Page 102 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 102
avje otrok in mladostnikov | health of children and adolescents 100 are entering our lives even faster. Examples are internet of things (IoT), smart
homes, 5G mobile communication, artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reali-
ty (VR), augmented reality (AR), self-driving vehicles, block chain technolo-
gy, cryptocurrency, and others. They all change processes and relationships in
the society, involving organizations and individuals alike. Because of all these
changes, we can detect occurrences of dysfunctional behaviour such as addic-
tion, poor communication, aggression etc. (Fuentes, 2018). Experts from differ-
ent fields like education, psychology, addiction treatment, IT development and
others support the use of modern technology, if used in a responsible manner,
while at the same time pointing to several negative consequences that this tech-
nology can cause (Bijeljac, 2019). Children and adolescents are particularly ex-
posed here. For this reason, we need to address the use of ICT critically and re-
sponsibly, exploiting its positive effects on adolescents in the fields of health,
education or interpersonal relationships.


Figure 1: Connected home appliances and mobile application
The study looked at the use of smart (connected) home appliances (i.e. refrig-
erator, oven induction hob, and hood) and mobile application from the Con-
nectLife set of solutions (Gorenje, 2019). Connected home appliances utilize
IoT technologies. Every connected appliance can with its sensors detect con-
ditions in its surroundings. Next important feature is the appliance’s ability to
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