Page 379 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik VII (2011), številka 13-14, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 379
was published in 2001. The preparatory work for the dictionary also included
the work entitled The lexis of the Slovenian standard language of the 16th century
(Ljubljana, publishing house ZRC SAZU, ZRC SAZU, 2011), prepared by Kozma
Ahačič, Andreja Legan Ravnikar, Majda Merše, Jožica Narat in France Novak.
The monograph comprises fundamental lexicographical work. It contains
an inventory of common noun vocabulary acquired through a complete read-
out of all the book editions with a Slovenian text from the period 1550 – 1603
(a total of 53 works that vary in extent). The temporal framework was set by the
year of publication of the first Slovenian book and the publication of Megiser’s
multi-lingual dictionary, which included Slovenian.
The book is extremely rich in data. The introductory chapter, which has
the necessary tables added, is followed by 609 dictionary pages, with approxi-
mately 250,000 data quoted. Many of these are new. The work comprises 27,841
entry words (5,609 of which introduce see-references). The entry words are
equipped with word-class and other grammatical markers and with chrono-
logically arranged data about the sources (e.g. besednik sam. m ¦ P: 28 (TC
1550, TT 1557, TR 1558, TT 1560, TAr 1562, *P 1563, TO 1564, KB 1566, TL
1567, KPo 1567, TC 1574, TC 1575, DJ 1575, DPa 1576, TT 1577, JPo 1578,
TkM 1579, DC 1579, TT 1581-82, DB 1584, DC 1584, DM 1584, BH 1584, MD
1592, TPo 1595, TfM 1595, TfC 1595, MTh 1603)). The attribution of source
abbreviations made possible the consecutive, separate treatment of all the com-
pletely read-out works. The grammatical information, which follows the word-
class data, indicates the basic categorial properties of the entry words, such as
gender in nouns, aspect in verbs, etc. Homonyms are given separately, variant
ways of writing composite words, compound words with a connective vowel
and compound words without a connective vowel (together or separately), are
pointed out, for some groups of words warnings are appended to the entry
words about geographically restricted use or foreign origin. In particular pho-
netic, but partly also morphological and orthographic variation is indicated by
The abundant lexicographical data, especially grammatical, has involved
great endeavours on the part of the authors to arrive at appropriate, theoreti-
cally sound and systemically correct solutions. To realize such goals it was nec-
essary to carry out numerous analyses of the collected material, and with trans-
lated texts to make many comparisons with the originals, as well as undertak-
ing several extensive researches.
was published in 2001. The preparatory work for the dictionary also included
the work entitled The lexis of the Slovenian standard language of the 16th century
(Ljubljana, publishing house ZRC SAZU, ZRC SAZU, 2011), prepared by Kozma
Ahačič, Andreja Legan Ravnikar, Majda Merše, Jožica Narat in France Novak.
The monograph comprises fundamental lexicographical work. It contains
an inventory of common noun vocabulary acquired through a complete read-
out of all the book editions with a Slovenian text from the period 1550 – 1603
(a total of 53 works that vary in extent). The temporal framework was set by the
year of publication of the first Slovenian book and the publication of Megiser’s
multi-lingual dictionary, which included Slovenian.
The book is extremely rich in data. The introductory chapter, which has
the necessary tables added, is followed by 609 dictionary pages, with approxi-
mately 250,000 data quoted. Many of these are new. The work comprises 27,841
entry words (5,609 of which introduce see-references). The entry words are
equipped with word-class and other grammatical markers and with chrono-
logically arranged data about the sources (e.g. besednik sam. m ¦ P: 28 (TC
1550, TT 1557, TR 1558, TT 1560, TAr 1562, *P 1563, TO 1564, KB 1566, TL
1567, KPo 1567, TC 1574, TC 1575, DJ 1575, DPa 1576, TT 1577, JPo 1578,
TkM 1579, DC 1579, TT 1581-82, DB 1584, DC 1584, DM 1584, BH 1584, MD
1592, TPo 1595, TfM 1595, TfC 1595, MTh 1603)). The attribution of source
abbreviations made possible the consecutive, separate treatment of all the com-
pletely read-out works. The grammatical information, which follows the word-
class data, indicates the basic categorial properties of the entry words, such as
gender in nouns, aspect in verbs, etc. Homonyms are given separately, variant
ways of writing composite words, compound words with a connective vowel
and compound words without a connective vowel (together or separately), are
pointed out, for some groups of words warnings are appended to the entry
words about geographically restricted use or foreign origin. In particular pho-
netic, but partly also morphological and orthographic variation is indicated by
The abundant lexicographical data, especially grammatical, has involved
great endeavours on the part of the authors to arrive at appropriate, theoreti-
cally sound and systemically correct solutions. To realize such goals it was nec-
essary to carry out numerous analyses of the collected material, and with trans-
lated texts to make many comparisons with the originals, as well as undertak-
ing several extensive researches.