Page 232 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XIII (2017), številka 26, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 232
synopses, zusammenfassungen
nötigen Emanzipierung von der Religion. Von den Strömungen der Reformation stehen beide Au-
toren aufseiten Müntzers. Schon in dieser Phase vergleicht Engels Luther und Adam Smith, was
Marx übernimmt. Zwölf Jahre später beginnt Marx mit der Exzerpierung Luthers und nennt ihn
„der älteste deutsche Nationalökonom“. Der Großteil dieser Exzerpte wird dann im Kapital verwer-
tet. Schon früher interpretiert er Luthers Anlehnung an den Apostel Paulus im Zusammenhang der
Auftritte des historisch Neuen mit Berufung auf das glorreiche Alte. In den Siebzigern stellt Engels
die Reformation in Deutschland in den historischen Zusammenhang, zugleich aber spricht von
der Aktualität der protestantischen Theologie. Dann vergleicht er die naturwissenschaftliche und
die religiöse Revolution der Neuzeit. Seine erste Erwähnung Calvins ist kritisch: die Verbrennung
Servets. Erst 1886 und 1892 folgt eine positive Einschätzung Calvins. Die beiden Autoren sind, bei
aller ihrer Kritik der Religion, unmissverständlich Erben der christlichen Empathie.
UDC 274:1Tillich P.
Cvetka Hedžet Tóth
Paul Tillich – Contemporary Protestantism
The article Paul Tillich – Contemporary Protestantism analyses the connection between Tillich’s
Protestantism and his philosophical theology. The relation between philosophy and theology is one
of the central questions of Paul Tillich’s philosophical theology, so-called because he sees his work
as being “on the boundary line between philosophy and theology”. His concept of theonomous
metaphysics represents the point where philosophy and theology are in effect one and the same.
Very early on in his work, Tillich replaced the concept of the Absolute with the concept of “the Un-
conditional”. With the concept of “the Unconditional”, God is not understood primarily in a theo-
logical but in a philosophical way: we are indeed faced with modern theology and in some contexts
his theology seems not to be the voice of Theos but that of “the Unconditional”.
His philosophical theology looks for connections between the finite social and historical world
and the ultimate meaning of religion. Time is understood as kairos, the right, qualitative time in
comparison with formal, quantitative time. For Tillich the meaning of history on the basis of the
concept of kairos is an inescapable responsibility for history, responsibility rooted in the awareness
of the eternal. For the philosophy of history kairos in its general and specific aspects is every turn-
ing-point in history in which the eternal judges and transforms the temporal.
Keywords: Protestantism, metaphysics, philosophical theology, philosophy of religion, kairos.
UDC 274:27-587
Matjaž Črnivec
Reformation and the Mysticism of the Word of God
According to a commonly held opinion, Protestantism is opposed to mysticism of any kind.
However, it is now known that mystical texts and ideas played an essential role in the spiritual for-
mation of Martin Luther, who kept developing a certain “mysticism of faith” all his life. Other re-
search has shown that mystic spirituality has continued as a live, though usually marginal move-
ment, in various branches of Protestantism until today.
nötigen Emanzipierung von der Religion. Von den Strömungen der Reformation stehen beide Au-
toren aufseiten Müntzers. Schon in dieser Phase vergleicht Engels Luther und Adam Smith, was
Marx übernimmt. Zwölf Jahre später beginnt Marx mit der Exzerpierung Luthers und nennt ihn
„der älteste deutsche Nationalökonom“. Der Großteil dieser Exzerpte wird dann im Kapital verwer-
tet. Schon früher interpretiert er Luthers Anlehnung an den Apostel Paulus im Zusammenhang der
Auftritte des historisch Neuen mit Berufung auf das glorreiche Alte. In den Siebzigern stellt Engels
die Reformation in Deutschland in den historischen Zusammenhang, zugleich aber spricht von
der Aktualität der protestantischen Theologie. Dann vergleicht er die naturwissenschaftliche und
die religiöse Revolution der Neuzeit. Seine erste Erwähnung Calvins ist kritisch: die Verbrennung
Servets. Erst 1886 und 1892 folgt eine positive Einschätzung Calvins. Die beiden Autoren sind, bei
aller ihrer Kritik der Religion, unmissverständlich Erben der christlichen Empathie.
UDC 274:1Tillich P.
Cvetka Hedžet Tóth
Paul Tillich – Contemporary Protestantism
The article Paul Tillich – Contemporary Protestantism analyses the connection between Tillich’s
Protestantism and his philosophical theology. The relation between philosophy and theology is one
of the central questions of Paul Tillich’s philosophical theology, so-called because he sees his work
as being “on the boundary line between philosophy and theology”. His concept of theonomous
metaphysics represents the point where philosophy and theology are in effect one and the same.
Very early on in his work, Tillich replaced the concept of the Absolute with the concept of “the Un-
conditional”. With the concept of “the Unconditional”, God is not understood primarily in a theo-
logical but in a philosophical way: we are indeed faced with modern theology and in some contexts
his theology seems not to be the voice of Theos but that of “the Unconditional”.
His philosophical theology looks for connections between the finite social and historical world
and the ultimate meaning of religion. Time is understood as kairos, the right, qualitative time in
comparison with formal, quantitative time. For Tillich the meaning of history on the basis of the
concept of kairos is an inescapable responsibility for history, responsibility rooted in the awareness
of the eternal. For the philosophy of history kairos in its general and specific aspects is every turn-
ing-point in history in which the eternal judges and transforms the temporal.
Keywords: Protestantism, metaphysics, philosophical theology, philosophy of religion, kairos.
UDC 274:27-587
Matjaž Črnivec
Reformation and the Mysticism of the Word of God
According to a commonly held opinion, Protestantism is opposed to mysticism of any kind.
However, it is now known that mystical texts and ideas played an essential role in the spiritual for-
mation of Martin Luther, who kept developing a certain “mysticism of faith” all his life. Other re-
search has shown that mystic spirituality has continued as a live, though usually marginal move-
ment, in various branches of Protestantism until today.