Page 87 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 87
luation of the nutritional profile of foods intended for the nutrition of chil- the inclusion of video content in educational activities ... 85
dren and the promotion of healthy food choices to children and parents.

We estimate that the video facilitates achievement of the following goals:

- it teaches consumers, primarily children and their parents, about
the way the sales corporations promote their products;

- it supplies the consumer with important facts about nutrition;
- it helps the consumer to assess nutritional values of food products

more critically;
- it provides the parent some techniques with which they can pro-

mote healthy eating habits to their child;
- it teaches children how to identify appropriate and inappropriate

food products in a store, based on the packaging.

The results of evaluating nutritional profiles of foods intended
for the nutrition of children, on the basis of which the video
was made
Within the project, the current state of the market was examined. Specific food
items that are being promoted to children in different shopping stores in Slo-
venia were identified and analysed. These items were examined in 9 stores (E.
Leclerc, Müller, DM, Spar, Hofer, Lidl, Mercator, Tuš, and Eurospin). It was
found that a lot of food items that were marketed for children had colourful
packaging, and included animal pictures and cartoon characters. The second
thing which was identified was the positioning of these items. They were al-
most always placed on the lower section of the stalls, where they could be easily
accessed by children. On the front panel of the packaging, such item was usual-
ly plastered with healthy labels like gluten free, no GMO or fat free that gave the
appeal of a healthy product. When it was examined further, most of the items
contained excess amount of sugar or other artificial sweeteners, fats and salt.
Based on these findings, a script was constructed using a storytelling for-
mat that was later adapted into a video.

Scenery of the video intended for children and parents based
on identified marketing strategies
In the introductory part, the video follows the story of a mother and her child
(Figure 1). During this phase, a few key phrases pop up to explain the position-
ing and design of the food items marketed to children. After that, another issue
is brought up with the misleading front cover of a package. In the middle part
of the video, these issues are further analysed and solutions to the problems are
brought forward. They are displayed in animation format using vector graph-
ics to attract the attention of the children (Figure 2). Alongside the animations,
a few key phrases are shown again that further notify the audience. The ending
of the video presents a disentanglement of the first part of the story.
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