Page 15 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 15
ia universitatis The project produced a plan of architectur­ Interpretation centre for visitors
project as – an ex a mple of compr ehensive her itage promotion 15 al and landscape arrangement of the park with The interpretation centre and its programme
several phases and periods to be finished. With of interpreting activities enable a better way of
the mosaics and the architectural remains of the presenting archaeological heritage and is a good
Roman villa restored, the monument is protect­ foundation for cultural tours.7 An especially im­
ed and presented. Having undergone a conserva­ portant feature of modern interpretation is an
tion process, the mosaics and walls are protected interactive exhibition with digital solutions for
under special canvas structures, enabling visitors conveying information to the public and to the
to visit the mosaics and architectural remains, visitors of the archaeological site of Simonov
which were inaccessible thus far. This way, the zaliv. The centre presents the Roman villa with
archaeological heritage is protected, preserved the adjacent port, the surroundings of Izola and
and accessible for future generations, which is the cliffs, a fascinating geological phenomenon
closely related to the architectural and landscape – in all, a variety of natural and cultural herit­
arrangement of the archaeological park. Phase age features of the area. Contents are presented
one resulted in highlight the appropriate pres­ on a Tangible Map Interface (TMI), an interac­
entation and better access to the monument, tive map solution, which allows multiple users
creating grounds for the building of the visitors’ to simultaneously explore and understand var­
centre, which will remain open for a longer peri­ ious topics. The solution is multi-user and very
od through the year. The underwater part of the easy and fun to use, allowing visitors to engage
site with stone remains of the Roman port is also fully in the story told; by picking a topic with a
presented: this is, in fact, the first underwater ar­ puck and placing it on a station (projected podi­
chaeological trail in Slovenia. um), and information appears on the projected
map. By turning the pucks, users navigate with­
Comprehensive heritage promotion in space and time exploring life in a Roman sea­
All project co-workers were intensively involved side villa.
in the work dedicated to informing and notify­
ing the public about the activities in the archaeo­ Program and contents for visitors
logical park, as well as in performing education­ with special needs
al activities about the meaning of archaeological Certain groups of people, who endure different
heritage and its potential in the field of sustain­ shortcomings in their development, need spe­
able development and cultural tourism.6 But it cial attention in their involvement in the society.
is of huge importance that the education and One of the greatest values of the modern society
awareness on the importance of the cultural and should therefore be the care for inclusion and so­
natural heritage starts in the early childhood. cial cohesiveness, which contributes to the qual­
Only by offering education and early engage­ ity of life of all its members.8
ment in the local milieu and community can we
raise the young as conscious and responsible vis­ Activities for people with special needs
itors and tourists in contact with heritage. That were planned in the collaboration with the Fac­
is why so-called “soft” activities for better ac­ ulty of Education (University of Primorska), so
cessibility of cultural heritage have been devel­ that they meet the multi-sensorial needs of the
oped with attractive programmes for vulnerable
groups and the young population. 7 Ravnik, Mateja, Plestenjak, Ana. “Visitor interpretation center –
exhibition topics.” in Lazar, Irena (ed.). Project AS. Archaeology
6 Mileusnić, Zrinka. “Cultural tourism and cultural tourists – basic for all. Revival of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project
concepts.” in Lazar, Irena (ed.). Project AS. Archaeology for all. Re- Manual, Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016,118.
vival of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual,
Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016, 106. 8 Kiswarday, Vanja Riccarda, Kermauner, Aksinja, Drljić, Karmen.
“Archaeology for all – Accessibility of cultural heritage for persons
with special needs.” in Lazar, Irena (ed.). Project AS. Archaeology
for all. Revival of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project
Manual, Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016, 131.
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