Page 14 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 14
local or regional environment”. Another ob­studia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 14- planning tourist itineraries connecting ar­
jective was to contribute to the knowledge about chaeological sites of the Slovene coast, thus
the meaning of preserving cultural heritage,hereditati enhancing the appeal of this particular area
about its development potential and the particu­ in the segment of archaeological tourism.
larities of its preservation and restoration. Only
owners or managers of cultural monuments were The Simonov zaliv archaeological site is
eligible for application in the segment of cultur­ proclaimed a monument of national signifi­
al heritage. Project results required at least one cance (heritage ID 195).3 Despite the fact that it
renovated or restored cultural monument, a unit is an example of best preserved archaeological re­
of cultural heritage, which must hold the sta­ mains of a Roman maritime villa with an adja­
tus of the “monument of national significance”; cent port, it was so far insufficiently presented or
the monument must be under work during the accessible.4The remains of the villa were exposed
course of the project, during which the leading to negative climate influences as well as ground­
partner should allocate at least 5% of funds for water and the tides of the sea that were particu­
the “soft” activities, i.e. better accessibility of cul­ larly damaging to the archaeological remains.
tural heritage (e.g. attractive programmes for Some materials have been exposed to an open
vulnerable groups and the young population). air, which causes their natural decay.5 Long-term
project results encompassed:
By securing suitable financing, the investor
and partners, involved in the AS project, made - the presentation of the archaeological site of
a number of steps necessary for establishing a Simonov zaliv;
modern archaeological park (including the un­
derwater part of the site), meaning: - the establishing of the first underwater ar­
chaeological trail in Slovenia;
- restoration, conservation and protection of
the Simonov zaliv archaeological site with - the establishing of a modern interpretation
the presentation of the monument as a who­ centre in the archaeological park;
le, i.e. the living quarters of the Roman ma­
ritime villa as well as the now submerged - the increased tourist offer with the aid of
adjacent port, which also means the need to itineraries with cultural contents;
establish the first underwater archaeologi­
cal park in Slovenia; - the increased accessibility for visitors with
disabilities, ensuring properly customized
- increasing and improving the accessibility contents and activities.
of the monument, the condition for which
is its integrated presentation and properly 3 Stokin, Marko, Katharina Zanier. “Simonov zaliv.” Vestnik, 23, Za-
updated of equipment, needed for its inter­ vod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, Ljubljana, 2011, 24;
pretation (mainly by establishing a modern Groh, Stefan, Sedlmayer, Helga. “Otium cum dignitate et nego-
interpretation centre), as well as a public tium trans mare. La villa marittima di San Simone (Simonov zaliv)
programme for the visitors with special ne­ in Istria (Slovenia). ” Ante Quem, Bologna, 2017, 56.
eds and underwater tours of the port, and,
last but not least, a tour guide app; 4 Mileusnić, Zrinka, “The Project AS and archaeology as a cultural
tourism.” in Lazar, Irena (ed.). Project AS. Archaeology for all. Re-
- education and training in the field of archa­ vival of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual,
eological didactics and enhancing public Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016, 16-17.
awareness on the meaning of archaeological
heritage with the aid of a public programme 5 Kikelj Lesar, Martina. “Development of the conservation and re-
of experimental archaeology; storation methodology for mosaics in Slovenia, 2010-2015.” in La-
zar, Irena (ed.). Project AS. Archaeology for all. Revival of the Ar-
chaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual, Koper: Založba
Univerze na Primorskem, 2016, 46–60; Lazar, Irena, Tomaž, Alen-
ka. “Presentation of the project AS and its objectives.” in Lux, Ju-
dita (ur.), Kikelj, Martina L. (ur.), Kramar, Sabina (ur.). Zaščita in
vzdrževanje mozaikov in situ / Protection and maintenance of mo-
saics in situ. Ljubljana: Institute for the Protection of Cultural He-
ritage of Slovenia 2018.
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