Page 109 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(2) (2017)
P. 109
ia universitatis The Built Environment, (September, 2014): XXXVIII-5/W16, (September, 2011):
125-136, doi: 10.2495/DSHF140111. 377-385, doi: 10.5194 / isprsarchives-
implementation of 3d scanning in pr esentation and pr eservation of cultur al her itage 109 Leica Geosystems AG. 2018. https://lasers.leica- KSKSKSVIII-5-V16-377-2011. Shanoer, Mohsin, M. and Fanar M. Abed. “Evaluate 3D laser point clouds registration
product_documents/blk/17-lei-030_ for cultural heritage documentation” The
blk360_spec_sheet_r2_v2.pdf (accessed Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and
June 15, 2018). Space Sciences, In Press, Corrected Proof
Lerones, Pedro Martín, Vélez David (2017).
Olmedo, Rojo Fernando Gayubo, Smits, John. «Application of 3D Terrestrial
Jaime Gómez-García-Bermejo and Laser Scanning to Map Building
Casanova Eduardo Zalama. “Moisture Surfaces.» Journal of Architectural
detection in heritage buildings by 3D Conservation, 17, no. 1, (November,
laser scanning”. Studies in Conservation, 2011) 81 - 94, doi: 10.1080 /
61, no. 1, 46-54. (April 2016): 46-54. 13556207.2011.10785083.
doi:10.1179/2047058415Y.0000000017. Vosselman, George, and Hans-Gerd Maas.
Maar, Hannes, and Hans-Martin Zogg. WFD Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning.
– Wave Form Digitizer Technology, White Dunbeath: Whittles Publishing, 2010.
Paper. Heerbrugg, Switzerland, September Yastikli, Naci. “Documentation of cultural
2014. heritage using digital photogrammetry and
Haddad, Naif Adel. “From ground surveying laser scanning.” Journal of cultural heritage,
to 3D laser scanner: A review of techniques Volume 8, Issue 4, (September, 2007): 423-
used for spatial documentation of historic 427, doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2007.06.003.
sites” Journal of King Saud University
- Engineering Sciences Vol. 23, Issue 2,
(June, 2011): 109-118.
Pieraccini, Massimiliano, Gabriele Guidi and
Carlo Atzeni. “3D digitizing of cultural
heritage.” Journal of Cultural Heritage 2,
no. 1, ( March, 2001): 63-70, doi: 10.1016 /
S1296-2074 (01) 01108-6.
Remondino, Fabio, Rizzi, Alessandro. Reality-
based 3D documentation of natural
and cultural heritage sites: techniques,
problems, and examples. Applied Geomatics
2 (3), (2010): 85–100,
San José, Alonso J.I., Jose Martínez Rubio,
José Fernández Martín Juan, and Jorge
García Fernández. “Comparing Time-
Of and Phase-Shift the Survey of the
Royal Pantheon in the Basilica of San
Isidoro (LEÓN)” International Archives
of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume
125-136, doi: 10.2495/DSHF140111. 377-385, doi: 10.5194 / isprsarchives-
implementation of 3d scanning in pr esentation and pr eservation of cultur al her itage 109 Leica Geosystems AG. 2018. https://lasers.leica- KSKSKSVIII-5-V16-377-2011. Shanoer, Mohsin, M. and Fanar M. Abed. “Evaluate 3D laser point clouds registration
product_documents/blk/17-lei-030_ for cultural heritage documentation” The
blk360_spec_sheet_r2_v2.pdf (accessed Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and
June 15, 2018). Space Sciences, In Press, Corrected Proof
Lerones, Pedro Martín, Vélez David (2017).
Olmedo, Rojo Fernando Gayubo, Smits, John. «Application of 3D Terrestrial
Jaime Gómez-García-Bermejo and Laser Scanning to Map Building
Casanova Eduardo Zalama. “Moisture Surfaces.» Journal of Architectural
detection in heritage buildings by 3D Conservation, 17, no. 1, (November,
laser scanning”. Studies in Conservation, 2011) 81 - 94, doi: 10.1080 /
61, no. 1, 46-54. (April 2016): 46-54. 13556207.2011.10785083.
doi:10.1179/2047058415Y.0000000017. Vosselman, George, and Hans-Gerd Maas.
Maar, Hannes, and Hans-Martin Zogg. WFD Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning.
– Wave Form Digitizer Technology, White Dunbeath: Whittles Publishing, 2010.
Paper. Heerbrugg, Switzerland, September Yastikli, Naci. “Documentation of cultural
2014. heritage using digital photogrammetry and
Haddad, Naif Adel. “From ground surveying laser scanning.” Journal of cultural heritage,
to 3D laser scanner: A review of techniques Volume 8, Issue 4, (September, 2007): 423-
used for spatial documentation of historic 427, doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2007.06.003.
sites” Journal of King Saud University
- Engineering Sciences Vol. 23, Issue 2,
(June, 2011): 109-118.
Pieraccini, Massimiliano, Gabriele Guidi and
Carlo Atzeni. “3D digitizing of cultural
heritage.” Journal of Cultural Heritage 2,
no. 1, ( March, 2001): 63-70, doi: 10.1016 /
S1296-2074 (01) 01108-6.
Remondino, Fabio, Rizzi, Alessandro. Reality-
based 3D documentation of natural
and cultural heritage sites: techniques,
problems, and examples. Applied Geomatics
2 (3), (2010): 85–100,
San José, Alonso J.I., Jose Martínez Rubio,
José Fernández Martín Juan, and Jorge
García Fernández. “Comparing Time-
Of and Phase-Shift the Survey of the
Royal Pantheon in the Basilica of San
Isidoro (LEÓN)” International Archives
of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume