Page 105 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(2) (2017)
P. 105
ia universitatisFigure 5. Schematic illustration of the time of flight With this technology, the distance is calculated
EDM method on the time between the received start and a stop
implementation of 3d scanning in pr esentation and pr eservation of cultur al her itage 105 pulse signals.14 Leica BLK 360 scanner is using
Wave Form Digitizer (WFD) this technology.
Figure 6. Schematic illustration of the WFD EDM Solution
method Faced by the problems outlined above, we decide
The Wave Form Digitizer represents a fast and to use a laser scanner for documenting, the ex-
accurate distance measurements, it is a success- isting situation in the dungeons. The use of 3D
ful combination of laser scanning and total sta- laser scanning in the preservation of cultural
tion in one instrument.13 The WFD is a tech- heritage is very common nowadays. There have
nology system that combines advantages of the been many studies that illustrate how 3D scan-
phase shift and the time-of-flight method in a ning, implemented in the protection of cultur-
unified system. Digitized waveform data have al heritage, produces excellent results, both in
are two basic characteristics, the amplitude terms of speed and precision. 3D laser scanning
quantization, and the time sampling resolution. is a non-destructive, non-contact method of cap-
The amplitude resolution describes the extent turing data that provide accurate and rapid cre-
of samples that can be used to digitally repre- ation of three-dimensional models, for archiv-
sent the amplitude of the waveform, expressed in ing and digital manipulation. A 3D laser scanner
bits. The resolution represents a quantity of how emits a laser beam that hits a target object, meas-
often are the measurements amplitude collected. uring millions of closely spaced measurements in
a matter of minutes. The scanned measurements
Yastikli. “Documentation of cultural heritage using digital pho- are grouped into compressed point cloud data-
togrammetry and laser scanning.” Journal of cultural heritage, 8, Is- bases, which are further generated into a 3D rep-
sue 4, (September, 2007): 423-427, doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2007.06.003.; resentation of the object.15 The main task of 3D
Alonso J.I., San José, Jose Martínez Rubio, José Fernández Martín scanning is to produce models that can be used
Juan, and Jorge García Fernández. “Comparing Time-Of and for presentation and preservation. A technology
Phase-Shift the Survey of the Royal Pantheon in the Basilica of San of 3D scanning is aimed at collecting informa-
Isidoro (LEÓN)” International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Re- tion on the shape and texture of the scanned ob-
mote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXVIII-5/W16, ject. The acquired data build a digital three-di-
(September, 2011): 377-385, doi: 10.5194 / isprsarchives-KSKSKS- mensional mode useful for a wide variety of
VIII-5-V16-377-2011 interpretative and analytical purposes.
13 Hannes, Maar, and Hans-Martin Zogg. WFD – Wave Form Digi-
tizer Technology, White Paper. Heerbrugg, Switzerland, September The 3D scanner used for scanning dun-
2014. 3 geons in the building of the National Muse-
um of Pančevo is Leica BLK 360 (Figure 4). It
turned out that that 3D laser scanning technolo-
gy has many advantages in this situation. For ex-
ample, scanning is possible under poor visibili-
14 Hannes, Maar and Hans-Martin Zogg. WFD – Wave Form Digi-
tizer Technology, White Paper. Heerbrugg, Switzerland, September
2014. 4
15 Pedro Arias-Sánchez, Herraez Jose, Lorenzo Henrique, and Or-
donez Celestino.” Control of structural problems in cultural heri-
tage monuments using close-range photogrammetry and computer
methods” Computers and Structures, (August 2005): 1754-1766. doi:
10.1016/j.compstruc.2005.02.018; Naci, Yastikli. “Documentation
of cultural heritage using digital photogrammetry and laser scan-
ning.” Journal of cultural heritage, 8, Issue 4, (September, 2007): 423-
427, doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2007.06.003.
EDM method on the time between the received start and a stop
implementation of 3d scanning in pr esentation and pr eservation of cultur al her itage 105 pulse signals.14 Leica BLK 360 scanner is using
Wave Form Digitizer (WFD) this technology.
Figure 6. Schematic illustration of the WFD EDM Solution
method Faced by the problems outlined above, we decide
The Wave Form Digitizer represents a fast and to use a laser scanner for documenting, the ex-
accurate distance measurements, it is a success- isting situation in the dungeons. The use of 3D
ful combination of laser scanning and total sta- laser scanning in the preservation of cultural
tion in one instrument.13 The WFD is a tech- heritage is very common nowadays. There have
nology system that combines advantages of the been many studies that illustrate how 3D scan-
phase shift and the time-of-flight method in a ning, implemented in the protection of cultur-
unified system. Digitized waveform data have al heritage, produces excellent results, both in
are two basic characteristics, the amplitude terms of speed and precision. 3D laser scanning
quantization, and the time sampling resolution. is a non-destructive, non-contact method of cap-
The amplitude resolution describes the extent turing data that provide accurate and rapid cre-
of samples that can be used to digitally repre- ation of three-dimensional models, for archiv-
sent the amplitude of the waveform, expressed in ing and digital manipulation. A 3D laser scanner
bits. The resolution represents a quantity of how emits a laser beam that hits a target object, meas-
often are the measurements amplitude collected. uring millions of closely spaced measurements in
a matter of minutes. The scanned measurements
Yastikli. “Documentation of cultural heritage using digital pho- are grouped into compressed point cloud data-
togrammetry and laser scanning.” Journal of cultural heritage, 8, Is- bases, which are further generated into a 3D rep-
sue 4, (September, 2007): 423-427, doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2007.06.003.; resentation of the object.15 The main task of 3D
Alonso J.I., San José, Jose Martínez Rubio, José Fernández Martín scanning is to produce models that can be used
Juan, and Jorge García Fernández. “Comparing Time-Of and for presentation and preservation. A technology
Phase-Shift the Survey of the Royal Pantheon in the Basilica of San of 3D scanning is aimed at collecting informa-
Isidoro (LEÓN)” International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Re- tion on the shape and texture of the scanned ob-
mote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXVIII-5/W16, ject. The acquired data build a digital three-di-
(September, 2011): 377-385, doi: 10.5194 / isprsarchives-KSKSKS- mensional mode useful for a wide variety of
VIII-5-V16-377-2011 interpretative and analytical purposes.
13 Hannes, Maar, and Hans-Martin Zogg. WFD – Wave Form Digi-
tizer Technology, White Paper. Heerbrugg, Switzerland, September The 3D scanner used for scanning dun-
2014. 3 geons in the building of the National Muse-
um of Pančevo is Leica BLK 360 (Figure 4). It
turned out that that 3D laser scanning technolo-
gy has many advantages in this situation. For ex-
ample, scanning is possible under poor visibili-
14 Hannes, Maar and Hans-Martin Zogg. WFD – Wave Form Digi-
tizer Technology, White Paper. Heerbrugg, Switzerland, September
2014. 4
15 Pedro Arias-Sánchez, Herraez Jose, Lorenzo Henrique, and Or-
donez Celestino.” Control of structural problems in cultural heri-
tage monuments using close-range photogrammetry and computer
methods” Computers and Structures, (August 2005): 1754-1766. doi:
10.1016/j.compstruc.2005.02.018; Naci, Yastikli. “Documentation
of cultural heritage using digital photogrammetry and laser scan-
ning.” Journal of cultural heritage, 8, Issue 4, (September, 2007): 423-
427, doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2007.06.003.