Page 32 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 32
essibilitystudia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 32so provides, and this is necessary because of the
For certain monuments, the act in the proclama­ manner of protecting the monument or its parts.
tion determines the obligation of public acces­hereditati All the signs on the board are in Slovene.
sibility of the monument (Article 13 ZVKD-1).
According to Article 54 of the ZVKD-1, monu­ In the areas of municipalities where Italian
ments must be accessible to the public in propor­ and Hungarian are also used as the official lan­
tion to the capacities of the owner or proprietor. guages, the inscriptions should be in these lan­
If it is not possible in other ways to ensure the ac­ guages as well, but they should not be more pro­
cessibility of the monument in accordance with nounced than the inscriptions in Slovene. In
the decree, the immovable property right may be addition, the inscriptions can also be in English.
withdrawn against compensation or compensa­ They are formally subordinate to official lan­
tion in kind according to Article 63 (see above). guages in Slovenia.

The owner or proprietor of the monument An additional mandatory element for cul­
must always allow the authorized person of the tural monuments is the sign of the Convention
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage for the Protection of Cultural Property in the
to document and research the monument, af­ Event of Armed Conflict.
ter prior notice to the owner or landowner, also
on enclosed land and in buildings, except in res­ The UNESCO-listed monuments and
idential areas. If the owner or other person does monuments of European significance shall be
not allow this, the authorized person has the marked in accordance with international acts
right to carry out these activities with the assis­ determining their status.
tance of the police (Article 55 of the ZVKD-1).
The graphic elements of the labelling, the
According to Article 58 of ZVKD-1, “im­ implementation and the quality of graphic ele­
movable monuments are marked in order to ments and the standards for the complete imple­
improve public access. Labelling is carried out mentation of the labelling of stationary cultur­
when this is not contrary to the benefits of pro­ al monuments of national and local importance
tection and other public benefits”; in the event are given in the Handbook for the Marking of
of an armed attack monuments are also marked Stationary Cultural Monuments.3
based on ratified treaties (the Hague Conven­
tion). Regulations on the marking of stationary Management
cultural monuments stipulate that each monu­ The owner or proprietor must ensure the man­
ment be marked with a monument’s name in or­ agement of the monument in accordance with
der to be better recognized. The designation of the act of proclamation directly or by entrusting
the monument is a signboard on the facade of a it to a manager. The manager must have all the
monument or a similar suitable place (vertical monuments and all the monumental areas pro­
“marker element A”), a lower level monument tected under the international treaties to which
(horizontal “marker element B”) is marked with the Republic of Slovenia is party. The proclama­
a floor board, in an exceptional case the board, tion act can also be foreseen by the controller for
upgraded with additional information (“mark­ other areas. The authority issuing the act on the
ing element C”), but this type of marking usu­ proclamation of the monument area can manage
ally does not replace the first two marking ele­ the site on its own; for this purpose they must es­
ments, mainly complementing them when the tablish a public institution or entrust the monu­
monument is not clearly recognizable (cultural ment management to a public institution estab­
landscape, archaeological site). Exceptionally, no lished for the purpose of managing monuments
particular archaeological or other monuments and sites, or entrust the management to a natu­
are designated, where the act of proclamation ral person or a legal person under the law govern­

3 Ministry of Culture, Priročnik za označevanje nepremičnih kulturnih
spomenikov (Ljubljana: Ministry of culture RS, 2010).
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