Page 99 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 99
ia universitatisHeritage Marketing in Tourism
Gorazd Sedmak, University of Primorska, UP FTŠ Turistica
Članek tematizira koncept marketinga dediščine. Osnovna ideja marketinga dediščine je, da se med po-
nudbo in povpraševanjem doseže »poštena« izmenjava, ki zadovolji potrebe oz. želje obiskovalcev/tu-
ristov in interese upravljalca/ponudnika dediščine, obenem pa se ohranja fizično in simbolno vrednost
Ključne besede: trženje dediščine, kulturna dediščina, turizem, turistična ponudba
This paper addresses the concept of marketing in heritage. The basic idea of heritage marketing is to
achieve a “fair” exchange between the supply and demand, which meets the needs/wishes of visitors/
tourists and the interests of managers/providers of heritage, while at the same time preserving the phys-
ical and symbolic value of the heritage.
Keywords: heritage marketing, cultural heritage, tourism, tourist offer
Although heritage marketing as a concept
has already been present in the world forgotten heritage.2 And, last but not least, who
for at least thirty years,1 in the last dec- are the “future generations” who will be entitled
to fully enjoy the heritage, and whether tourists
ade I have met several humanities experts who are also among them?
were rather suspicious of the very idea of h eritage In everyday life, people often equate mar-
marketing. “Heritage is something that needs to keting with promotion or advertising. Thus,
preserved for future generations, studied and in- in the present time, when we are “bombard-
terpreted, and certainly not exploited for mak- ed” with advertisements at every step, market-
ing profits!” In principle, I agree. I am also aware ing is perceived as something negative, aggres-
that inappropriate use of heritage by the tour- sive. However, promotion is only a part (and
ism industry, which often happens in practice not even the most important) of marketing.
and which leads to distortion, loss of authentic- Marketing is (according to American Market-
ity, physical or symbolic degradation or even de- ing Association;
struction, is harmful. However, sensible and pro- AMA/Pages/Definition-of-Marketing.aspx)
fessional valorization of heritage in tourism can »the activity, set of institutions, and processes
be a source of revenue, which can be invested in for creating, communicating, delivering, and ex-
preservation and protection of heritage and of- changing offerings that have value for custom-
fers opportunities for new jobs for local people. ers, clients, partners, and society at large«. It is a
In many cases, tourism even helps intangible process of searching information, designing and
heritage to survive or even resuscitates already implementing a product concept, pricing poli-
1 E. g. Church, Marketing. 2 Cohen “Authenticity and Commodization,” 382.
Gorazd Sedmak, University of Primorska, UP FTŠ Turistica
Članek tematizira koncept marketinga dediščine. Osnovna ideja marketinga dediščine je, da se med po-
nudbo in povpraševanjem doseže »poštena« izmenjava, ki zadovolji potrebe oz. želje obiskovalcev/tu-
ristov in interese upravljalca/ponudnika dediščine, obenem pa se ohranja fizično in simbolno vrednost
Ključne besede: trženje dediščine, kulturna dediščina, turizem, turistična ponudba
This paper addresses the concept of marketing in heritage. The basic idea of heritage marketing is to
achieve a “fair” exchange between the supply and demand, which meets the needs/wishes of visitors/
tourists and the interests of managers/providers of heritage, while at the same time preserving the phys-
ical and symbolic value of the heritage.
Keywords: heritage marketing, cultural heritage, tourism, tourist offer
Although heritage marketing as a concept
has already been present in the world forgotten heritage.2 And, last but not least, who
for at least thirty years,1 in the last dec- are the “future generations” who will be entitled
to fully enjoy the heritage, and whether tourists
ade I have met several humanities experts who are also among them?
were rather suspicious of the very idea of h eritage In everyday life, people often equate mar-
marketing. “Heritage is something that needs to keting with promotion or advertising. Thus,
preserved for future generations, studied and in- in the present time, when we are “bombard-
terpreted, and certainly not exploited for mak- ed” with advertisements at every step, market-
ing profits!” In principle, I agree. I am also aware ing is perceived as something negative, aggres-
that inappropriate use of heritage by the tour- sive. However, promotion is only a part (and
ism industry, which often happens in practice not even the most important) of marketing.
and which leads to distortion, loss of authentic- Marketing is (according to American Market-
ity, physical or symbolic degradation or even de- ing Association;
struction, is harmful. However, sensible and pro- AMA/Pages/Definition-of-Marketing.aspx)
fessional valorization of heritage in tourism can »the activity, set of institutions, and processes
be a source of revenue, which can be invested in for creating, communicating, delivering, and ex-
preservation and protection of heritage and of- changing offerings that have value for custom-
fers opportunities for new jobs for local people. ers, clients, partners, and society at large«. It is a
In many cases, tourism even helps intangible process of searching information, designing and
heritage to survive or even resuscitates already implementing a product concept, pricing poli-
1 E. g. Church, Marketing. 2 Cohen “Authenticity and Commodization,” 382.