Page 11 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 11
ia universitatis Editorial
Zrinka Mileusnić
In this thematic issue of Studia Universitatis the sustainable development of individual desti-
Hereditati (year 5, Nr. 1, 2017), we are raising nations.
a number of issues related to cultural heritage
and cultural tourism. When these discussions With the collected papers we tried to high-
were taking place, we were wondering what was light the numerous possibilities offered by the
the situation in the field of combining the pro- underwater cultural heritage. The contributions
tection and promotion of cultural heritage and address several aspects of the underwater cultur-
tourism. We were interested in how they interact al heritage, such as: international and national
with each other, how they work and grow, what legal frameworks, development and protection
are the possible traps and obstacles and how to options and strategies, various aspects of pro-
overcome them in creative cooperation, especial- motion, integration of underwater heritage into
ly for the benefit and interest of the public. cultural tourism products, marketing of cultur-
al heritage, analysis of target audience and po-
In the first issue of year 5 we are reach- tential users of products, which include the un-
ing deep into both areas, researching specific derwater cultural heritage and the examples of
themes. The contributions are related to under- the existing good practices. Through these top-
water heritage and its promotion in the field of ics, the existing and potential obstacles and pro-
tourism, as well as heritage-based tourist prod- posals for solving them are presented.
ucts. This is why this theme issue is titled UN-
DERWATER HERITAGE AND TOURISM. Most published articles were originally pre-
sented at the international conference in Ko-
Underwater cultural heritage offers a tre- per, which concluded the international pro-
mendous potential. It is most accessible to ex- ject ATAS - Ancient Traps of the Adriatic Sea.
perts exploring it with the intent to further sci- The project was co-financed by EASME (Exec-
entific research of human past as well as educate utive Agency tor Small and Medium-sized En-
the public. Unfortunately, it often remains hid- terprises of the European Commission) within
den and inaccessible for the broader public due the framework of Implementation of the Europe-
to its specific location, the result of which is its an Maritime and Fisheries Fund Work 2015 on
absence from common knowledge. Information the theme of Thematic touristic routes on under-
about it is often available only in museums, while water cultural heritage. It was carried out by the
its exploration in situ offers additional contents staff of the Institute of Archaeology and Herit-
to recreational activities, particularly diving pro- age at the Faculty of Humanities of the Univer-
grammes, enriching the existing or developing sity of Primorska, the associated member of the
new products of cultural tourism, experiential UNESCO UNITWIN Network for Underwa-
experience, and ultimately positively impacting ter Heritage, which manages the Simonov zal-
Zrinka Mileusnić
In this thematic issue of Studia Universitatis the sustainable development of individual desti-
Hereditati (year 5, Nr. 1, 2017), we are raising nations.
a number of issues related to cultural heritage
and cultural tourism. When these discussions With the collected papers we tried to high-
were taking place, we were wondering what was light the numerous possibilities offered by the
the situation in the field of combining the pro- underwater cultural heritage. The contributions
tection and promotion of cultural heritage and address several aspects of the underwater cultur-
tourism. We were interested in how they interact al heritage, such as: international and national
with each other, how they work and grow, what legal frameworks, development and protection
are the possible traps and obstacles and how to options and strategies, various aspects of pro-
overcome them in creative cooperation, especial- motion, integration of underwater heritage into
ly for the benefit and interest of the public. cultural tourism products, marketing of cultur-
al heritage, analysis of target audience and po-
In the first issue of year 5 we are reach- tential users of products, which include the un-
ing deep into both areas, researching specific derwater cultural heritage and the examples of
themes. The contributions are related to under- the existing good practices. Through these top-
water heritage and its promotion in the field of ics, the existing and potential obstacles and pro-
tourism, as well as heritage-based tourist prod- posals for solving them are presented.
ucts. This is why this theme issue is titled UN-
DERWATER HERITAGE AND TOURISM. Most published articles were originally pre-
sented at the international conference in Ko-
Underwater cultural heritage offers a tre- per, which concluded the international pro-
mendous potential. It is most accessible to ex- ject ATAS - Ancient Traps of the Adriatic Sea.
perts exploring it with the intent to further sci- The project was co-financed by EASME (Exec-
entific research of human past as well as educate utive Agency tor Small and Medium-sized En-
the public. Unfortunately, it often remains hid- terprises of the European Commission) within
den and inaccessible for the broader public due the framework of Implementation of the Europe-
to its specific location, the result of which is its an Maritime and Fisheries Fund Work 2015 on
absence from common knowledge. Information the theme of Thematic touristic routes on under-
about it is often available only in museums, while water cultural heritage. It was carried out by the
its exploration in situ offers additional contents staff of the Institute of Archaeology and Herit-
to recreational activities, particularly diving pro- age at the Faculty of Humanities of the Univer-
grammes, enriching the existing or developing sity of Primorska, the associated member of the
new products of cultural tourism, experiential UNESCO UNITWIN Network for Underwa-
experience, and ultimately positively impacting ter Heritage, which manages the Simonov zal-