Page 89 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 89
, plastering it with animal drawings or adding characters from children’s TV the inclusion of video content in educational activities ... 87
shows. That is what the scene (Figure 2) is trying to communicate to the watch-
ers. It’s also important for parents to be aware of the nutritional values and in-
gredients that are in present food products, especially fats, sugars and salts.
They can help themselves better understand these values using the online page
Veš Kaj Ješ (Figure 3), that has a stoplight system of showing the quality of a
product. If the values are marked red, the item is not suitable for regular con-

Figure 3: An overview of important nutrients and their values that are still
appropriate in a food item.
The technical concept of the video
The project was designed to apply 2 filming techniques (animation and film)
intertwining with each other, using 3 different software programs to achieve it.
Adobe Indesign was used for the artwork, since it has the tools to make vector
graphics. The finished animations of the vector drawings were done with Ado-
be After Effects. Using a Nikon D3200 camera, the introductory and conclu-
sion parts of the video were filmed. The last phase consisted of organising the
files into a single video and finishing it off with background music, sound ef-
fects and complementary text. To help with that the third program, Filmora,
was used.
The goal of nutrition education is to achieve adequate nutrition literacy. An im-
portant component of nutrition literacy is the ability to critically asses nutri-
tional values, quality and make good decisions when buying food products. For
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