Page 233 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XIII (2017), številka 26, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 233
synopses, zusammenfassungen
The core of the article presents Reformation mysticism as the mysticism of the Word of God,
wherein a true union between man and God occurs on the grounds of faith. This existential event
is marked by paradox and ineffability, which characterizes it as mystical.
Four actual forms of this mystic spirituality are discerned: mysticism of the person of Jesus,
mysticism of the Gospel, Bible mysticism and communal/missional mysticism. Concrete examples
of mystic practices pertaining to each form are provided.
The article argues for the rehabilitation of the notion of mysticism within Protestantism and
concludes with some concrete challenges for contemporary Protestant Churches.
Keywords: mysticism, Protestantism, Reformation, Word of God, Jesus, Gospel, Scripture,
Martin Luther
UDC 274.5-55:929Trubar P.
Aleksander Erniša
Trubar and sacrament in the Lutheran Church
An examination of texts has shown the direction of Trubar’s thought and where he stands con-
cerning the most sensitive questions of Protestantism. Sacrament represented a break in theology
both within the Reformation and in the relation of the Lutheran Church to Roman Catholicism.
The differing aspects which led to this are emphasized in the article. And finally we would stress
that at the beginning Trubar still endeavoured to translate the term sacrament as skriune Suetine
Boshye (‘God’s secret holy things’), which he later dropped. The phrase skriune Suetine expresses
the essentially deeper theological content, but unfortunately Trubar decided to omit it. In analyz-
ing the term sacrament we have tried to answer the following three questions posed by Trubar: Kai
ſta ta dua Sacramenta? Sakai ye pag goſpud bug take Sacramente poſtauill? Kai nam pag ty Sacramen-
ti pomenio? (‘What are these two Sacraments? Why did the Lord God establish such Sacraments?
What do these Sacraments mean?’) Here there is an important stress on the fact that God’s prom-
ise is essential for the sacrament.
In the concluding section another important aspect of Protestant theology is made clear,
which is emphasized by the main Reformation writings. This teaching declares that the word and
the sacrament belong together, and there is a crucial symmetry between them, although the word
can exist without the sacrament, but the sacrament cannot exist without the word. For the word is
that which touches a person’s inmost being.

Prevod povzetkov v angleščino: Margaret Davis
Bibliografska obdelava: Helena Lemut

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