Page 84 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 84
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 2 84Tulliae Septiminaethe form annos, is common from 2nd century AD.
animae inocentissimae Secondly, the precise lifetime of the deceased be-
hereditatiquae vixit annis VI mens(ibus) VIIII ing recorded on the monument, including years,
diebus VII Tullia Privata months and days, became common in the 3rd cen-
mater in(f)elicissima tury A.D.112 Datation of this monument can then
be set in the 3rd century AD.
“To Tullia Septimina, of the most innocent
soul, who lived to 6 years, 9 months, 7 Bronze plate with inscribed names
days, Tullia Privata, the most unfortunate of liberated slaves
mother” This inscription (Inscr. It. X. 3. 30; CIL V 501) is
on a fragment of a bronze plate (height: 0,15 m,
This funerary monument mentions two fe- width: 0,12 m, thickness: 0,006 – 0,009 m). It
male persons, the deceased daughter and her was found near Koper, in the place called Arjol,
mother who erected the monument. between St. Michael and the Lazaretto, on the
estate of Ingaldes, a noble familiy of Koper. It is
The daughter, who died quite young, jud- unknown how at one point the plate turned up
ging by the two names, was a Roman citizen by in Vienna, but now it is kept in the Archaeolo-
birth. gical Museum of Istria, in Pula. The inscription
Nomen gentile Tullia belongs to one of the
most ancient Roman gens, whose patrician branch ---] Magaplina Mati (vel Matt) [---an(no
was already extinct in the early Republic. The rum)---, M]agaplina Tertiae lib(erta) [an(o-
name (except for a few notable individuals, of rum)--]
whom Marcus Tullius Cicero is the most famous Magaplina Tertiae [lib]erta an(norum) [---]
one) was common among freedmen.107 [Ma]
gaplina Raeci f(ilia) an(nnorum) LX [--
Cognomen Septimina has an origin from a Maxi]ma
common Roman practice of giving nicknames re- f(ilia) an(norum) X[--- Magaplin]us Maxi-
lated to number of children in big families, which mae filiae
later became an usual cognomen.108 f(ilius) an(norum) [---] Magaplinus [Ma]
Cognomen Privata is a frequent Roman sur- lib(ertus) an(norum) [---] Magaplinus [M]
name of Latin origin.109 The highest number of in- arcel
scriptions with this name come from Italy.110 The lae lib(ertus) [an(norum) ---], Magaplina
word itself derives from the practice of giving na- [Mar]cellae
mes originating from a certain social class.111 lib(erta) [an(norum)---
“Magaplina Mati, years
Considering all this, both persons were Ro- Magaplina, freedwoman of Tertia, years
man citizens and their Latin names might indi- Magaplina, freedwoman of Tertia, years
cate that they were of Italic origin. While the Magaplina, daughter of Raecus, years 60,
mother might have been a freedman, the dece- daughter Maxima
ased daughter probably received citizenship by years 10, Magaplinus, son of daughter of
birth. Maxima, years, Magaplinus, freedman of
Marcella, years, Magaplinus, freedman of
This monument can be dated on the ba-
sis of several epighrapical and onomastical featu- 112 Keppie, Understanding Roman Inscriptions, 107
res. First is the use of the form annis, which along
107 Smith, A Dictionary Of Greek And Roman Antiquities, 1183.
108 Matijašić, Uvod u latinsku epigrafiju, 61-62.
109 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia,
110 Mócsy, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae Latinarum et Galliae
Cisalpinae, 232; Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Lati-
narum, vol. III, 165.
111 Kajanto, The Latin Cognomina, 315.
animae inocentissimae Secondly, the precise lifetime of the deceased be-
hereditatiquae vixit annis VI mens(ibus) VIIII ing recorded on the monument, including years,
diebus VII Tullia Privata months and days, became common in the 3rd cen-
mater in(f)elicissima tury A.D.112 Datation of this monument can then
be set in the 3rd century AD.
“To Tullia Septimina, of the most innocent
soul, who lived to 6 years, 9 months, 7 Bronze plate with inscribed names
days, Tullia Privata, the most unfortunate of liberated slaves
mother” This inscription (Inscr. It. X. 3. 30; CIL V 501) is
on a fragment of a bronze plate (height: 0,15 m,
This funerary monument mentions two fe- width: 0,12 m, thickness: 0,006 – 0,009 m). It
male persons, the deceased daughter and her was found near Koper, in the place called Arjol,
mother who erected the monument. between St. Michael and the Lazaretto, on the
estate of Ingaldes, a noble familiy of Koper. It is
The daughter, who died quite young, jud- unknown how at one point the plate turned up
ging by the two names, was a Roman citizen by in Vienna, but now it is kept in the Archaeolo-
birth. gical Museum of Istria, in Pula. The inscription
Nomen gentile Tullia belongs to one of the
most ancient Roman gens, whose patrician branch ---] Magaplina Mati (vel Matt) [---an(no
was already extinct in the early Republic. The rum)---, M]agaplina Tertiae lib(erta) [an(o-
name (except for a few notable individuals, of rum)--]
whom Marcus Tullius Cicero is the most famous Magaplina Tertiae [lib]erta an(norum) [---]
one) was common among freedmen.107 [Ma]
gaplina Raeci f(ilia) an(nnorum) LX [--
Cognomen Septimina has an origin from a Maxi]ma
common Roman practice of giving nicknames re- f(ilia) an(norum) X[--- Magaplin]us Maxi-
lated to number of children in big families, which mae filiae
later became an usual cognomen.108 f(ilius) an(norum) [---] Magaplinus [Ma]
Cognomen Privata is a frequent Roman sur- lib(ertus) an(norum) [---] Magaplinus [M]
name of Latin origin.109 The highest number of in- arcel
scriptions with this name come from Italy.110 The lae lib(ertus) [an(norum) ---], Magaplina
word itself derives from the practice of giving na- [Mar]cellae
mes originating from a certain social class.111 lib(erta) [an(norum)---
“Magaplina Mati, years
Considering all this, both persons were Ro- Magaplina, freedwoman of Tertia, years
man citizens and their Latin names might indi- Magaplina, freedwoman of Tertia, years
cate that they were of Italic origin. While the Magaplina, daughter of Raecus, years 60,
mother might have been a freedman, the dece- daughter Maxima
ased daughter probably received citizenship by years 10, Magaplinus, son of daughter of
birth. Maxima, years, Magaplinus, freedman of
Marcella, years, Magaplinus, freedman of
This monument can be dated on the ba-
sis of several epighrapical and onomastical featu- 112 Keppie, Understanding Roman Inscriptions, 107
res. First is the use of the form annis, which along
107 Smith, A Dictionary Of Greek And Roman Antiquities, 1183.
108 Matijašić, Uvod u latinsku epigrafiju, 61-62.
109 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia,
110 Mócsy, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae Latinarum et Galliae
Cisalpinae, 232; Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Lati-
narum, vol. III, 165.
111 Kajanto, The Latin Cognomina, 315.