Page 97 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 97
ia universitatisern point is not very clear but should be locat- According to typological differences and radi-
middle neolithic absolute dating in north croatia – new r esearch 97 ed towards southern Hungary. Several other ra- ocarbon dates, two phases of Ražište type can
diocarbon dates can’t be used as the oldest dates be distinguished. It would seem that the older
for Sopot culture: sample Z-2826 (6340±100 Ražište phase would predate the beginning of
BP) from Sopot taken from the wall of a house Sopot culture.
SU 11, belonging to the youngest III/IV phase
according to the excavator (Krznarić Škrivanko Chronological modelling of available radi-
2011, 211, 220, Tab. 1; Botić 2017, 225, note 195); ocarbon dates shows continuity of life from late
sample Z-3868 (6295±135 BP) from Sopot tak- Starčevo phases in this area during the middle
en from a house floor SU 183a, belonging to the Neolithic but it is not very clear regarding the
II phase according to the excavator (Krznar- end date due to the lack of AMS dates and lack
ić Škrivanko 2011, 211, 220, Tab. 1; Botić 2017, of further research in wither territory.
225, note 196); sample Z-3386 (6350±135 BP, hu-
man bone) from a grave at Kneževi vinogradi One of the interesting points surging from
– Osnovna škola site because there was no pot- the new research is the fact that Ražište type, al-
tery close to the skeleton and at the bottom of most as much as Korenovo culture, has its ori-
the pit containing the burial, remains of Starče- gins in the LBK world. The question what was
vo and Sopot pottery were found in a mixed con- the nature of its relationship with the late Starče-
text (Šimić 2004, 77; Botić 2017, 223, note 193). vo, LBK and Vinča cultures in its early phase
On the other hand, Sraka’s (2012) chronological still remain open as well as its relationship with
model of tell Sopot house phases and their dat- Sopot culture latter on. New research, howev-
ing shows problems regarding dating the phase er, failed to answer the question of the origin
III of Sopot culture after 4300 BC, disregarding and development of Korenovo culture although
in the process the possibility of existence of the it provided us with more information about its
phase IV (Marković 1994, 63; Balen et al. 2009, end phase. The same goes for the emergence and
35). development of Sopot culture although this is
more due to the lack of publication rather than
Concluding Remarks the lack of information.
Over the last 15 years new research brought to
light very interesting new results which comple- Povzetek
mented older partial information. For the first Nove raziskave so v zadnjih 15 letih razkrile zelo zanimi-
time a phase in southern expansion of Transdan- ve rezultate, ki so dopolnjevali starejše delne informaci-
ubian LBK was documented south of Drava riv- je o srednjem neolitiku severne Hrvaške. Prvič je bila na
er forcing us to reconsider older finds. Another južni strani reke Drave na lokaciji Donji Miholjac - Vran-
point of entry should be considered somewhere čari dokumentirana faza širjenja transdanubijske kultu-
westwards along the Drava river bearing in mind re linearno trakaste keramike (LTK) na jug. Prepoznane
the position of Szentgyörgyvölgy-Pityerdomb, so bile tudi nekatere podobnosti med enim od najzgod-
one of the earliest LBK sites in western Trans- nejših najdišč LTK v zahodnem Podonavju Szentgyör-
danubia. New information about Ražište type gyvölgy-Pityerdomb in najdiščem Virovitica - Brekinja.
changes its chronological position from phase Nove informacije o tipu Ražište spreminjajo njegov kro-
I-A/I-B of Sopot culture (Marković 1985, 49– nološki položaj iz faze IA / IB sopotske kulture (Marković
51; Marković 2012, 58) or beginning of Vinča B 1985, 49–51; Marković 2012, 58) oziroma začetka faze Vin-
phase, to the very beginning of Vinča A phase ča B, na sam začetek faze Vinča A, kot prepoznana na juž-
as recognized at southern Hungarian sites Sze- no madžarskih najdiščih Szederkény-Kukorica-dűlő (Já-
derkény-Kukorica-dűlő (Jákucs et al. 2016) and kucs et al. 2016) in Versend-Gilencsa (Jákucs and Voicsek
Versend-Gilencsa (Jákucs and Voicsek 2017). 2017). Dve fazi tipa Ražište lahko glede na tipološke raz-
like in radiok arbonske datume ločimo na treh najdiščih:
Podgorač - Ražište, Golinci - Selište in Novi Perkovci - Kr-
middle neolithic absolute dating in north croatia – new r esearch 97 ed towards southern Hungary. Several other ra- ocarbon dates, two phases of Ražište type can
diocarbon dates can’t be used as the oldest dates be distinguished. It would seem that the older
for Sopot culture: sample Z-2826 (6340±100 Ražište phase would predate the beginning of
BP) from Sopot taken from the wall of a house Sopot culture.
SU 11, belonging to the youngest III/IV phase
according to the excavator (Krznarić Škrivanko Chronological modelling of available radi-
2011, 211, 220, Tab. 1; Botić 2017, 225, note 195); ocarbon dates shows continuity of life from late
sample Z-3868 (6295±135 BP) from Sopot tak- Starčevo phases in this area during the middle
en from a house floor SU 183a, belonging to the Neolithic but it is not very clear regarding the
II phase according to the excavator (Krznar- end date due to the lack of AMS dates and lack
ić Škrivanko 2011, 211, 220, Tab. 1; Botić 2017, of further research in wither territory.
225, note 196); sample Z-3386 (6350±135 BP, hu-
man bone) from a grave at Kneževi vinogradi One of the interesting points surging from
– Osnovna škola site because there was no pot- the new research is the fact that Ražište type, al-
tery close to the skeleton and at the bottom of most as much as Korenovo culture, has its ori-
the pit containing the burial, remains of Starče- gins in the LBK world. The question what was
vo and Sopot pottery were found in a mixed con- the nature of its relationship with the late Starče-
text (Šimić 2004, 77; Botić 2017, 223, note 193). vo, LBK and Vinča cultures in its early phase
On the other hand, Sraka’s (2012) chronological still remain open as well as its relationship with
model of tell Sopot house phases and their dat- Sopot culture latter on. New research, howev-
ing shows problems regarding dating the phase er, failed to answer the question of the origin
III of Sopot culture after 4300 BC, disregarding and development of Korenovo culture although
in the process the possibility of existence of the it provided us with more information about its
phase IV (Marković 1994, 63; Balen et al. 2009, end phase. The same goes for the emergence and
35). development of Sopot culture although this is
more due to the lack of publication rather than
Concluding Remarks the lack of information.
Over the last 15 years new research brought to
light very interesting new results which comple- Povzetek
mented older partial information. For the first Nove raziskave so v zadnjih 15 letih razkrile zelo zanimi-
time a phase in southern expansion of Transdan- ve rezultate, ki so dopolnjevali starejše delne informaci-
ubian LBK was documented south of Drava riv- je o srednjem neolitiku severne Hrvaške. Prvič je bila na
er forcing us to reconsider older finds. Another južni strani reke Drave na lokaciji Donji Miholjac - Vran-
point of entry should be considered somewhere čari dokumentirana faza širjenja transdanubijske kultu-
westwards along the Drava river bearing in mind re linearno trakaste keramike (LTK) na jug. Prepoznane
the position of Szentgyörgyvölgy-Pityerdomb, so bile tudi nekatere podobnosti med enim od najzgod-
one of the earliest LBK sites in western Trans- nejših najdišč LTK v zahodnem Podonavju Szentgyör-
danubia. New information about Ražište type gyvölgy-Pityerdomb in najdiščem Virovitica - Brekinja.
changes its chronological position from phase Nove informacije o tipu Ražište spreminjajo njegov kro-
I-A/I-B of Sopot culture (Marković 1985, 49– nološki položaj iz faze IA / IB sopotske kulture (Marković
51; Marković 2012, 58) or beginning of Vinča B 1985, 49–51; Marković 2012, 58) oziroma začetka faze Vin-
phase, to the very beginning of Vinča A phase ča B, na sam začetek faze Vinča A, kot prepoznana na juž-
as recognized at southern Hungarian sites Sze- no madžarskih najdiščih Szederkény-Kukorica-dűlő (Já-
derkény-Kukorica-dűlő (Jákucs et al. 2016) and kucs et al. 2016) in Versend-Gilencsa (Jákucs and Voicsek
Versend-Gilencsa (Jákucs and Voicsek 2017). 2017). Dve fazi tipa Ražište lahko glede na tipološke raz-
like in radiok arbonske datume ločimo na treh najdiščih:
Podgorač - Ražište, Golinci - Selište in Novi Perkovci - Kr-