Page 101 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 101
ia universitatiscient and holistic action in all forms of heritage age as a raw material for making profits. It is about knowl-
heritage marketing in tourism 101 valorization in tourism. edge and skills and a set of tools that help in achieving
different goals related to the integration of heritage into
To conclude, I would like to draw attention the tourist offer. It is important that these goals, which
on some often-overlooked facts from the field of can be very diverse (and by no means only financial), are
heritage valorization in tourism. If local people determined by those who manage the heritage. The ba-
do not know that something is their heritage, in sic idea of heritage marketing is to achieve a “fair” ex-
the eyes of tourists this is not heritage but histo change between the supply and demand, which meets
ry.5 Most tourists want to get to know the her the needs/wishes of visitors/tourists and the interests of
itage only superficially in a funny way;6 motives managers/providers of heritage, while at the same time
for visiting heritage attractions are very hetero preserving the physical and symbolic value of the her-
geneous (in addition to the basic four Es - enter itage.
tainment, escape, aesthetics, education, these are
also “an opportunity to socialize”, “to kill time”, Bibliography
“random” visit, nostalgia ...).7 Heritage market
ing is mainly about being able to see the heritage Apostolakis, Alexandros. “The Convergence
(also) through the eyes of tourists. Process in Heritage Tourism.” Annals of
Tourism Research 30 (2003): 795–812.
Brezovec, Aleksandra, Gorazd Sedmak, Ksenija
Čeprav se o marketingu dediščine govori in piše že vsaj Vodeb and Petra Kavrečič. Srce Istre:
trideset let, ga humanisti (če že) sprejemajo dokaj zadr- kulturna dediščina skozi oči turistične
žano. Del te zadržanosti gre gotovo pripisati nerazume- javnosti. Koper: Založba Annales, 2007.
vanju vloge marketinga pri turistični valorizaciji dediš-
čine. Marketing ni aktivnost, ki bi imela dediščino za Chhabra, Deepak. Sustainable Marketing of
surovino, iz katere se kujejo dobički. Gre za znanja in Cultural and Heritage Tourism. New York:
veščine ter nabor orodij, s pomočjo katerih se dosega- Routledge, 2010.
jo različni cilji, povezani z vključevanjem dediščine v tu-
ristično ponudbo. Pomembno je, da te cilje, ki so lahko Church, Nancy J. Marketing for nonprofit
zelo raznoliki (in nikakor ne samo finančni), določa tisti, cultural organizations. Plattsburgh, New
ki upravljala z dediščino. Osnovna ideja marketinga de- York: Clinton-Essex-Franklin Library
diščine je, da se med ponudbo in povpraševanjem dose- System, 1986.
že »poštena« izmenjava, ki zadovolji potrebe oz. želje
obiskovalcev/turistov in interese upravljalca/ponudni- Cohen, Erik. “Authenticity and
ka dediščine, obenem pa se ohranja fizično in simbolno Commodization in Tourism.” Annals of
vrednost dediščine. Tourism Research 15 (1988): 371–86.
Summary Hannnahs, Todd, “Underwater Parks versus
Preserves: Data or Access.” In Submerged
Although the concept of heritage marketing has been Cultural Resourse Management, eds. James
already present for at least thirty years, the humanists (if D. Spirek and Della A. Scott-Ireton, 5–16.
they do) accept it quite suspiciously. Partially, this reti- New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum
cence can be ascribed to the lack of understanding of Publishers, 2003.
the role of marketing in the tourism valorization of her-
itage. Marketing is not an activity that would use herit- Poria, Yaniv, Richard Butler and David Airey.
“Links between Tourists, Heritage, and
5 Poria, Butler and Airey, “Links between Tourists.” Reasons for Visiting Heritage Sites.”
Journal of Travel Research 43 (2004): 19–
6 Brezovec et al., Srce Istre. 28.
7 Sedmak, Brezovec, “Visitors´ preferences for museum interpreta- Rentschler, Ruth. “Museum and Performing
tion.” Arts Marketing: A Climate of Change.”
The Journal of Arts Management, Law,
heritage marketing in tourism 101 valorization in tourism. edge and skills and a set of tools that help in achieving
different goals related to the integration of heritage into
To conclude, I would like to draw attention the tourist offer. It is important that these goals, which
on some often-overlooked facts from the field of can be very diverse (and by no means only financial), are
heritage valorization in tourism. If local people determined by those who manage the heritage. The ba-
do not know that something is their heritage, in sic idea of heritage marketing is to achieve a “fair” ex-
the eyes of tourists this is not heritage but histo change between the supply and demand, which meets
ry.5 Most tourists want to get to know the her the needs/wishes of visitors/tourists and the interests of
itage only superficially in a funny way;6 motives managers/providers of heritage, while at the same time
for visiting heritage attractions are very hetero preserving the physical and symbolic value of the her-
geneous (in addition to the basic four Es - enter itage.
tainment, escape, aesthetics, education, these are
also “an opportunity to socialize”, “to kill time”, Bibliography
“random” visit, nostalgia ...).7 Heritage market
ing is mainly about being able to see the heritage Apostolakis, Alexandros. “The Convergence
(also) through the eyes of tourists. Process in Heritage Tourism.” Annals of
Tourism Research 30 (2003): 795–812.
Brezovec, Aleksandra, Gorazd Sedmak, Ksenija
Čeprav se o marketingu dediščine govori in piše že vsaj Vodeb and Petra Kavrečič. Srce Istre:
trideset let, ga humanisti (če že) sprejemajo dokaj zadr- kulturna dediščina skozi oči turistične
žano. Del te zadržanosti gre gotovo pripisati nerazume- javnosti. Koper: Založba Annales, 2007.
vanju vloge marketinga pri turistični valorizaciji dediš-
čine. Marketing ni aktivnost, ki bi imela dediščino za Chhabra, Deepak. Sustainable Marketing of
surovino, iz katere se kujejo dobički. Gre za znanja in Cultural and Heritage Tourism. New York:
veščine ter nabor orodij, s pomočjo katerih se dosega- Routledge, 2010.
jo različni cilji, povezani z vključevanjem dediščine v tu-
ristično ponudbo. Pomembno je, da te cilje, ki so lahko Church, Nancy J. Marketing for nonprofit
zelo raznoliki (in nikakor ne samo finančni), določa tisti, cultural organizations. Plattsburgh, New
ki upravljala z dediščino. Osnovna ideja marketinga de- York: Clinton-Essex-Franklin Library
diščine je, da se med ponudbo in povpraševanjem dose- System, 1986.
že »poštena« izmenjava, ki zadovolji potrebe oz. želje
obiskovalcev/turistov in interese upravljalca/ponudni- Cohen, Erik. “Authenticity and
ka dediščine, obenem pa se ohranja fizično in simbolno Commodization in Tourism.” Annals of
vrednost dediščine. Tourism Research 15 (1988): 371–86.
Summary Hannnahs, Todd, “Underwater Parks versus
Preserves: Data or Access.” In Submerged
Although the concept of heritage marketing has been Cultural Resourse Management, eds. James
already present for at least thirty years, the humanists (if D. Spirek and Della A. Scott-Ireton, 5–16.
they do) accept it quite suspiciously. Partially, this reti- New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum
cence can be ascribed to the lack of understanding of Publishers, 2003.
the role of marketing in the tourism valorization of her-
itage. Marketing is not an activity that would use herit- Poria, Yaniv, Richard Butler and David Airey.
“Links between Tourists, Heritage, and
5 Poria, Butler and Airey, “Links between Tourists.” Reasons for Visiting Heritage Sites.”
Journal of Travel Research 43 (2004): 19–
6 Brezovec et al., Srce Istre. 28.
7 Sedmak, Brezovec, “Visitors´ preferences for museum interpreta- Rentschler, Ruth. “Museum and Performing
tion.” Arts Marketing: A Climate of Change.”
The Journal of Arts Management, Law,