Page 90 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 90
, maybe even an immigrant from other partsstudia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 2 90ch ended favorably for the the person who then
of Italy. erected the monument to thank the gods and ful-
hereditati fill his part of the vow. This is further confirmed
The monument is dated to 1st half of 1st cen- by the use of VSLM abbreviation. This type of mo-
tury AD. nument is found all over the Empire and due to its
popularity, it is not surprising for them to be fou-
Classification of inscriptions nd in the urban center like Aegida, although they
and monuments are still significantly less represented than the fu-
nerary inscriptions.
The inscriptions in this work can be classified
into four categories based on its type: funerary, Three inscriptions presented in this work
dedicatory, building inscription and document. are of votive character, all of which mention de-
Although the inscriptions are analyzed minutely ities.
in the text, short overview of types is presented.
Monument dedicated to Silvanus Augustus
Concerning the monuments, the majori- (No. 2) was erected by Quintus Appuleius Epa-
ty of them were made in local Aurisina or some gathus,a freedman.
other Istrian limestone, like Grožnjan or local
Koper stone. Only one monument, the bronze Another monument was erected by Quin-
plate, was made from metal. tus, slave of Lucius Protoctetus, who fullfilled
the vow to goddess Nemesis (No. 22).
Funerary inscriptions
Funerary monuments make up the majority of Only one monument (No. 2) found in Ko-
inscriptions found in the Koper area and presen- per is dedicated to an oriental deity, in this case an
ted in this work. This fact is not suprising, sin- Egyptian godess Isis. It was erected by Lucius Vale-
ce the vast majortiy all Roman inscriptions are rius Memor, who also served as sevir Augustalis,a
of funerary character, especially outside of Rome priest of the imperial cult and by the information
and even more so in the provinces. The inscripti- in the inscription, a distiguished member of the
ons found in Koper and its vicinity, don’t stand society in the 2nd century AD.
out in any way and usually contain the informa-
tion about the deceased, his family and someti- Building inscriptions
mes the person who erected the monument. This type of inscription often mentions an empe-
ror or a magistrate who funded the construction
One inscription (No. 21) is a damaged mo- work of some public building. This was a very com-
nument which only mentions two people. Due mon way of commemorating a donation for a pu-
to damage the inscription is only partially pre- blic cause, so that the benefactor was known and
served and it is not known certainly whether it not forgotten by the community to which he ser-
is of the funerary or maybe of some other cha- ved.
One building inscription (No. 5) mentions a
The funerary monuments themselves were certain Sextius Brinniarius Certus. It also reveals
made in few simple shapes: stele (inscribed pla- that is a portico was built at the expense of the abo-
te), ara (rectangular altar, often for votive purpo- ve mentioned citizen.
ses), cippus (rectangular or any other geometrical-
ly shaped tombstone) and parts of the sacrophagus Documents
(coffin for the corpse of the deceased). Documents (Latin acta) were a type of inscripti-
ons which had legal importance and included trea-
Dedicatory inscriptions ties, laws but also calendars and military diplomas.
The nature of dedicatory inscriptions are often re-
lated to the happy fullfilment of the vow taken be- Bronze plate found in Arjol near Koper (No.
fore some journey, bussiness or other venture, whi- 17) is a rare and important type of inscription for
this area. It is probably a legal document which is
of Italy. erected the monument to thank the gods and ful-
hereditati fill his part of the vow. This is further confirmed
The monument is dated to 1st half of 1st cen- by the use of VSLM abbreviation. This type of mo-
tury AD. nument is found all over the Empire and due to its
popularity, it is not surprising for them to be fou-
Classification of inscriptions nd in the urban center like Aegida, although they
and monuments are still significantly less represented than the fu-
nerary inscriptions.
The inscriptions in this work can be classified
into four categories based on its type: funerary, Three inscriptions presented in this work
dedicatory, building inscription and document. are of votive character, all of which mention de-
Although the inscriptions are analyzed minutely ities.
in the text, short overview of types is presented.
Monument dedicated to Silvanus Augustus
Concerning the monuments, the majori- (No. 2) was erected by Quintus Appuleius Epa-
ty of them were made in local Aurisina or some gathus,a freedman.
other Istrian limestone, like Grožnjan or local
Koper stone. Only one monument, the bronze Another monument was erected by Quin-
plate, was made from metal. tus, slave of Lucius Protoctetus, who fullfilled
the vow to goddess Nemesis (No. 22).
Funerary inscriptions
Funerary monuments make up the majority of Only one monument (No. 2) found in Ko-
inscriptions found in the Koper area and presen- per is dedicated to an oriental deity, in this case an
ted in this work. This fact is not suprising, sin- Egyptian godess Isis. It was erected by Lucius Vale-
ce the vast majortiy all Roman inscriptions are rius Memor, who also served as sevir Augustalis,a
of funerary character, especially outside of Rome priest of the imperial cult and by the information
and even more so in the provinces. The inscripti- in the inscription, a distiguished member of the
ons found in Koper and its vicinity, don’t stand society in the 2nd century AD.
out in any way and usually contain the informa-
tion about the deceased, his family and someti- Building inscriptions
mes the person who erected the monument. This type of inscription often mentions an empe-
ror or a magistrate who funded the construction
One inscription (No. 21) is a damaged mo- work of some public building. This was a very com-
nument which only mentions two people. Due mon way of commemorating a donation for a pu-
to damage the inscription is only partially pre- blic cause, so that the benefactor was known and
served and it is not known certainly whether it not forgotten by the community to which he ser-
is of the funerary or maybe of some other cha- ved.
One building inscription (No. 5) mentions a
The funerary monuments themselves were certain Sextius Brinniarius Certus. It also reveals
made in few simple shapes: stele (inscribed pla- that is a portico was built at the expense of the abo-
te), ara (rectangular altar, often for votive purpo- ve mentioned citizen.
ses), cippus (rectangular or any other geometrical-
ly shaped tombstone) and parts of the sacrophagus Documents
(coffin for the corpse of the deceased). Documents (Latin acta) were a type of inscripti-
ons which had legal importance and included trea-
Dedicatory inscriptions ties, laws but also calendars and military diplomas.
The nature of dedicatory inscriptions are often re-
lated to the happy fullfilment of the vow taken be- Bronze plate found in Arjol near Koper (No.
fore some journey, bussiness or other venture, whi- 17) is a rare and important type of inscription for
this area. It is probably a legal document which is