Page 97 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 97
ia universitatisProjekt NAVIS - presentation and promotion of cultural
97 (archeological) heritage through the construction
and use of historic vessels
Matej Draksler, Mojca Fras, Rene Masaryk
Pričujoče besedilo je kratko poročilo o projektu NAVIS, s katerim želimo okrepiti zavest o arheolo-
ški dediščini; v ta namen gradimo zgodovinska plovila z uporabo orodij in tehnik, ki so kolikor mogo-
če blizu izvirnim.
Ključne besede: Projekt Navis, zgodovinska plovila, zgodovinska orodja, kulturna dediščina, deblak, ve-
slanje, eksperimentalna arheologija
This paper is a report about the project NAVIS, through which we try to raise the awareness of archae-
ological heritage through construction of historical vessels using historically authentic tools and tech-
Keywords: Projekt Navis, historical vessels, ancient tools, cultural heritage, logboat, paddling, experi-
mental archaeology
In 2016 we have begun with the realization
of the long-term project of the reconstruc- will use reconstructions of stone tools from vari-
tion of historic vessels. Each year a vessel that ous known slovenian archaeological sites.
As mentioned above we use mostly recon-
once sailed along the Ljubljanica River, lakes or structed tools as our goal is not only to construct
sea, is reconstructed and presented to the pub- the vessel but also to understand, learn and use
lic (schools, the professional and general public). the techniques that were used in the construc-
Since the beginning of the project students of ar- tion of such vessels. Each construction was fol-
chaeology and other volunteers constructed two lowed by launching of the boat on the Ljubljan-
Roman logboats under the guidance of experts. ica River and promotional paddling with the
The building site was opened to the public and intention to revive the use, which was typical for
anyone was able to observe or participate, as we such a vessel and also contribute to the revitali-
encourage the visitors to join in and experience zation of the former waterway.
life in the past in a original way. The project is implementant on many lev-
The practical part of project is always held els - education, promotion and tourism. In co-
in spring and summer. During autumn and win- operation with the Department of Archaeology,
ter nights we are researsching ancient vessels, de- Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana we carrie
veloping project and connect people who are in out the practical training for 3rd year students.
love with experimental archaeology. In this year In cooperation with the Museum and Galleries
edition of the project in May and June, we will of Ljubljana, we present the heritage of the Lju-
construct two prehistoric longboats that sailed bljanica River and the pilot project of the recent-
Ljubljana’s marshes in neolithical period. We ly opened experience and exhibition site in Vrh-
97 (archeological) heritage through the construction
and use of historic vessels
Matej Draksler, Mojca Fras, Rene Masaryk
Pričujoče besedilo je kratko poročilo o projektu NAVIS, s katerim želimo okrepiti zavest o arheolo-
ški dediščini; v ta namen gradimo zgodovinska plovila z uporabo orodij in tehnik, ki so kolikor mogo-
če blizu izvirnim.
Ključne besede: Projekt Navis, zgodovinska plovila, zgodovinska orodja, kulturna dediščina, deblak, ve-
slanje, eksperimentalna arheologija
This paper is a report about the project NAVIS, through which we try to raise the awareness of archae-
ological heritage through construction of historical vessels using historically authentic tools and tech-
Keywords: Projekt Navis, historical vessels, ancient tools, cultural heritage, logboat, paddling, experi-
mental archaeology
In 2016 we have begun with the realization
of the long-term project of the reconstruc- will use reconstructions of stone tools from vari-
tion of historic vessels. Each year a vessel that ous known slovenian archaeological sites.
As mentioned above we use mostly recon-
once sailed along the Ljubljanica River, lakes or structed tools as our goal is not only to construct
sea, is reconstructed and presented to the pub- the vessel but also to understand, learn and use
lic (schools, the professional and general public). the techniques that were used in the construc-
Since the beginning of the project students of ar- tion of such vessels. Each construction was fol-
chaeology and other volunteers constructed two lowed by launching of the boat on the Ljubljan-
Roman logboats under the guidance of experts. ica River and promotional paddling with the
The building site was opened to the public and intention to revive the use, which was typical for
anyone was able to observe or participate, as we such a vessel and also contribute to the revitali-
encourage the visitors to join in and experience zation of the former waterway.
life in the past in a original way. The project is implementant on many lev-
The practical part of project is always held els - education, promotion and tourism. In co-
in spring and summer. During autumn and win- operation with the Department of Archaeology,
ter nights we are researsching ancient vessels, de- Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana we carrie
veloping project and connect people who are in out the practical training for 3rd year students.
love with experimental archaeology. In this year In cooperation with the Museum and Galleries
edition of the project in May and June, we will of Ljubljana, we present the heritage of the Lju-
construct two prehistoric longboats that sailed bljanica River and the pilot project of the recent-
Ljubljana’s marshes in neolithical period. We ly opened experience and exhibition site in Vrh-