Page 64 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 4(1) (2016)
P. 64
e also the opinions stating that the rituals de- Table 1. School activities that promote interculturality in
scribed in history texts and the study of religions middle schools
enable the direct contact with elements of oth-
studia universitatis her editati, letnik 4 (2016), številk a 1 64er cultures (50.6% and 41.2%). Less importanceAnswersZone%
was given at the intermediary role of particu- History books
hereditatilar types of food, the reading of fairy tales and(χ2= 8.73; df= 3; p<.033)126
games (27.6%; 8.65%; 6.1%). Food 2 44.8
(χ2= 36.25; df= 3; p<.001) 3 17.7
The first reflection developed afterwards is Music 4 11.5
focused primarly on an operative point of view. (χ2= 37.34; df= 3; p<.001)
The underlying problem is not only related to Games 1 20
updating and enriching the cultural contents, (χ2= 37.34; df= 3; p<.001) 2 26.7
possibly by adding more texts concerning for- Material world (items) 3 6.7
eign cultures or providing a greater quantity of (χ2= 23.139; df= 3; p<.001) 4 46.7
information regarding foreign costumes and tra- Other 1 21.7
ditions. A lesson of culture and civilization may ( χ2= 11,.5; df= 3; p<.008) 2 30.8
undertake ambitious and very informative pro- 3 14
grams and may face important fields of study, 4 33.6
like literature, politics, law or artistic traditions 1 17.8
of a country. However, it does not free the learn- 2 31.1
ers from the arousal of related questions. We 3 33.3
should not reflect upon the quantity and qual- 4 17.8
ity of information, but on the modality to pres- 1 26.1
ent and inquire them. 2 42.9
3 23.5
The results of the sociolinguistic test were 4 7.6
interpreted in relation to the variable of the place 1 28
(zone) of origin of the participants. The analysis 2 20
showed an interesting situation. The Istrian pen- 3 8
insula was devided in four zones of origin: 1. the 4 44
southern zone (Pula-Pola), 2. the western zone
(Buje-Buie, Poreč-Parenzo, Umag-Umago), 3. Concerning the opinion of the students of
the eastern zone (Labin-Albona), 4. the central western Istria middle schools, in the cities of Bu-
zone (Pazin-Pisino, Žminj-Gimino). As shown je-Buie, Umag-Umago and Poreč-Parenzo, they
in Table 1, the school activities of middle schools seemed to attribute an essential value to histo-
where the students encountered intercultur- ry textbooks as major contributors for divulging
al elements evidenced as statistically significant interculturality. In central Istria, in the town of
(p<.001) were compared in the following results, Pazin-Pisino, it was claimed that food and music
on the basis of the four zones of reference: belong to the most meaningful topics for gain-
ing a satisfactory degree of interculturality of the
school population. The interculture seemed to
be manifested even through games and habits of
people in plurilingual places. Therefore, the par-
ticipants from Labin-Albona and eastern Istria
recognized themselves particularly in those ac-
itivities. Morever, western Istria recognized in-
terculturality through the use and presence of
culturally marked objects. The students in the
central part stated that there are other elements
that guarantee the access to different cultures.
scribed in history texts and the study of religions middle schools
enable the direct contact with elements of oth-
studia universitatis her editati, letnik 4 (2016), številk a 1 64er cultures (50.6% and 41.2%). Less importanceAnswersZone%
was given at the intermediary role of particu- History books
hereditatilar types of food, the reading of fairy tales and(χ2= 8.73; df= 3; p<.033)126
games (27.6%; 8.65%; 6.1%). Food 2 44.8
(χ2= 36.25; df= 3; p<.001) 3 17.7
The first reflection developed afterwards is Music 4 11.5
focused primarly on an operative point of view. (χ2= 37.34; df= 3; p<.001)
The underlying problem is not only related to Games 1 20
updating and enriching the cultural contents, (χ2= 37.34; df= 3; p<.001) 2 26.7
possibly by adding more texts concerning for- Material world (items) 3 6.7
eign cultures or providing a greater quantity of (χ2= 23.139; df= 3; p<.001) 4 46.7
information regarding foreign costumes and tra- Other 1 21.7
ditions. A lesson of culture and civilization may ( χ2= 11,.5; df= 3; p<.008) 2 30.8
undertake ambitious and very informative pro- 3 14
grams and may face important fields of study, 4 33.6
like literature, politics, law or artistic traditions 1 17.8
of a country. However, it does not free the learn- 2 31.1
ers from the arousal of related questions. We 3 33.3
should not reflect upon the quantity and qual- 4 17.8
ity of information, but on the modality to pres- 1 26.1
ent and inquire them. 2 42.9
3 23.5
The results of the sociolinguistic test were 4 7.6
interpreted in relation to the variable of the place 1 28
(zone) of origin of the participants. The analysis 2 20
showed an interesting situation. The Istrian pen- 3 8
insula was devided in four zones of origin: 1. the 4 44
southern zone (Pula-Pola), 2. the western zone
(Buje-Buie, Poreč-Parenzo, Umag-Umago), 3. Concerning the opinion of the students of
the eastern zone (Labin-Albona), 4. the central western Istria middle schools, in the cities of Bu-
zone (Pazin-Pisino, Žminj-Gimino). As shown je-Buie, Umag-Umago and Poreč-Parenzo, they
in Table 1, the school activities of middle schools seemed to attribute an essential value to histo-
where the students encountered intercultur- ry textbooks as major contributors for divulging
al elements evidenced as statistically significant interculturality. In central Istria, in the town of
(p<.001) were compared in the following results, Pazin-Pisino, it was claimed that food and music
on the basis of the four zones of reference: belong to the most meaningful topics for gain-
ing a satisfactory degree of interculturality of the
school population. The interculture seemed to
be manifested even through games and habits of
people in plurilingual places. Therefore, the par-
ticipants from Labin-Albona and eastern Istria
recognized themselves particularly in those ac-
itivities. Morever, western Istria recognized in-
terculturality through the use and presence of
culturally marked objects. The students in the
central part stated that there are other elements
that guarantee the access to different cultures.