Page 126 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 126
avje otrok in mladostnikov | health of children and adolescents 124 tion, 2006; Hojs, 2002). According to the Slovenian report of the epidemiolog-�
ical monitoring of Legionella for the year 2016 it appears twice more often in
men (Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje, 2016).

Risk factors – swimming pools
The environmental risk factors at swimming pool facilities are inadequate con-
struction, inappropriate managing and maintaining, pools with the higher
production of aerosols, technical interventions in facilities and interruptions
of the water cleaning system. Highly favorable conditions for the growth of Le-
gionella are warm water or higher temperatures, a smaller volume/quantity of
water and larger number of bathers, turbulence (fast movement of the water
and the bubbles), and bacterial nutrients washed of bathers (Pond, 2005; World
Health Organisation, 2007; World Health Organisantion, 2006; Hojs, 2002).
Sea water is not a suitable environment for Legionella. There is evidence that
sodium chloride inhibits growth of L. pneumophila (Pond, 2005). Swimming
pools with sea water does not pose a risk for legionellosis.

Sources of infection with Legionella
The possible origin of infection with Legionella are showers, plunge pools,
cooling towers, humidifiers and the highest risk of infection with Legionella
are pools with bubbling warm water, having a temperature between 20°C and
50°C that can form an aerosol (Pond, 2005).

Infection with Legionella
Infection with Legionella is caused by inhalation of small particles of water
or aerosol. Typically, the bacterium is not transmitted from person to person
(Pond, 2005).

The levels of measures for the prevention of Legionnaires’ disease
For easier understanding of the measures, we divided them into three levels:
- Preventive screening and preventive measures
- Measures in the presence of Legionella in the water supply network
- Measures in the presence of the occurrence of Legionnaires ‘ dis-


Precaution and preventive actions in swimming pools
Maintenance of swimming pools must be provided by internal control plans,
ensuring the safety of the bathing water. The plan allows identification of the
microbiological, physical and chemical agents, which may present a hazard to
human health. The implementation of the necessary measures and vigilance in
specific places - critical control points, must be controlled at the potential sites,
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