Page 74 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 74
was associated with municipal freedmen of ori-studia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 2 74scriptions mentioning Magna Mater were found,37
ental or African origin after the Constitutio Anto- and Aquileia, the great trade port and Regio X ca-
ninana was enacted.31 The name originally comeshereditati pital, are viable candidates.
from Latin.32
The monument was dated in the time frame
Cognomen Syntropus is considered to be of from second half of 1st century to first half of 2nd
oriental origin and popular among freedmen.33 century AD. The date is based on the use of v(i-
vus) f(ecit) sibi formula which is often found in wi-
Lucius Publicius Syntropus also held a functi- der Trieste area during the second half of 1st centu-
on of an archigallus, a high official of the cult of ry AD. The lack of D(is) M(anibus) abbreviation,
Magna Mater. Galli were priests of the said god- which appeared in the middle of the 1st century
dess who originated in Asia Minor during the Hel- AD, and became common from 2nd century AD
lenistic period. There are conflicting views among onwards, indicates a bit earlier date, towards the
authors as to when the institution of archigalli middle of the 1st century AD.38
first appeared. Some claim it was during the reign
of Claudius, while other put it in the 2nd century Public inscription of Sextius Brinniarius Certus
AD, after the reforms of Antoninus Pius.34 In the The monument (Inscr. It. X. 3. 6; CIL V 489) is
eastern provinces they held some civil magistraci- engraved in the Aurisina limestone slab, without
es, while in the West their function was reserved a frame (height: 0,51 m, width: 1,02 m, thickness:
for religion and rituals in which they often parti- 0,14 m). It is deformed by four holes drilled in re-
cipated with other priests. Archigalli were mostly cent time. The letters are finely inscribed and de-
present in the cities with the status of colonies, but ep-cut. The inscription protruded from a window
also in some smaller settlements.35 They are men- shaft in the Episcopal palace. Kandler and Mom-
tioned by Pliny (HN. 35. 7.), but most of the in- msen collected it and first put it on the public squ-
formation comes from epigraphic sources which are. Afterwards, it came to the atrium of the gym-
number twenty-five inscriptions. They reveal that nasium; since 1911 the slab has been kept in the
archigalli were often freedmen of oriental origin.36 Museum of Koper. The inscription reads:
From the analysis of the inscription, the name Sex(tius) Brinniarius
and the function mentioned, it can be conclu- Certus
ded that Lucius Publicius Syntropus was a freed- voto compos pecun[ia]
man. He was likely of oriental or African origin sua portic(um) fecit lon(gam) p(edes) C
and held a function of archigallus, the priest of the “Sextius Brinniarius Certus, having his wish
cult of Magna Mater. It is unknown where he per- fulfilled made this portico 100 feet long at
formed his function, but Tergeste, where three in- his own expense”
This monument is of public character
31 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia, 112; Palma with an inscription that mentions a benefactor,
Karković Takalić, “Period of Introduction and Role of Archigalli in Context of Sextius Brinniarius Certus, who was wealthy
the Inscription of L. Publicius Syntropus from Koper “ Archaeologia Adriatica enough to erect a portico with his own funds.
6 (2012): 89 and 94. Tria nomina formula in which the name is
written, suggests that he had Roman citizenship.
32 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia, His praenomen, Sextius, is one of the 18 most
337. common Roman names.
33 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia, 37 CIL V 518, CIL V 519,CIL V 520
304. 38 Karković Takalić, “Period of Introduction and Role of Archigalli”,
34 For the earlier datation see Jacopo Carcopino, Aspect mystiques de 100.
la Rome païenne (Paris: L’Artisan du Livre, 1942); for the later da-
tation see J. Beaujeu, La religion romaine à l’époque de l’empire, La
politique religieuse des Antonins (96-192) (Paris: Les Belles-Lettres,
1955); P. Lambrechts, R. Bogaert, Asclépios, archigalle pessinonti-
en de Cybèle. Hommages à Marcel Renard, II., Coll. Latomus 102,
35 Karković Takalić, “Period of Introduction and Role of Archigalli”, 96-
36 Karković Takalić, “Period of Introduction and Role of Archigalli”, 94.
ental or African origin after the Constitutio Anto- and Aquileia, the great trade port and Regio X ca-
ninana was enacted.31 The name originally comeshereditati pital, are viable candidates.
from Latin.32
The monument was dated in the time frame
Cognomen Syntropus is considered to be of from second half of 1st century to first half of 2nd
oriental origin and popular among freedmen.33 century AD. The date is based on the use of v(i-
vus) f(ecit) sibi formula which is often found in wi-
Lucius Publicius Syntropus also held a functi- der Trieste area during the second half of 1st centu-
on of an archigallus, a high official of the cult of ry AD. The lack of D(is) M(anibus) abbreviation,
Magna Mater. Galli were priests of the said god- which appeared in the middle of the 1st century
dess who originated in Asia Minor during the Hel- AD, and became common from 2nd century AD
lenistic period. There are conflicting views among onwards, indicates a bit earlier date, towards the
authors as to when the institution of archigalli middle of the 1st century AD.38
first appeared. Some claim it was during the reign
of Claudius, while other put it in the 2nd century Public inscription of Sextius Brinniarius Certus
AD, after the reforms of Antoninus Pius.34 In the The monument (Inscr. It. X. 3. 6; CIL V 489) is
eastern provinces they held some civil magistraci- engraved in the Aurisina limestone slab, without
es, while in the West their function was reserved a frame (height: 0,51 m, width: 1,02 m, thickness:
for religion and rituals in which they often parti- 0,14 m). It is deformed by four holes drilled in re-
cipated with other priests. Archigalli were mostly cent time. The letters are finely inscribed and de-
present in the cities with the status of colonies, but ep-cut. The inscription protruded from a window
also in some smaller settlements.35 They are men- shaft in the Episcopal palace. Kandler and Mom-
tioned by Pliny (HN. 35. 7.), but most of the in- msen collected it and first put it on the public squ-
formation comes from epigraphic sources which are. Afterwards, it came to the atrium of the gym-
number twenty-five inscriptions. They reveal that nasium; since 1911 the slab has been kept in the
archigalli were often freedmen of oriental origin.36 Museum of Koper. The inscription reads:
From the analysis of the inscription, the name Sex(tius) Brinniarius
and the function mentioned, it can be conclu- Certus
ded that Lucius Publicius Syntropus was a freed- voto compos pecun[ia]
man. He was likely of oriental or African origin sua portic(um) fecit lon(gam) p(edes) C
and held a function of archigallus, the priest of the “Sextius Brinniarius Certus, having his wish
cult of Magna Mater. It is unknown where he per- fulfilled made this portico 100 feet long at
formed his function, but Tergeste, where three in- his own expense”
This monument is of public character
31 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia, 112; Palma with an inscription that mentions a benefactor,
Karković Takalić, “Period of Introduction and Role of Archigalli in Context of Sextius Brinniarius Certus, who was wealthy
the Inscription of L. Publicius Syntropus from Koper “ Archaeologia Adriatica enough to erect a portico with his own funds.
6 (2012): 89 and 94. Tria nomina formula in which the name is
written, suggests that he had Roman citizenship.
32 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia, His praenomen, Sextius, is one of the 18 most
337. common Roman names.
33 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia, 37 CIL V 518, CIL V 519,CIL V 520
304. 38 Karković Takalić, “Period of Introduction and Role of Archigalli”,
34 For the earlier datation see Jacopo Carcopino, Aspect mystiques de 100.
la Rome païenne (Paris: L’Artisan du Livre, 1942); for the later da-
tation see J. Beaujeu, La religion romaine à l’époque de l’empire, La
politique religieuse des Antonins (96-192) (Paris: Les Belles-Lettres,
1955); P. Lambrechts, R. Bogaert, Asclépios, archigalle pessinonti-
en de Cybèle. Hommages à Marcel Renard, II., Coll. Latomus 102,
35 Karković Takalić, “Period of Introduction and Role of Archigalli”, 96-
36 Karković Takalić, “Period of Introduction and Role of Archigalli”, 94.