Page 67 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(1) (2021)
P. 67
ia universitatisLombard weapons from Fiesole, Tuscany (6th–7th century C.E.):
67 old archaeological data for new considerations

Andrea Biondi, Ph.D. student
Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska, Slovenia

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy

The article focuses on the analysis of seven Lombard weapons datable between the end of 6th and the
7th century C.E. and present in the Archaeological Museum of Fiesole, in the north-eastern area of
Tuscany in Italy. These objects, only partially published, and coming both from the Lombard necrop-
olis of Area Garibaldi and from unknown contexts, have been compared with similar materials on na-
tional scale of the 6th-7th century C.E. and represent a relevant term of archaeological analysis for the
transition between Late Antiquity Era and Lombard domination in Fiesole.
Keywords: Fiesole, Lombards, axe, spear, scramasax.

Langobardsko orožje iz Fiesole v Toskani (6. - 7. stoletje n. št.): stari arheološki podatki za nove razmis-


Članek se osredotoča na analizo sedmih kosov langobardskega orožja, ki jih je mogoče umestiti v

obdobje med koncem šestega in sedmega stoletja po Kr. in ki se nahajajo v Arheološkem muzeju v

mestu Fiesole na severovzhodu Toskane. Te predmete, ki so bili le delno objavljeni, odkriti pa so bili

na langobardski nekropoli na območju Garibaldi in tudi v neznanih kontekstih, smo primerjali s

podobnimi gradivi iz 6. in 7. stoletja po Kr., odkritimi po vsej državi. Omenjeni predmeti predstavljajo

pomemben del arheoloških analiz za prehod iz obdobja pozne antike v čas prevlade Langobardov v


Ključne besede: Fiesole, Langobardi, sekira, sulica, scramasax.
The presence of Lombards and the forma-
tion of their identity are significant re- From a European point of view, the remind-
search themes that over time have at- ed themes are deeply related to the general Eu-
ropean matters concerning the integration be-
tracted various interdisciplinary studies. The tween German invaders and local communities
weapons analyzed in this paper were found on in terms of migration, identity, and social con-
struction problems. From this point of view,
the site of the current Town Hall of Fiesole at that is the same of the reminded Ph.D. project,
the end of the 19th century. They represent only also the analysis proposed here on the selected
a small part of the larger Ph.D. study by the writ- weapon is related to all those archaeological and
er (The definition of Lombard identity (cc. 5th - historical studies that concern the relationship
8th A.D.). Archaeology of social construction be- between the barbaricum and the Mediterrane-
tween barbaricum, Italy and Tuscany) underway an world and the formation of European con-

at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of sciousness. From the 5th century, the societies
Primorska in Slovenia. that characterized the European contest deeply

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