Page 129 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 129
ublic of Slovenia, no. 56/06. Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. public health measures for managing pollution with legionella in slovenian swimming pools 127

For the construction of the baths, we use only those materials, which are
being tested and are suitable for use. We have to consider materials that prevent
the growth of microorganisms. With this, we do not mean only on the pool
surface, but also taps and other water installation devices. We do not recom-
mended natural materials such as hemp or natural rubber, because these ma-
terials contribute to biofilm formation. Pipe, components of the hot tub should
have the smallest possible area. We do not recommend moving and bowed
tubes, because they increase the surface area and allows fluid retention, which
increases the risk for the creation of biofilm. Pipes must be accessible for clean-
ing. Tubes must also be easily removed and cleaned and disinfected (Official of
the Republic of Slovenia, no. 39/11, 64/11 – corr. and 59/15. Official Gazette of the
Republic of Slovenia, no. 88/03, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no.
56/06. Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 26/07).

In swimming pools with swirling warm water we need to measure chem-
ical and microbiological indicators once per year. According to national regu-
lation on minimal standard conditions of hygiene and other requirements for
bathing water, we sampled water for Legionella control once a year. Well main-
tained pools should not have Legionella presence in the water samples. Main-
tenance and cleaning devices (those with tele-heating, ventilation, air-condi-
tioning and showers) are carried out weekly or monthly. In hot tubes we are
sampling air vents (with swabs), shower heads, hoses and pipes, inlet and out-
let water (one liter of water), filters, compensatory pools and biofilms (Official
of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 39/11, 64/11 – corr. and 59/15. Official Gazette of
the Republic of Slovenia, no. 88/03, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia,
no. 56/06. Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 26/07).

The operator must keep appropriate documentation about disinfection,
cleaning, administration and maintenance of public baths. (World Health Or-�
ganisation, 2006; Official of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 39/11, 64/11 – corr. and
59/15. Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 88/03, Official Gazette of
the Republic of Slovenia, no. 56/06. Official Gazette of the Republic of Slove-�
nia, no. 26/07).

Measures after detection of Legionella in the swimming pools
Our legislation recommends that in the sample bathing water Legionella may
not be present. If we detect Legionella in bathing water, a water sample is non-
compliant (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 39/11, 64/11 – corr.
and 59/15.). WHO criteria for the assessment of the suitability of bathing waters
for swimming recommend, that at the time of detection of 100 bacterial colo-
nies per liter (colony forming units-CFU/l) is to say, that the system is under
supervision. Only if the number of bacterial colonies per liter > 100, we begin
with measures (Pond, 2005).
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