Page 135 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 135
Course of research and processing data
An online survey – 1KA was used for collecting opinions by nursing students.
Software SPSS was used to statistically analyse data. We used univariate and bi-
variate data for analysis.

Table 1 represents reasons for nursing students to implement physical activi-
ty. Students mostly decide for physical activity to reduce tension (M = 4,27; SO
= 0,98). We did not confirm statistically significant differences between high
school students and faculty students.

Table 1: Reasons to implement physical activity

Group physical activity and stress management in nursing students 133

Variable Together High school Faculty students Mann-Whitney test
Reducing tension M SD
Health and enjoy- 4.27 0.98 M SD M SD z p
ment 4.24 0.88 - 0.339 0.734
Body shaping 4.03 1.17 4.32 0.90 4.24 1.04 - 0.340 0.734
Reducing tension - 1.448 0.148
in educational en- 3.96 1.21 4.18 0.98 4.28 0.81
Developing skills 3.66 1.05 4.16 1.18 3.95 1.16
Fun 3.62 1.16
Hanging out with 3.59 1.26 3.79 1.22 4.07 1.19 - 1.535 0.125
friends 2.75 1.24
Excitement 2.43 1.23 3.72 1.10 3.62 1.02 - 0.463 0.643
Competition 3.57 1.19 3.65 1.15 - 0.502 0.616

3.52 1.29 3.63 1.24 - 0.609 0.543

2.88 1.36 2.67 1.16 - 0.764 0.445
2.53 1.31 2.37 1.19 -0.637 0.524

M – arithmetic mean; SD – standard deviation; p – statistical characteristic; Likert scale: 1
– not true at all, 2 – not true, 3 – sometimes true, sometimes not true, 4- true, 5 always true

Table 2: Opinions about the effects of physical activity on stress

Opinions Together Group Faculty students

Yes N% High school students N%
No 138 86.8 90 91.8
I don’t know 6 3.8 N% 3 3.1
15 9.4 48 78.7 5 5.1
3 4.9
10 16.4

N – number (absolute frequency), % – relative frequency in percents
   130   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140