Page 79 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 79
ia universitatis “Gaius Calpurnius Alexsa, freedman of Ga- Nomen gentile Calpurnius, as above, was
onomastical analysis of inscr iptions from koper and its vicint y 79 ius Frugi, son Sabinnaeus erected (this mo- a name of very prominent family that several
nument) to his father at his own expense” consuls.
This is a funerary monument which men- Cognomen Frugi is quite rare, with only one
tions a liberated slave Gaius Calpurnius Alexsa, other inscription mentioning this surname in
his former master Gaius Calpurnius Frugi and Italy.73 The origin of the name comes from the
his son Sabinnaeus. practice of giving nicknames which denote certa-
in quality, in this case honesty of virtuousness.74
After manumission of Gaius Calpurnius The lack of mention of this surname in the in-
Alexsa, praenomen and nomen gentile of his for- scriptions is contrasted by several important in-
mer master became a part of his new Roman dividuals recorded in the history that bore this
name, as it was common Roman practice.67 surname. The most famous one is likely M. Lici-
nius Crassus Frugi, consul in 27 AD. This parti-
Nomen gentile Calpurnius was a very com- cular individual, the former owner of the decea-
mon Roman name, especially among the sena- sed, was related to C. Calpurnius Crassus Frugi
torial class. This nomen gentile was very popu- Licianus, who lived during the rule of Nerva.75
lar in Liburnia and western Istria,68 but also in
Italy and Hispania, where over one hundred and The last person mentioned in the inscripti-
thirty inscriptions with this name were found. on is the son of the deceased, Sabinnaeus. This
Its origin is from gens Calpurnia, which rose to monument is the only instance where this name
prominence after the Punic Wars. Many mem- is written in this form.76 Form Sabinus is much
bers of this gens became consuls.69 more common in all parts of the Empire, especi-
ally southern Italy and its origin is Latin.77 It is
His single slave name, Alexsa, became cogno- related to the ethnic name of the Sabines, but in
men, which was a common practice for that so- this case it is probably not a sign of person’s eth-
cial class.70 Alexsa is likely of oriental, Greek ori- nicity, rather a manifestation of a practice of gi-
gin and is attested in only one other inscription ving nicknames originating from the names of
in the western provinces.71 Entry in the databa- nations.78
se offers a possibility that form Alexsa is shorte-
ned from Alexsander.72 However, since there was His father being a liberated slave, tria nomi-
enough room on the plate to inscribe the sugge- na is expected to be used for Sabinnaeus. Rea-
sted full name but it was not done, probably the son for the lack of it is maybe the fact that there
name Alexsa is the correct reconstruction. was no room on this plate or funds to buy a lar-
ger stone plate to inscribe everything intended.
Inscription in this monument also menti-
ons the former master of the deceased. His name The monument can be dated to the 1st centu-
is Gaius Calpurnius Frugi. ry AD.
His praenomen, Gaius is one of the 18 most 73 Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Latinarum, vol.
common Roman names. III, 154; a prominent individual with this surname was M. Licinius
Crassus Frugi, consul in 27 AD.
67 Salway, “What’s in a Name?”, 127; Matijašić, Uvod u latinsku epigrafi-
ju, 62. 74 From the Latin frūgī adj. indecl. proper, worthy, honest, virtuous, fru-
gal; Kajanto, The Latin Cognomina, 253.
68 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia, 70.
69 Smith, A Dictionary Of Greek And Roman Antiquities, 582. 75 Degrassi, Inscriptiones Italiae, Vol. X., Regio X, Fasc. III, 10.
70 Matijašić, Uvod u latinsku epigrafiju, 67. 76 Mócsy, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae Latinarum et Galliae
71 Lőrincz, Redő, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Latinarum, vol.
Cisalpinae, 248; Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Lati-
I, 74. narum, vol. IV, 167-168.
72 EDCS-04200582 Epigraphik – Datenbank Clauss – Slaby. http:// 77 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia,
117 and 341; Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Latina- (16.7.2015). rum, vol. IV, 40.
78 Kajanto, The Latin Cognomina, 185.
onomastical analysis of inscr iptions from koper and its vicint y 79 ius Frugi, son Sabinnaeus erected (this mo- a name of very prominent family that several
nument) to his father at his own expense” consuls.
This is a funerary monument which men- Cognomen Frugi is quite rare, with only one
tions a liberated slave Gaius Calpurnius Alexsa, other inscription mentioning this surname in
his former master Gaius Calpurnius Frugi and Italy.73 The origin of the name comes from the
his son Sabinnaeus. practice of giving nicknames which denote certa-
in quality, in this case honesty of virtuousness.74
After manumission of Gaius Calpurnius The lack of mention of this surname in the in-
Alexsa, praenomen and nomen gentile of his for- scriptions is contrasted by several important in-
mer master became a part of his new Roman dividuals recorded in the history that bore this
name, as it was common Roman practice.67 surname. The most famous one is likely M. Lici-
nius Crassus Frugi, consul in 27 AD. This parti-
Nomen gentile Calpurnius was a very com- cular individual, the former owner of the decea-
mon Roman name, especially among the sena- sed, was related to C. Calpurnius Crassus Frugi
torial class. This nomen gentile was very popu- Licianus, who lived during the rule of Nerva.75
lar in Liburnia and western Istria,68 but also in
Italy and Hispania, where over one hundred and The last person mentioned in the inscripti-
thirty inscriptions with this name were found. on is the son of the deceased, Sabinnaeus. This
Its origin is from gens Calpurnia, which rose to monument is the only instance where this name
prominence after the Punic Wars. Many mem- is written in this form.76 Form Sabinus is much
bers of this gens became consuls.69 more common in all parts of the Empire, especi-
ally southern Italy and its origin is Latin.77 It is
His single slave name, Alexsa, became cogno- related to the ethnic name of the Sabines, but in
men, which was a common practice for that so- this case it is probably not a sign of person’s eth-
cial class.70 Alexsa is likely of oriental, Greek ori- nicity, rather a manifestation of a practice of gi-
gin and is attested in only one other inscription ving nicknames originating from the names of
in the western provinces.71 Entry in the databa- nations.78
se offers a possibility that form Alexsa is shorte-
ned from Alexsander.72 However, since there was His father being a liberated slave, tria nomi-
enough room on the plate to inscribe the sugge- na is expected to be used for Sabinnaeus. Rea-
sted full name but it was not done, probably the son for the lack of it is maybe the fact that there
name Alexsa is the correct reconstruction. was no room on this plate or funds to buy a lar-
ger stone plate to inscribe everything intended.
Inscription in this monument also menti-
ons the former master of the deceased. His name The monument can be dated to the 1st centu-
is Gaius Calpurnius Frugi. ry AD.
His praenomen, Gaius is one of the 18 most 73 Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Latinarum, vol.
common Roman names. III, 154; a prominent individual with this surname was M. Licinius
Crassus Frugi, consul in 27 AD.
67 Salway, “What’s in a Name?”, 127; Matijašić, Uvod u latinsku epigrafi-
ju, 62. 74 From the Latin frūgī adj. indecl. proper, worthy, honest, virtuous, fru-
gal; Kajanto, The Latin Cognomina, 253.
68 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia, 70.
69 Smith, A Dictionary Of Greek And Roman Antiquities, 582. 75 Degrassi, Inscriptiones Italiae, Vol. X., Regio X, Fasc. III, 10.
70 Matijašić, Uvod u latinsku epigrafiju, 67. 76 Mócsy, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae Latinarum et Galliae
71 Lőrincz, Redő, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Latinarum, vol.
Cisalpinae, 248; Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Lati-
I, 74. narum, vol. IV, 167-168.
72 EDCS-04200582 Epigraphik – Datenbank Clauss – Slaby. http:// 77 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia,
117 and 341; Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Latina- (16.7.2015). rum, vol. IV, 40.
78 Kajanto, The Latin Cognomina, 185.