Page 33 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
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ia universitatising public-private partnership. The management tion, the management plan shall be adopted
the accessibilit y, use, fruition and enr ichment of immobile cultur al her itage 33 of the monument and the monument area is car­ in agreement with the ministry responsible
ried out on the basis of a management plan (Ar­ for the preservation of nature. In its prepa-
ticle 59 of the ZVKD-1). ration, the organization responsible for na-
ture conservation participates. (Paragraph 5
“If the manager finances the restoration of Article 60 of the ZVKD-1).
and maintenance with their own resources and
assumes other burdens of risk, the authority The management plan for the area of a sin­
which issued the act, concludes a concession con­ gle monument and nature protection is adopted
tract with the manager for a period commensu­ by the government on the proposal of both min­
rate with the financial inputs and the manager’s isters (in the fields of culture and nature). The
risks.” (paragraph 6 of the article 59 ZVKD-1). government also appoints an area manager. The
operator must be professionally qualified in both
Management plan is a document defin­ areas. The minister may conclude a contract with
ing the strategic and implementation guidelines the manager of the single insurance area to trans­
for the overall preservation of the monument or fer a part of the public tasks referred to in Article
site and the way in which its protection is imple­ 84 of the ZVKD-1 with the exception of public
mented. A management plan should be adopt­ authorizations (Article 61) to the manager.
ed for all monuments and sites with a manag­
er. According to the law, the management plan Among the tasks of the ZVKDS is to co­
is prepared by the manager with the expert as­ operate with the managers of monuments in the
sistance of the institution and is adopted by the preparation of proposals for the management
body that adopted the act on the proclamation plan (Article 84 of ZVKD-1).
of the monument, that is, the government or the
ministry responsible, as a monument of nation­ Finance
al importance and the representative body of the In accordance with ZVKD-1, funds are provid­
province or municipality for a monument of lo­ ed in the budget of the Republic of Slovenia to
cal importance. cover the costs of preliminary research under
Article 34, costs for co-financing the programs
The management plan must contain the for reconstruction of monuments on the basis of
following: an overview of cultural values that Article 35, compensation costs under Article 39,
should be specifically preserved and developed, investments of public funds on the basis of Arti­
a vision of protection and development, strategic cle 40 and costs for the exercise of a pre-emptive
and implementation objectives of management, right on the basis of Article 62 of this Act.4 Ac­
provisions relating to the management structure cording to Article 63, the government may con­
and measures for protection against natural and sider monuments of national importance, but
other disasters, an action plan with a financial the competent authority of the province or mu­
framework, in particular to ensure accessibili­ nicipality for monuments of local importance
ty and management of the visit, indicators and suggests expropriation against compensation or
the manner of monitoring implementation, and compensation in kind (see above).
a deadline for the validity of the plan, the man­
ner of updating and changing the plan. Furthermore, ZVKD-1 provides for special
mechanisms for financing protection measures
In the case of joint management of several in the context of compensatory and compensa­
territorial or content-related monuments, a tory measures. According to Article 31, it is en­
single management plan may be adopted for visaged that the minister responsible for culture
all monuments” (Paragraph 4 of Article 60
of the ZVKD-1). 4 See also Zala Koželj, Financiranje kulturne dediščine v izbranih evrop-
skih državah (Ljubljana: MA thesis, University of Ljubljana, 2013),
If the site is coincides with an area protected 53–54.
under the regulations on nature conserva-
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