Page 387 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik VIII (2012), številka 15-16, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 387

primarily bears the stamp of acknowledging diversity. Different churches can
be understood as cooperating partners in the sense of Charte Oecumenice (2001).

Starting from this document, which represents a “binding measure” for the
“ecumenical culture of dialogue and cooperation” and obligates the church
signatories, tolerance deserves special attention and respect. With the intro-
duction of tolerance, the religious policy of the Hapsburgs 230 years ago was
placed on completely new foundations. Nowadays the thinking about toler-
ance must not only register the enormous political and social changes as re-
gards religion but also ask whether the required obligation to the Roman
Catholic upbringing of children – although this is given with attention to the
conscience of a non-Catholic partner – can be dropped as unsuitable in the
light of the Ecumenical Document.

UDC 726:27-28

Andreja Benko
Religious elements and their symbolism in the Lutheran Church

We have a legacy from the past of many church buildings, including Lu-
theran ones (Bodonci, Prekmurje), which in many elements differ from those
of other faiths, e.g. the Roman Catholic faith, although the basic architectural
typology to a large extent rakes it into account. Nowadays this difference is
most obvious primarily in the interiors and their furnishings, whereas in the
past the difference was noticeable in the buildings’ external appearance as well.

A particular emphasis is seen in the religious elements which make up the
interior of a Lutheran church and are repeated in all /such/ churches, since they
have a special symbolic value for believers. In the past much more than at present
people had recourse to symbols, to which they assigned a higher value and power.
An insight into the semantic structure of symbols shows us that they determine
practically all our important cultural and indeed human values.

UDC 274.5(497.4):271/279

Alexander Hanisch-Wolfram
Protestants and Slovenes in Carinthia 1780–1945

If we try to summarize the observation and results of the comparison of the
relationship of Protestants and Slovenes in the period 1780-1945, two conclu-
sions are possible:

1. Protestants and Slovenes in Carinthia as minority communities were an
obstacle to the ideal of a homogeneous society and in the increasingly national

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