Page 440 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik X (2014), številka 19-20, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 440
clares himself an atheist. Dialogue with world religions and with secularized
Western society should no longer be authoritative, but democratically open for
the truth of the other side. Above all the Vatican must accept dialogue with
Catholics in the USA. The nomination of the American Peter Wells to the posi-
tion of Assessor for General Affairs in the Vatican points to the increased influ-
ence of the American Church on the Vatican’s politics; the care for the pope’s
personal security is the responsibility of an American security network.
His key task on the world scale is resolving global social distress and trans-
forming the organization of the world economy. Vatican politics should be
re-directed from the area of political interests primarily to social care for the poor
majority of the world’s inhabitants, to endeavours for the moral transformation
of contemporary people, to building dialogue between the peoples and societies
of the world; and in the church arena to pastoral care. For this purpose he called
a bishops’ synod, which should also discuss the family and sexual morals. He
sent a questionnaire to the bishops and through them to believers about their
views on these matters. This introduction of a democratic testing of opinions in
itself represents a new form of dialogue with the believers’ “base” and thus abol-
ishes the absolutist authoritarianism of the Church’s teaching body.
Pope Bergoglio is changing relations in the Church with his stance as well as
with his measures. In this way he also provokes opposition. The success of his
reforms will depend primarily on the support of the higher clergy. Personnel
“purges” have so far marked his pontificate and remain a precondition for the
success of his reforms.
UDC 327(456.31:430)"1933/1944"
France Martin Dolinar
The Roman Catholic Church and the Third Reich
Firstly the author briefly describes the international position of the Holy See
after concluding the Lateran Treaty with Italy on 11 February, 1929. This resolved
the so-called “Roman Question” and ensured for the Holy See the status of a
legal person in international law, although with the important restriction for-
bidding the Holy See to intervene in international conflicts.
Following the unsuccessful attempt to establish diplomatic relations with
Soviet Russia, the Holy See endeavoured to provide legal protection for the
Catholic Church in that country after Hitler had assumed power in Germany.
This should have been ensured by the Concordat of 1933, but the Nazi regime
double-crossed them right at the beginning. The German bishops were not of
the same mind as to how to respond to breaches of the legal norms. A minority
clares himself an atheist. Dialogue with world religions and with secularized
Western society should no longer be authoritative, but democratically open for
the truth of the other side. Above all the Vatican must accept dialogue with
Catholics in the USA. The nomination of the American Peter Wells to the posi-
tion of Assessor for General Affairs in the Vatican points to the increased influ-
ence of the American Church on the Vatican’s politics; the care for the pope’s
personal security is the responsibility of an American security network.
His key task on the world scale is resolving global social distress and trans-
forming the organization of the world economy. Vatican politics should be
re-directed from the area of political interests primarily to social care for the poor
majority of the world’s inhabitants, to endeavours for the moral transformation
of contemporary people, to building dialogue between the peoples and societies
of the world; and in the church arena to pastoral care. For this purpose he called
a bishops’ synod, which should also discuss the family and sexual morals. He
sent a questionnaire to the bishops and through them to believers about their
views on these matters. This introduction of a democratic testing of opinions in
itself represents a new form of dialogue with the believers’ “base” and thus abol-
ishes the absolutist authoritarianism of the Church’s teaching body.
Pope Bergoglio is changing relations in the Church with his stance as well as
with his measures. In this way he also provokes opposition. The success of his
reforms will depend primarily on the support of the higher clergy. Personnel
“purges” have so far marked his pontificate and remain a precondition for the
success of his reforms.
UDC 327(456.31:430)"1933/1944"
France Martin Dolinar
The Roman Catholic Church and the Third Reich
Firstly the author briefly describes the international position of the Holy See
after concluding the Lateran Treaty with Italy on 11 February, 1929. This resolved
the so-called “Roman Question” and ensured for the Holy See the status of a
legal person in international law, although with the important restriction for-
bidding the Holy See to intervene in international conflicts.
Following the unsuccessful attempt to establish diplomatic relations with
Soviet Russia, the Holy See endeavoured to provide legal protection for the
Catholic Church in that country after Hitler had assumed power in Germany.
This should have been ensured by the Concordat of 1933, but the Nazi regime
double-crossed them right at the beginning. The German bishops were not of
the same mind as to how to respond to breaches of the legal norms. A minority