Page 101 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 101
Smart home appliances and mobile app
for the health of adolescents

Matjaž Likar1, Elena Likar2

1 Gorenje d.o.o., Partizanska cesta 12, 3320, Velenje, Slovenia
2 University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business, Kardeljeva ploščad 17, 1000 Ljublja�-

na, Slovenia

Introduction: Modern ICT solutions change processes and relationships
in society. Children and adolescents are particularly exposed here. For
this reason, we need to address the use of ICT critically and responsibly,
exploiting its positive effects on adolescents in the fields of health, education
or interpersonal relationships. Methods: The study looked at the use of smart
home appliances and mobile application. The survey assessed the impact of
ICT on life-style, attitude towards healthy nutrition etc. We assumed that the
impact could be direct, as adolescents are already meeting ICT very early,
and through older members of the household.
Results: The results of the survey conducted with a questionnaire in the
beginning of 2019 in Slovenia and the Netherlands enable understanding
of the impacts of ICT: awareness of these solutions’ potential; improving
the attitude towards a healthy lifestyle; readiness to change behaviour.
The results were evaluated considering the sample size (n=11), which was
limited due to the high cost of the appliances. Discussion and conclusions:
Modern ICT has a positive impact on the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
Well-known solutions in the field of entertainment and social media attract
younger users easily. For this reason, it is also necessary to make products
such as household appliances with a corresponding application attractive for
adolescents. The important qualities of these solutions are interesting use,
and simple and safe operation.
Keywords: digitalization of society, adolescents, healthy lifestyle, smart
home appliances, mobile application
In the last two decades some information and communications technologies
(ICT) such as internet, mobile telephony, smart phones, digital and social me-
dia etc. were well adopted by our society. In the recent period, some new ICTs
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