Page 380 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik VII (2011), številka 13-14, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 380

UDC 821.163.6:284.1:929Kocbek E.

Mihael Glavan
Kocbek’s Protestant Christianity

Edvard Kocbek is one of a handful of the most outstanding intellectuals
and artists who left an essential mark on the life of Slovenes in the 20th cen-
tury. He impacted public cultural and political life right from his student years,
when he edited Catholic youth magazines, while in the 1930s he radically de-
parted from institutional church policy and caused a split in the Catholic peri-
odical Dom in svet (Home and the World). He explained his pre-war philosophical
and religious searches in articles, essays and lectures and recorded them exten-
sively in his diaries, while they were also ref lected in his poetry from that pe-
riod. He made an in-depth study especially of the contemporary French philo-
sophical thinking, on which he based his personalistic Christianity (L. Bloy, E.
Mounier, Esprit), which he presented in his articles, particularly in the periodi-
cal Dejanje (Action).

His ground-breaking action was to join the National Liberation Front and
thus link Slovene progressive Catholics with Communists and other left-wing
groups, who had decided on active partisan resistance against the occupying
forces. Just as in earlier times social conditions had “forced” Trubar to cross
over to the reformed evangelical church, so the liberation struggle decisively
placed Kocbek side by side with Communists, although never in a community
of unbelievers.

This article starts from the philosophical and theological bases of Kocbek’s
Christianity and his personal faith, but is based on and derived from his en-
tries in his Partisan diaries Tovarišija (Comradeship) and Listina (The Document).
The text leads the reader through Kocbek’s authentic reflections, which it links
and explains only so far that the author’s spiritual image and Christian thought
are clearly seen. In particular all those sections that speak explicitly of Kocbek’s
spiritual link with Protestant reformed Christianity are quoted in full.

UDC 322:347.23(430):284.1

Traugott Jähnichen
Mut zu Eigenverantwortung und unternehmerischem Handeln –
Wirtschaftsethische Impulse der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland

In dem Artikel soll nach den Impulsen der jüngsten Veröffentlichungen
der EKD für eine Neuorientierung des Wirtschafts- und Soziallebens gefragt
werden, um aus dem christlichen Glauben heraus Hinweise zur Gestaltung von

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