Page 103 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 103
ntify how the user uses it. Connected home appliances also “understand” smart home appliances and mobile app for the health of adolescents 101
the instructions sent from the user via mobile application running on his/her
smart device like phone or tablet. Mobile application enables remote interac-
tion with the appliances and presentation of various digital content such as il-
lustrated instructions for use, images, recipes, tips and tricks, frequently asked
questions and answers, guidelines for healthy food preparation and nutrition,
suggestions for efficient energy and water consumption etc. (Figure 1).

The research team conducted a survey with a questionnaire in Slovenia
and the Netherlands in February and March 2019. The survey assessed the im-
pact of the aforementioned solutions on life-style changes, attitudes towards
healthy nutrition and responsible management of natural resources. We as-
sumed that the impact could be direct, as children and adolescents are already
meeting ICT very early, and through older members of the households.

A questionnaire was prepared based on Mobil Application Rating Scale
methodology (MARS) (Stoyanov, 2015) and adopted for smart home applianc-
es and mobile application case (Gorenje, 2017). The methodology used assesses
application quality on six dimensions (Table 1).

Table 1: Six aspects of assessing the quality of mobile application for smart
home appliances

Dimension Description No
of Questions
A) Engagement How fun, interesting, customisable, interactive (e.g. sends
B) Functionality alerts, messages, reminders, feedback, enables sharing), 5
C) Aesthetics well-targeted to audience the solutions are?
D) Information How the solutions are functioning? Are they easy to learn, nav- 4
E) Subjective quality igate? 3
Are the solutions well designed, visually appealing, do they use 7
F) Application specific harmonious colour scheme, etc?
Do the solutions contain quality information (e.g. text, feed- 4
back, measures, references) from a reliable source?
This section was constructed to capture users’ subjective feed- 6
back in relation to the developed solutions - smart home appli-
ances and mobile application.
Criteria adjusted and used to assess the perceived impact of
the app on the user’s knowledge, attitudes, intentions to change
as well as the likelihood of actual change in the target health

Questions from sections A trough E were rated using different 5-point
scales. Together with possible choices, additional explanations were given to
make user’s decisions easier. In section “F) Application specific”, statements
were offered to the user who had the possibility to choose from “1 – strongly
disagree” to “5 – strongly agree”.

In addition to this questionnaire, test users reported issues and elabo-
rated their recommendations to the internal help-desk department. These in-
sights will influence future improvements of the ConnectLife solutions.
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