Page 98 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 98
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 98nika »The Ljubljanica River« to the local and
general public. Our goal is also to encourage the
hereditatiuse of archaeological heritage in the develop
ment of new tourism services so we organise and
promote various events with a name Deblak je
Skupina STIK (Arheofakt), Inštitut za podvodno arhe-
ologijo in institucija Škrateljc s še nekaj drugimi sodelu-
jočimi od leta 2016 sodelujejo v Projektu Navis – projekt
rekonstrukcije starih plovil. Cilj tega projekta je prezen-
tirati in promovirati kulturno (arheološko) dediščino
z osebno izkušnjo konstruiranja in rabe zgodovinskih
plovil. Skupina skuša vsako leto sestaviti plovilo iz dolo-
čenega zgodovinskega obdobja, in sicer z orodji in teh-
nikami, ki so kolikor mogoče blizu izvirnim. Z lastnimi
izkustvi javnosti predstavljamo načine življenja iz prete-
klosti, javnost pa je tudi vabljena k sodelovanju. Vsakdo
je dobrodošel pri projektu, da sodeluje pri gradnji plovil
in se udeležuje delavnic, ki potekajo med procesom nji-
hove gradnje. Ko so plovila končno nared, jih pošljemo
prvo plovbo po reki, jezeru ali morju – in preteklost vno-
vič za trenutek postane del sodobnega življenja ...
Since 2016, the institute Skupina STIK (Arheofakt),
Institute for Underwater Archaeology and institute
Škrateljc with other participants, are leading a Projekt
Navis - project of reconstructing old vessels. The aim of
this long-term project is to present and promote cultur-
al (archaeological) heritage through first-hand experi-
ence of constructing and use of historical vessels. Each
year the team attempts to construct a vessel from a cer-
tain historical period using tools and techniques, which
are high-scale copies of the ancient originals. With our
own experiences we are introducing to the public the
way of life in the past. Also the public is encouraged to
get involved in the project itself – everyone is welcome
to help building the boats and attend the many work-
shops and events which are being held during the time
of constructions of the mentioned vessels. Finally, when
the vessels are ready, we send them for their maiden voy-
age on the river, lake or the sea and so the past becomes
part of the contemporary life ...
general public. Our goal is also to encourage the
hereditatiuse of archaeological heritage in the develop
ment of new tourism services so we organise and
promote various events with a name Deblak je
Skupina STIK (Arheofakt), Inštitut za podvodno arhe-
ologijo in institucija Škrateljc s še nekaj drugimi sodelu-
jočimi od leta 2016 sodelujejo v Projektu Navis – projekt
rekonstrukcije starih plovil. Cilj tega projekta je prezen-
tirati in promovirati kulturno (arheološko) dediščino
z osebno izkušnjo konstruiranja in rabe zgodovinskih
plovil. Skupina skuša vsako leto sestaviti plovilo iz dolo-
čenega zgodovinskega obdobja, in sicer z orodji in teh-
nikami, ki so kolikor mogoče blizu izvirnim. Z lastnimi
izkustvi javnosti predstavljamo načine življenja iz prete-
klosti, javnost pa je tudi vabljena k sodelovanju. Vsakdo
je dobrodošel pri projektu, da sodeluje pri gradnji plovil
in se udeležuje delavnic, ki potekajo med procesom nji-
hove gradnje. Ko so plovila končno nared, jih pošljemo
prvo plovbo po reki, jezeru ali morju – in preteklost vno-
vič za trenutek postane del sodobnega življenja ...
Since 2016, the institute Skupina STIK (Arheofakt),
Institute for Underwater Archaeology and institute
Škrateljc with other participants, are leading a Projekt
Navis - project of reconstructing old vessels. The aim of
this long-term project is to present and promote cultur-
al (archaeological) heritage through first-hand experi-
ence of constructing and use of historical vessels. Each
year the team attempts to construct a vessel from a cer-
tain historical period using tools and techniques, which
are high-scale copies of the ancient originals. With our
own experiences we are introducing to the public the
way of life in the past. Also the public is encouraged to
get involved in the project itself – everyone is welcome
to help building the boats and attend the many work-
shops and events which are being held during the time
of constructions of the mentioned vessels. Finally, when
the vessels are ready, we send them for their maiden voy-
age on the river, lake or the sea and so the past becomes
part of the contemporary life ...