Page 8 - Beethoven, Ludwig van. Simfonija v F-duru, opus 68: »ljubljanski prepis« - Symphony in F major, opus 68: ‘Ljubljana transcript’. Uredil/Edited by Jonatan Vinkler. Koper, Ljubljana: Akademija za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani, Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2019.
P. 8
Jernej Weiss

293 Symphony no. 6 in F major, ‘Pastoral’,
by Ludwig van Beethoven, honorary member of the Philharmonic Society in Ljubljana

Alenka Bagarič
309 The authorised transcript of the score of Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony in F major, opus 68
Uroš Lajovic
323 The interpretative particularities of the copy of Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony

in National and University Library in Ljubljana
Uroš Lajovic
327 Revision report
Uroš Lajovic
335 The comparison of both transcripts of Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony

343 Viri in literatura
Sources and literature

349 Imensko kazalo

353 O tipografiji, oblikovanju in papirju
About the typography, design, and paper

355 Podporniki izdaje
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