Page 65 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 4(1) (2016)
P. 65
ia None decisive singular opinion aroused fromuniversitatis the students were submitted to acitivities that
southern Istria (Pula-Pola and surroundings). detected the concrete lexical-semantic compe-
lear ners of italian as l2 and the awar eness of the cultur al connotation of wor ds 65 tence of the most popular intercultural centers
The situation of secondary schools is shown of interest. In that sense, we skipped the entries
in the following table. “fairy tales” and “games”, because they were re-
ported as less meaningful for the sociolinguis-
Table 2. School activities that promote interculturality in tic test. Different from the formal linguistic
secondary schools competences, the intercultural competences,
which embrace the acquisition of contents, val-
Answers Zone % ues, opinions of the C2, cannot be quantified.
Games Trying to find the procedures able to evaluate
(χ2=16.019;df=3; 1 53.1 the degree of the reached intercultural compe-
p<.001) 2 21.9 tence, even without the support of the consol-
Materi- 3 9.4 idated theories, we moved on the track of the
al world (items) 4 15.6 Council of Europe indications (2001),23 try-
(2=40.953;df=3; ing to find the possible traces in the evalua-
p<.001) 1 28.4 tion of semantic fields, including phraseology.
2 41.5 The original idea aroused from the certainty
3 27.3 that the development and training of linguis-
4 2.8 tic abilities shall never be proposed nor pur-
sued as purpose to themselves, but as tools of
As can be seen, the differences among the a richer participation to social and intellectual
zones are particularly evident: in the zone of Pu- life. The training of the verbal abilities should
la-Pola there were 53.1% of votes given to the en- always be motivated within the study activi-
try “games”, while the eastern zone of Labin-Al- ties, research, discussion, participation, and in-
bona did not approve the same idea (9.4%). It can dividual and team production. For that reason,
be supposed that in the memory storage of stu- our first activity investigated the intercultural
dents in Pula-Pola and surroundings, there was knowledge, intended as the capacity to identi-
an emersion of a higher certainty based on the fy the meanings, information and connotations
importance of play (game) meetings for a more present in the “other” culture. By means of ask-
active manifestation of interculturality. On the ing such questions as “What can you say about
other hand, the youth of the eastern zone regard- Italian history/religion/food/music/material
ed playing as an internationalized and universal items?”, or “If I tell you - Italian history/Ital-
activity not having local characteristics and ex- ian religion/...- what do you think of?”, I man-
pressions any more, perhaps too often referred to aged to structure the five centers of interest in
as the entertainment of the new media, like the their constituent parts (Table 3). All the centers
Internet and various softwares. Another relevant of interest arouse cultural connotations appli-
difference, concerning the importance of mate- cable to every single inquired sphere. The sourc-
rial world items in reaching intercultural com- es for their knowledge are mainly school hand-
petence during lessons of Italian L2, aroused be- books and everyday communication with their
tween the western (41.5%) and the central zone Italian teachers.
23 Council of Europe, Common European Framework of Reference for
Lexical-semantic analysis Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment (Cambridge: Cambridge
The data obtained from the sociolinguistic University Press, 2001).
analysis were certainly indicative, but not suffi-
cient to identify which would be the most “pro-
lific” center of interest, and whether the seman-
tic competence of students justified the answers
expressed in the questionnaire. For that reason,
   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70