Page 63 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(1) (2021)
P. 63
ia universitatisplesse dinamiche insediative che hanno interes- grafska analiza in primerjava z drugimi sorodnimi najdi-
le crustae mar mor ee dalla mansio tar doantica di equilus-jesolo (venezia) 63 sato la laguna nord tra tardantichità e medioevo. šči omogočila nekaj hipotez o njihovem prvotnem po-
ložaju in uporabi. Predvsem se zdi najverjetnejša razlaga,
Summary da so služile kot okras »prvovrstnih« bivalnih ali kopali-
ških zgradb. okrasili „prvovrstno“ nastanitev ali kopalni-
Recently, an archaeological project conducted by the co. Potrditev prisotnosti tovrstnih zgradb je pomembna
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice investigated a late an- za ugotovitev, ali je mansio upravljal zasebnik ali kak javni
tique mansio in the countryside around the present-day subjekt in kateri javnosti so bile namenjene. Poleg tega
town of Jesolo, formerly called Equilus. The ancient Equi- je analiza zračnih posnetkov v namen geofizičnih razi-
lus was inhabited by a lagoon community between An- skav so omogočili prepoznavo številnih sledi, od katerih
tiquity and the Middle Ages, and played a crucial role je nekatere mogoče pripisati še neizkopanim struktu-
in relation to the development of coastal settlements in ram, povezanim z mansio. Sestavljeni podatki, pridoblje-
the northern Adriatic basin, especially in relation to the ni s pomočjo različnih metod in raziskav v različnih ob-
Venetian lagoon. This paper aims to describe and dis- segih, veliko obetajo za razvoj prihodnjih terenskih in
cuss the assemblage of marble finds (crustae), probably interdisciplinarnih raziskav tega lagunskega najdišča.
used to decorate some buildings of this Late Antique
mansio. Although all the finds of this class were recov- Riferimenti bibliografici
ered from secondary depositions, the stratigraphic anal- Angelelli, C., e S. Tortorella 2016. Per un corpus
ysis and the comparison with other coeval sites allowed
us to propose some hypotheses on their original loca- dei pavimenti di Roma e del Lazio. Roma:
tion and use. In particular, the most likely interpretation Sapienza Università Editrice.
seems to be that they decorated ‘first class’ accommo- Basso, P., e E. Zanini 2016. ‘Introduzione.’
dation or a bath-building. The validation of the pres- In Statio amoena. Sostare e vivere lungo
ence of this kind of buildings is important to evaluate if le strade romane, a cura di P. Basso e E.
the mansio was promoted and managed by public or pri- Zanini, V-VII. Oxford: Archaeopress
vate agency and to know which community frequented Publishing LTD.
this site. Furthermore, the aerial photos analysis associ- Black, E. W. 1995. Cursus Publicus. The
ated with a geophysical survey contributed to recognize infrastructure of government in Roman
many traces, some of which can be attributed to yet un- Britain. Oxford: Tempus Reparatum.
excavated structures related to the mansio. The combi- Blake, M. E. 1930. ‘The Pavements of the
nation of archaeological data derived from different Roman Buildings of the Republic and
methodologies and scales of analysis seems to be prom- Early Empire.’ Memoirs of the American
ising for developing future fieldwork and interdiscipli- Academy in Rome 8 (1930): 7–159.
nary research in this lagoon site. Bosio, L. 1991. Le strade romane della Venetia e
dell’Histria. Padova: Programma.
Povzetek Cadamuro, S., Cianciosi, A., e C. Negrelli
2015, ‘Nuove comunità lagunari tra l’età
Univerza Ca‘ Foscari v Benetkah je med nedavnim pro- di transizione e l’alto medioevo: I casi di
jektom raziskala poznoantično mansio na podeželju v Jesolo e Cittanova.’ Reti Medievali Rivista
okolici današnjega Jesola, ki se je nekoč imenoval Equ- 16: 151-95.
ilus. Antični Equilus, kjer je med antiko in srednjim ve- Cadamuro, S., Cianciosi, A., e C. Negrelli
kom živela lagunska skupnost, je igral ključno vlogo v 2017, ‘The Insula Equilus: A Lagoon
razvoju obalnih naselij v severnem jadranskem bazenu, Community in the Early Middle Ages.’
zlasti v zvezi z beneško laguno. Pričujoči prispevek sku- In Venice and Its Neighbors from the 8th
ša opisati in odpreti razpravo o zbirki marmornih najdb to 11th Century, a cura di S. Gelichi e S.
(crustae), ki so verjetno služile kot okras nekaterih stavb Gasparri, 90-115. Leiden; Boston: Brill.
tega poznoantične mansio. Čeprav so bile vse najdbe te
kakovosti odkrite v sekundarnih nanosih, nam je strati-
le crustae mar mor ee dalla mansio tar doantica di equilus-jesolo (venezia) 63 sato la laguna nord tra tardantichità e medioevo. šči omogočila nekaj hipotez o njihovem prvotnem po-
ložaju in uporabi. Predvsem se zdi najverjetnejša razlaga,
Summary da so služile kot okras »prvovrstnih« bivalnih ali kopali-
ških zgradb. okrasili „prvovrstno“ nastanitev ali kopalni-
Recently, an archaeological project conducted by the co. Potrditev prisotnosti tovrstnih zgradb je pomembna
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice investigated a late an- za ugotovitev, ali je mansio upravljal zasebnik ali kak javni
tique mansio in the countryside around the present-day subjekt in kateri javnosti so bile namenjene. Poleg tega
town of Jesolo, formerly called Equilus. The ancient Equi- je analiza zračnih posnetkov v namen geofizičnih razi-
lus was inhabited by a lagoon community between An- skav so omogočili prepoznavo številnih sledi, od katerih
tiquity and the Middle Ages, and played a crucial role je nekatere mogoče pripisati še neizkopanim struktu-
in relation to the development of coastal settlements in ram, povezanim z mansio. Sestavljeni podatki, pridoblje-
the northern Adriatic basin, especially in relation to the ni s pomočjo različnih metod in raziskav v različnih ob-
Venetian lagoon. This paper aims to describe and dis- segih, veliko obetajo za razvoj prihodnjih terenskih in
cuss the assemblage of marble finds (crustae), probably interdisciplinarnih raziskav tega lagunskega najdišča.
used to decorate some buildings of this Late Antique
mansio. Although all the finds of this class were recov- Riferimenti bibliografici
ered from secondary depositions, the stratigraphic anal- Angelelli, C., e S. Tortorella 2016. Per un corpus
ysis and the comparison with other coeval sites allowed
us to propose some hypotheses on their original loca- dei pavimenti di Roma e del Lazio. Roma:
tion and use. In particular, the most likely interpretation Sapienza Università Editrice.
seems to be that they decorated ‘first class’ accommo- Basso, P., e E. Zanini 2016. ‘Introduzione.’
dation or a bath-building. The validation of the pres- In Statio amoena. Sostare e vivere lungo
ence of this kind of buildings is important to evaluate if le strade romane, a cura di P. Basso e E.
the mansio was promoted and managed by public or pri- Zanini, V-VII. Oxford: Archaeopress
vate agency and to know which community frequented Publishing LTD.
this site. Furthermore, the aerial photos analysis associ- Black, E. W. 1995. Cursus Publicus. The
ated with a geophysical survey contributed to recognize infrastructure of government in Roman
many traces, some of which can be attributed to yet un- Britain. Oxford: Tempus Reparatum.
excavated structures related to the mansio. The combi- Blake, M. E. 1930. ‘The Pavements of the
nation of archaeological data derived from different Roman Buildings of the Republic and
methodologies and scales of analysis seems to be prom- Early Empire.’ Memoirs of the American
ising for developing future fieldwork and interdiscipli- Academy in Rome 8 (1930): 7–159.
nary research in this lagoon site. Bosio, L. 1991. Le strade romane della Venetia e
dell’Histria. Padova: Programma.
Povzetek Cadamuro, S., Cianciosi, A., e C. Negrelli
2015, ‘Nuove comunità lagunari tra l’età
Univerza Ca‘ Foscari v Benetkah je med nedavnim pro- di transizione e l’alto medioevo: I casi di
jektom raziskala poznoantično mansio na podeželju v Jesolo e Cittanova.’ Reti Medievali Rivista
okolici današnjega Jesola, ki se je nekoč imenoval Equ- 16: 151-95.
ilus. Antični Equilus, kjer je med antiko in srednjim ve- Cadamuro, S., Cianciosi, A., e C. Negrelli
kom živela lagunska skupnost, je igral ključno vlogo v 2017, ‘The Insula Equilus: A Lagoon
razvoju obalnih naselij v severnem jadranskem bazenu, Community in the Early Middle Ages.’
zlasti v zvezi z beneško laguno. Pričujoči prispevek sku- In Venice and Its Neighbors from the 8th
ša opisati in odpreti razpravo o zbirki marmornih najdb to 11th Century, a cura di S. Gelichi e S.
(crustae), ki so verjetno služile kot okras nekaterih stavb Gasparri, 90-115. Leiden; Boston: Brill.
tega poznoantične mansio. Čeprav so bile vse najdbe te
kakovosti odkrite v sekundarnih nanosih, nam je strati-