Page 62 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 62
avje otrok in mladostnikov | health of children and adolescents 60 ety, affect the habits and lifestyles of adolescents and their leisure time, posing
new challenges and problems with regard to health and health-related behav-
ior. Young people use modern technologies for various online activities such
as playing games, using online networks and browsing the internet, which can
lead to different forms of addiction, including the common addiction to online
games and social networks (Kuss & Griffiths, 2012).

The purpose of this article is to investigate the frequency of game play-
ing, the signs of problematic use of social media and predictive factors for in-
ternet gaming disorders.

Sample and procedure
The data used in the present study was collected as part of the Health Behavior
in School-Aged Children: WHO collaborative study (HBSC; see http://www. in 2018. The HBSC study is a cross-national survey conducted every
four years among representative samples of 11-, 13-, and 15-year-old boys and
girls. In 2018, 17-year-old adolescents were included for the first time in Slove-
nia. An ethical approval for the survey is granted by the relevant ethics com-
mittee in each country.
The final analyzed sample consisted of 7749 students (48.7% girls and
51.3% boys). Within each respective class (in secondary schools as well as in ed-
ucation programs), the data was weighted by gender.

Measures and analysis
In line with the research question, with only the selected indicators being used,
i.e. those that measure online activities and are significantly associated with
games addiction in the literature. The model included the following independ-
ent variables: gender, age, family (family support, family conversations); school
and peers (support of friends, stress at school); health outcomes (psychosomat-
ic symptoms), health-related behaviors (sleep), and risky behaviors (beatings,

Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was performed by using
the SPSS 25 software. To determine the correlation between various online ac-
tivities and factors, a chi-square test (χ2) was used, and the single analysis of
variance was used to analyze average values. In the following part, we deter-
mined by multiple logistic regression analysis.

Preliminary data show that 5.1% of children and adolescents were lately cy-
berbullying others and 12.4% were cyberbullied (more boys and more 15-year-
olds). One fifth of adolescents (more boys) reported that they find it easier to
talk about their secrets, feelings and worries »online« compared to “in vivo”.
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