Page 49 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(1) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 49
ia universitatisjektov so: valorizacija kulturnega produkta, valorizaci- the cultural product, valorisation of local communi-
4 | p. gr žinič – kultur ni tur izem in eu projekta ... 49 ja lokalne skupnosti, promocija destinacije s pomočjo ties, promotion of the destination through the cultur-
kulturnega turizma, desezonializacija s pomočjo kul- al tourism, reducing the seasonality in tourism demand
turnega turizma, povečanje prihodka subjektov, ne- through the cultural tourism, increasing the revenue of
posredno in posredno vezanih na kulturni produkt, the entities directly and indirectly connected to the cul-
vzpostavitev koncepta vodilnih destinacijskih prired- tural product, establishment a concept of leading des-
itev, vzpostavitev centrov za obiskovalce kulturne ded- tination events, establishment of visitors centres in the
iščine, razvoj kulturnih poti in obnovitev spomenikov. area of the cultural heritage, development of cultural
routes and restoring monuments.
Cultural products are products that may have a signif-
icant impact on the promotion of the destination Por- Alpe Adria Vita d.o.o. Strategija razvoja skupne-
torož & Piran and can reposition the destination on the ga čezmejnega integralnega turističnega pro-
tourist map. izvoda kulturni turizem »365 dni Riviere«.
Cultural products encourage creativity and enable de- Ljubljana: Alpa Adria Vita d.o.o., 2012.
velopment of the destination and also have economic
benefits. Aureus d.o.o. Problemska analiza stanja turiz-
Cultural tourism includes immovable and movable cul- ma na slovenski strani – riviera Portorož s
tural heritage and cultural landscape. At the same time poudarkom na kulturnem turizmu v okviru
cultural tourism stimulates development of a tour- projekta z akronimom »365 dni riviere. Izo-
ist destination as a destination that attracts tourists la: Aureus, 2011.
throughout the year the year (365 days), as the products
of cultural tourism are available through all year. Hosting d.o.o. Strategija razvoja turizma v ob-
Cultural tourism in the Municipality of Piran is defined čini Piran 2009-2015. Integralni dokument.
in the Strategy of tourism development of the Munici- Ptuj: Hosting d.o.o., 2009.
pality of Piran 2009-2015. Cultural tourism of the desti-
nation Portorož & Piran is in the early stages of its devel- Sedmak, G., Nemec Rudež, H., Podovšovnik
opment, the consumption and the number of overnight Axelsson, E., Baruca Zabukovec, P., Koci-
stays are negligibly low. In the Municipality of Piran and per, T., in Gržinič, N. Tržna raziskava o tu-
at the destination Portorož & Piran it is not defined ristih v Portorožu – Poletje 2011. Portorož:
who the main development actors of the cultural tour- Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za tu-
ism should be. The new strategy of the tourism devel- ristične študije Turistica, 2011.
opment in the Municipality of Piran should establish an
institution that would be responsible for the develop- Zadarska županija. HERA – Tourism of Adria-
ment of cultural tourism. Furthermore, the new strate- tic Heritage. Joint Action Plan. Zadar: Za-
gy should set the funding source that would enable the darska županija, 2015.
development of cultural tourism at the destination.
The Tourist Board Portorož participated and still par-
ticipates in two projects financed by the EU in the field
of cultural tourism with the purpose give the cultur-
al product on the destination a value and to enable the
development of cultural tourism. In 2012, the Tourist
Board participated in the EU project called 365 days of
the Riviera. Since 2014 the Tourist Board also takes part
at the EU project HERA – Tourism of Adriatic Her-
itage. The objectives of the project are: valorisation of
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