven, Ludwig van. Simfonija v F-duru, opus 68: »ljubljanski prepis« - Symphony in F major, opus 68: ‘Ljubljana transcript’. Uredil/Edited by Jonatan Vinkler. Koper, Ljubljana: Akademija za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani, Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2019.
P. 14
transcript of the symphony kept in the composer’s birth city of Bonn, troducing readers to understanding Beethoven’s ‘Ljubljana’ manuscript.

and other documents concerning this symphony. Apart from the desire The contribution of Ph.D. Jernej Weiss focuses on the formative and
to present to the public an integral and legible manuscript of Beethov- content outlines of Symphony no. 6 in F major, op. 68 – ‘Pastoral’, its
symphony in f major, opus 68: ‘ljubljana transcript’ en’s ‘Pastoral’, which is also significant due to the composer’s authori- installation, and the composer’s, in broader time-and-social space, but
sation and autographic annotations, the edition simultaneously carries also simultaneously in the narrower musical environment of the then
out its duty toward the joint European cultural treasury, an obligation to Ljubljana, especially the Philharmonic Society and Beethoven’s honor-
the common good in united Europe. ary membership of it. Particular attention is dedicated to the perplexing
A direct incentive, however, was the mentioned 200th anniversary of question of the manuscript score’s arrival in Ljubljana.
the composer’s personal contact with Ljubljana, which the Academy of Also partially related to this question is the second chapter by Ph.D.
Music of the University of Ljubljana wanted to separately commemorate Alenka Bagarič, containing a precise codicological description of the
with a concert performed by its symphony orchestra, as well as a printed Ljubljana authorised manuscript of the Pastoral, a description of various
scientific critical edition of this manuscript. With this, young musicians activity, shown by the annotations – especially those in Beethoven’s own
are to be offered a materially tangible contact with this famous conduc- hand – on the sides of the manuscript at its formation and later, and dif-
tor whom they encounter in numerous manners in their academic mu- ferent signs of also physical interventions into the score itself (e.g., trim-
sic studies. In peculiar shifts of history, the manuscript even dwelled un- ming of the book block into the quick edge), made to the manuscript
der the roof of the Academy of Music for a while, until delivered to its during changing of owners. A fortunate fact, however, is that the Ljub­
current, safer keeping in the Music Collection of the National and Uni- ljana manuscript of the ‘Pastoral’ is exceptionally clear and legible in its
versity Library. A precious scientific and critical edition aspires first to musical part, including Beethoven’s annotations in the score and on its
be a living contact with conductor Ludwig van Beethoven, but will also margins. Compared to the first substantially damaged authorised tran-
become a gift upon special awards to those who prove themselves more script (Bonn), it is precisely the Ljubljana one that becomes a precious
expressively in musical performance or musicology. Those joining this ground for current and future research.
project, either as partners of this edition (Academy of Music, National Therefore, the codicological description is somewhat obviously fol-
and University Library, University of Primorska), or as its generous pa- lowed by two chapters that delve with musical insight into the peculiar-
trons (Goričane Paper Mill, Medvode, among others), will also act simi- ities and interpretative value of the ‘Ljubljana’ copy of Beethoven’s Sixth
larly. Without them, the Academy of Music of the University of Ljublja- Symphony. Uroš Lajovic, conductor, composer, and long-term professor
na would not have been able to produce this edition. of conducting at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna,
In publishing this manuscript source, apart from the initiator and summarised in both chapters his insights and realisations collected over
executor of the edition – the Academy of Music of the University of the in-depth reading of the manuscript in decades of direct contact with
Ljubljana – it is especially necessary to point to the National and Uni- this score and Beethoven’s music in general. In his findings, he raised some
versity Library in Ljubljana which – as the current keeper of the man- new questions that will have to be considered in future ‘first-hand’ (i.e.,
uscript – generously made high-resolution scans available. This contri- original text) editions, with a special emphasis on contemporary demands
bution forms – together with another five chapters – the central and ‘for a most authentic interpretation of the music text’ (Lajovic).
crucial physical core of this edition. Five academic contributions mere- None of the five contributions to this edition aim to limit the dis-
ly offer a broader scientific and critical comprehensive framework, in- cussion but are rather written in the unambiguous desire to open ques-
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