Page 34 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 34
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 34may issue a cultural consent permit allowingthe state budget, the state’s input in real value is
the survey and removal of a monument or regis­ returned to the state budget.
hereditatitered immovable heritage other than an archae­
ological site, even subject to the imposition of a Other pieces of Slovenian legislature may
compensatory measure, which may include the come to some extent in order to provide funds
payment of an amount or the financing or the for the implementation of cultural activities and
implementation of measures for the preservation measures of revitalization in areas of cultur­
or revitalization of another monument of com­ al heritage, e.g. the Act Regulating the Realisa­
parable significance. In accordance with Article tion of the Public Interest in the Field of Culture
115, the inspector may, in the event of unauthor­ (ZUJIK). Public interest for culture is realized
ized interventions in archaeological remains, by the state and local communities independent­
heritage or monuments, determine the imple­ ly or they are set up for the implementation of in­
mentation of alternative measures for the public dividual tasks by public funds or a public agen­
benefit carried out within the framework of the cy (Article 22 ZUJIK, cf. the Resolution on
public service of protection (in the case of unau­ the National Program for Culture 2014-2017).
thorized interference in archaeological remains, The state and local communities provide public
the implementation of the measure of protection means to public funds and public agencies in ac­
of the archaeological site of comparable signifi­ cordance with regulations in the field of public
cance in the case of unauthorized interference in funds, public agencies and public finance regu­
a registered heritage or monument, the interven­ lations for indirect budget users (Article 23 ZU­
tion is carried out to preserve or revitalize a reg­ JIK; cf. the Public Fund of the Republic of Slo­
istered heritage or monument of comparable sig­ venia for Cultural activities).
When it is necessary in the public interest
In accordance with the Act on the Pro­ to provide public cultural goods in a permanent
vision of Funds for Certain Emergency Pro­ and undisturbed fashion, it is provided directly
grams of the Republic of Slovenia in Culture,5 by the state or the local community, or by estab­
the budget of the Ministry responsible for cul­ lishing a public institution in the field of culture
ture provides funds for the gradual implemen­ (Article 26 ZUJIK). Public funds for the financ­
tation of the program for the most endangered ing of public institutions are provided by their
and of the highest quality cultural heritage fa­ founders or co-founders. Furthermore, public
cilities.6 The annual financial plan is prepared by institutions are financed from non-public sourc­
the ministry responsible for culture, as a rule on es (Article 31 ZUJIK).
the basis of a public tender or a public call. In­
dividual projects are financed entirely from the The ministry responsible for culture, financ­
state budget in cases of ownership or the found­ es cultural programs and projects in the public
ing of the state. Other projects are co-financed interest for culture on the basis of ZUJIK.
from the state budget in the amount of 50% of
the value, unless otherwise specified in the pro­ Direct calls to public institutions, public
gram or project. In the event of a change of pur­ funds and public agencies in the field of culture
pose or disposal of an object co-financed from are used to finance operations that are in accord­
ance with Articles 23 and 31 of ZUJIK. Public
5 The new Law on the provision of funds for certain urgent programs calls are used in cases where it is possible to clear­
of the Republic of Slovenia in culture is under consideration: ht- ly define the artistic, cultural and political cri­
t ps://w w w.d z-rs . si/w ps/por t a l/Home/deloDZ/z a konod aja /i z- teria that must be met by a public cultural pro­
branZakonAkt?uid=600C2D140917130AC12582270053150D&- gram or a cultural project for financing from
db=pre_zak&mandat=VII (date of access: 1.5.2018). public funds.

6 Koželj, Financiranje kulturne dediščine, 54-56. Public tenders are used in cases where it is
possible to determine in advance the criteria for
evaluating and evaluating proposals for cultur­
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