Page 371 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik VII (2011), številka 13-14, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 371


UDC 141.319.8:2:1Bloch E.

Andrej Leskovic
Religion as a Symbolic Intent to the Highest Good in Ernst Bloch´s

Bloch’s philosophy of the utopian ultimum gives thinking about religion
special treatment because a utopian hope for the realization of the final aim of
the world has mostly been present precisely in religion through all cultural
history. Bloch finds religion to be a symbolic intent to the highest good. Ac-
cording to Bloch – in contrast to religion – the highest good is not transcen-
dental, hope transcends without transcendence, even though in the history of
religion there is a tendency towards untranscendental transcending. In reli-
gions, Bloch also reveals the rebellion against human self-alienation and alien-
ation from nature. The means of his approach to religion is not demytho-
logisation but detheocratisation. When interpreting the Bible, which is, accord-
ing to Bloch, the most revolutionary religious book and which can be read
through the eyes of the Communist Manifesto, Bloch pays attention to rebellious
features, which have mainly been pointed out by heretics. Bloch’s philosophy
inf luenced the Protestant and Catholic theology of the 20th century, even
though his thought is not theological.

UDC 1:2Tillich P.

Cvetka Hedžet Tóth
Paul Tillich und sein theonomer Gedanke

Der Artikel erörtert die Ansichten von Paul Tillich über philosophische
Theologie. Tillich betont ausdrücklich, daß philosophische Begriffe für die
Theologie absolut notwendig sind und niemals vermieden werden können.

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