Page 29 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 29
ia universitatis The accessibility, use, fruition and enrichment
29 of immobile cultural heritage

A review of legislation in Slovenia, Croatia and Italy

Katharina Zanier, University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities
and Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia

Prispevek predstavlja temeljne razlike v poudarkih varstva kulturne dediščine v Sloveniji, na Hrvaškem
in v Italiji. Pomembne razlike se kažejo že v ustavah omenjenih držav, pri čemer je v Sloveniji poudarjen
koncept ohranjanja kulturne dediščine, medtem ko se na Hrvaškem koncept ohranjanja kulturne de-
diščine neposredno povezuje z njeno uporabo, v Italiji pa z njeno obogatitvijo.
Ključne besede: kulturna dediščina, zakonodaja, dostopnost, raba, premična/nepremična dediščina

There are some basic discrepancies between the heritage legislatures of Slovenia, Croatia and Italy.
There are important differences in the very constitutional documents; in Slovenia, the concept of pre-
serving cultural heritage is stressed, while Croatia relates the concept of preservation of cultural herit-
age directly to its use, in Italy, this concept is related to the enrichment of cultural heritage.
Keywords: cultural heritage, legislature, accessibility, fruition, mobile/immobile cultural heritage

Introduction and responsibilities regarding the ensured acces-
sibility, use, fruition and enrichment of cultural
There are some basic discrepancies be- heritage, exhibited in the legislature documents
tween the heritage legislatures of Slove- and related financial mechanisms of the states in
nia, Croatia and Italy. There are impor- question. In this respect, clear directions are of
tant differences in the constitutional documents; crucial importance particularly in the field of ar-
in Slovenia, the concept of preserving cultural chaeological heritage, which rarely has features
heritage is stressed (Constitution of Republic of facilitating its direct use, understanding and fru-
Slovenia, Article 5: the state is responsible for the ition. General guidelines are specified in several
“conservation of natural resources and cultur- international contracts and documents, particu-
al heritage”; Article 73: “everyone is obliged by larly the Council of Europe Framework Conven-
the law to preserve natural landmarks and cul- tion on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society,
tural monuments. The state and local communi- the Lausanne document (The ICOMOS Charter
ties take care of natural and cultural heritage.”), for the Protection and Management of the Archae-
while Croatia relates the concept of preservation ological Heritage), the ICOMOS Charter on Cul-
of cultural heritage directly to its use (cf. Arti- tural Routes and the ICOMOS Charter for the
cle 2 and 52 of the Constitution of the Repub- Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Her-
lic of Croatia); in Italy, this concept is related to itage Sites.
the enrichment of cultural heritage (cf. Article
117 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ita- We survey the legislature of the above-men-
ly). There are substantial differences in the rights tioned countries, particularly the fields, relevant
to the conditions for the fruition of immobile
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