Page 78 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 78
erary monument of Baburia Plotiastudia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 2 78Latin origin, deriving from gens Iulia. It is possible
This monument (Inscr. It. X. 3. 14) was a stone box that the name Iuliane was misspelled by the engra-
which was inscribed on the lateral side. An imagehereditati ver, since it doesn’t fit in any Latin case.
was decorated on both sides where single handles
stood. It supposedly stood on the gates which were The most interesting part of the inscription is
called Piazzale di Porta Ognissanti (The Square of the nomen gentile Taronius in the plural nominati-
All Saints). The inscription reads: ve case, which relates to Plotianus and Iuliane. The
name itself seems to be quite rare65 and is limited
D(is) M(anibus) to Italy. It is interesting to point out that five in-
Baburiae Plotiae scriptions, i.e. majority of them come from Ami-
Taronii Plotianus et Iuliane ternum or its vicinity,66 so there is a possibility that
matri pientissimae the name might be of ancient Sabine origin.
“To the spirits of the dead, to Baburia Plotia,
Taronians Plotianus and Iuliane to the most From te analysis of the names mentioned in
pious mother” the inscriptions, it is likely that it reffers to the
family of Roman citizens, who all bear Roman
This funerary monument mentions three names, Its is possible therefore that they were of
people from the same family. Italic origin and immigrated to Aegida, maybe
from central Italy.
The deceased, Baburia Plotia has a usual na-
ming formula for women, which consists of a no- The monument is dated to period from the
men gentile and a cognomen. This indicates that beginning of the 2nd century onwards.
Baburia Plotia was a Roman citizen. Funerary monument to Gaius Calpurnius
Her nomen gentile, Baburia is known only This monument (Inscr. It. X. 3. 14; CIL V 495) is a
from Italy, so it can be considered to be of Latin plate without a frame, made in Grisignian (today
origin.61 Same can be concluded for cognomen Grožnjan in Croatia) limestone, broken in two pi-
Plotia, which derives from the masculine form eces (height: 0,44 m, width: 0,57 m). Letters are fi-
Plotius, which is also considered to be of Latin ori- nely inscribed and deep-cut. Kandler and Momm-
gin and very popular among Romans.62 sen wrote the inscription down while it stood on
the public square (Loggia), from where it was pla-
Second person mentioned in the inscription ced in the atrium of the gymnaisum. Since 1911, it
is the apparent son of Baburia Plotia, Plotianus. has been inserted into the wall of the Koper muse-
um. The inscription reads:
His name also seems to be of Latin origin, the
more common form being Plotius, which was very C(aius) Calpurnius
popular in Italy, Hispania and Dalmatia,63 whi- C(ai) Frugi l(ibertus)
le Plotianus is mentioned only three times in the Alexsa
western provinces and Italy.64 Sabinnaeus
filius patri
Third person mentioned is Iuliane, who is de suo
supposed to be the daughter of the deceased. Her peculio fecit
name is also Roman and can be considered to be of
65 Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Latinarum, vol. IV,
61 Mócsy, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae Latinarum et Galliae 226.
Cisalpinae, 42; Barnabas Lőrincz, Ferenc Redő, Onomasticon provin-
ciarum Europae latinarum, vol. I: Aba-Bysanus (Budapest: Archaeo- 66 CIL I 3292, CIL IX 4302, AE 1992, 0484 , AE 1992, 0486 , AE 1992,
lingua Alapítvány, 1994), 268. 0487.
62 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia,
63 Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Latinarum, vol. III,
64 Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Latinarum, vol. IV,
This monument (Inscr. It. X. 3. 14) was a stone box that the name Iuliane was misspelled by the engra-
which was inscribed on the lateral side. An imagehereditati ver, since it doesn’t fit in any Latin case.
was decorated on both sides where single handles
stood. It supposedly stood on the gates which were The most interesting part of the inscription is
called Piazzale di Porta Ognissanti (The Square of the nomen gentile Taronius in the plural nominati-
All Saints). The inscription reads: ve case, which relates to Plotianus and Iuliane. The
name itself seems to be quite rare65 and is limited
D(is) M(anibus) to Italy. It is interesting to point out that five in-
Baburiae Plotiae scriptions, i.e. majority of them come from Ami-
Taronii Plotianus et Iuliane ternum or its vicinity,66 so there is a possibility that
matri pientissimae the name might be of ancient Sabine origin.
“To the spirits of the dead, to Baburia Plotia,
Taronians Plotianus and Iuliane to the most From te analysis of the names mentioned in
pious mother” the inscriptions, it is likely that it reffers to the
family of Roman citizens, who all bear Roman
This funerary monument mentions three names, Its is possible therefore that they were of
people from the same family. Italic origin and immigrated to Aegida, maybe
from central Italy.
The deceased, Baburia Plotia has a usual na-
ming formula for women, which consists of a no- The monument is dated to period from the
men gentile and a cognomen. This indicates that beginning of the 2nd century onwards.
Baburia Plotia was a Roman citizen. Funerary monument to Gaius Calpurnius
Her nomen gentile, Baburia is known only This monument (Inscr. It. X. 3. 14; CIL V 495) is a
from Italy, so it can be considered to be of Latin plate without a frame, made in Grisignian (today
origin.61 Same can be concluded for cognomen Grožnjan in Croatia) limestone, broken in two pi-
Plotia, which derives from the masculine form eces (height: 0,44 m, width: 0,57 m). Letters are fi-
Plotius, which is also considered to be of Latin ori- nely inscribed and deep-cut. Kandler and Momm-
gin and very popular among Romans.62 sen wrote the inscription down while it stood on
the public square (Loggia), from where it was pla-
Second person mentioned in the inscription ced in the atrium of the gymnaisum. Since 1911, it
is the apparent son of Baburia Plotia, Plotianus. has been inserted into the wall of the Koper muse-
um. The inscription reads:
His name also seems to be of Latin origin, the
more common form being Plotius, which was very C(aius) Calpurnius
popular in Italy, Hispania and Dalmatia,63 whi- C(ai) Frugi l(ibertus)
le Plotianus is mentioned only three times in the Alexsa
western provinces and Italy.64 Sabinnaeus
filius patri
Third person mentioned is Iuliane, who is de suo
supposed to be the daughter of the deceased. Her peculio fecit
name is also Roman and can be considered to be of
65 Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Latinarum, vol. IV,
61 Mócsy, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae Latinarum et Galliae 226.
Cisalpinae, 42; Barnabas Lőrincz, Ferenc Redő, Onomasticon provin-
ciarum Europae latinarum, vol. I: Aba-Bysanus (Budapest: Archaeo- 66 CIL I 3292, CIL IX 4302, AE 1992, 0484 , AE 1992, 0486 , AE 1992,
lingua Alapítvány, 1994), 268. 0487.
62 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia,
63 Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Latinarum, vol. III,
64 Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Latinarum, vol. IV,