Page 108 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(2) (2017)
P. 108
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 2 108provides possibilities for the digital presentationBLK365 3D scanner was used, the scanner works on the
of the cultural monument. Furthermore, that principle of Wave Form Digitizer (WFD) technology.
hereditatiinvolves a lot of possibility for displaying cul-In addition to the high precision of laser scanning, this
tural monument that been scanned. Like it is al- scanner also enables the creation of high-quality tex-
ready mentioned results of 3D scanning can be tures on 3D models. This is accomplished by using three
presented in real time directly on iPad pro. Also, high-resolution cameras built in, the scanner also has a
a presentation of a 3D model of dungeons can longwave thermal imaging camera in its encasing. In
be adapted for any touchscreens, the gained 3D this case usage of thermal camera, indicate the presence
model also can be presented with Virtual Reali- of moisture in the walls. The Leica BLK360 3D scan-
ty headsets and allows visitors to walk through ner is delivered with the Autodesk ReCap 360 Pro Mo-
the dungeons without any risk for them or cul- bile software, for the Apple iPad Pro. This provides easy
tural heritage. transfer of scanned data into any Autodesk CAD soft-
ware for further use. Also providing the possibility for
Povzetek presentation in real-time or later, no matter where you
are. In this way, we provide a safe presentation of dun-
Zgradba Magistrata, kot tudi zapora v kleti te stavbe, geons for visitors to the museum.
predstavlja pomemben del kulturne dediščine mesta
Pančevo in območja Južnega Banata. Stene zapora se Bibliography
slabšajo zaradi vlage. Z minerali, ki odpadajo iz obzid-
ja, izgubljamo gravirana sporočila zapornikov. Ta situa- Arias-Sánchez Pedro, Herraez Jose, Lorenzo
cija je privedla do zamisli o uporabi 3D skenerjev v tre- Henrique, and Ordonez Celestino.
nutni situaciji. Uporabljen je bil Leica BLK365 3D skener, “ Control of structural problems in
ki deluje na principu tehnologije Waveform Digitizer cultural heritage monuments using close-
(WFD). Poleg visoke natančnosti laserskega skeniranja range photogrammetry and computer
ta skener omogoča tudi ustvarjanje visoko kakovostnih methods” Computers and Structures,
tekstur na 3D modelih. To se doseže z uporabo treh ka- (August 2005): 1754-1766. doi: 10.1016/j.
mer z visoko ločljivostjo, ki ima vgrajeno tudi optično compstruc.2005.02.018.
senzorsko kamero z dolgimi valovi. V tem primeru upo-
raba toplotne kamere kaže na prisotnost vlage v stenah. Armesto-González, Julia, Belén Riveiro-
Leica BLK360 3D skener vsebuje programsko opremo Rodríguez, Diego González-Aguilera,
Autodesk ReCap 360 Pro Mobile, za Apple iPad Pro. and M. Teresa Rivas-Brea. “Terrestrial
To omogoča enostaven prenos skeniranih podatkov v laser scanning intensity data applied
katero koli programsko opremo Autodesk CAD za na- to damage detection for historical.”
daljnjo uporabo. Zagotavlja tudi možnost predstavit- Journal of Archaeological Science 37, no.
ve v realnem času ali kasneje, ne glede na lokacijo. Na ta 12 (December, 2010): 3037-3047, doi:
način lahko zagotovimo varno predstavitev za obisko- 10.1016/j.jas.2010.06.031.
valce muzeja.
Gulhan, Benli, and Ozer Derya Gulec.
The Magistrate building, as well as the dungeons situat- DOCUMENTATION”. International
ed in the basement of this building, represents a signifi- Journal of Electronics, Mechanical and
cant part of the cultural heritage of the city of Pančevo Mechatronics Engineering (IJEMME) 3/1
and the area of S outh Banat. The walls of the dungeons (June 2013): 447-454
are deteriorating due to moisture. With mortar fall-
ing from the walls we are losing engraved messages of Günçe, Kağan, and Damla Mısırlısoy.
the prisoners. This situation led to the idea of a pplying «Adaptive reuse of military
3D scanners to the record current situation. The Leica establishments as museums: conservation
vs. museography.” WIT Transactions on
of the cultural monument. Furthermore, that principle of Wave Form Digitizer (WFD) technology.
hereditatiinvolves a lot of possibility for displaying cul-In addition to the high precision of laser scanning, this
tural monument that been scanned. Like it is al- scanner also enables the creation of high-quality tex-
ready mentioned results of 3D scanning can be tures on 3D models. This is accomplished by using three
presented in real time directly on iPad pro. Also, high-resolution cameras built in, the scanner also has a
a presentation of a 3D model of dungeons can longwave thermal imaging camera in its encasing. In
be adapted for any touchscreens, the gained 3D this case usage of thermal camera, indicate the presence
model also can be presented with Virtual Reali- of moisture in the walls. The Leica BLK360 3D scan-
ty headsets and allows visitors to walk through ner is delivered with the Autodesk ReCap 360 Pro Mo-
the dungeons without any risk for them or cul- bile software, for the Apple iPad Pro. This provides easy
tural heritage. transfer of scanned data into any Autodesk CAD soft-
ware for further use. Also providing the possibility for
Povzetek presentation in real-time or later, no matter where you
are. In this way, we provide a safe presentation of dun-
Zgradba Magistrata, kot tudi zapora v kleti te stavbe, geons for visitors to the museum.
predstavlja pomemben del kulturne dediščine mesta
Pančevo in območja Južnega Banata. Stene zapora se Bibliography
slabšajo zaradi vlage. Z minerali, ki odpadajo iz obzid-
ja, izgubljamo gravirana sporočila zapornikov. Ta situa- Arias-Sánchez Pedro, Herraez Jose, Lorenzo
cija je privedla do zamisli o uporabi 3D skenerjev v tre- Henrique, and Ordonez Celestino.
nutni situaciji. Uporabljen je bil Leica BLK365 3D skener, “ Control of structural problems in
ki deluje na principu tehnologije Waveform Digitizer cultural heritage monuments using close-
(WFD). Poleg visoke natančnosti laserskega skeniranja range photogrammetry and computer
ta skener omogoča tudi ustvarjanje visoko kakovostnih methods” Computers and Structures,
tekstur na 3D modelih. To se doseže z uporabo treh ka- (August 2005): 1754-1766. doi: 10.1016/j.
mer z visoko ločljivostjo, ki ima vgrajeno tudi optično compstruc.2005.02.018.
senzorsko kamero z dolgimi valovi. V tem primeru upo-
raba toplotne kamere kaže na prisotnost vlage v stenah. Armesto-González, Julia, Belén Riveiro-
Leica BLK360 3D skener vsebuje programsko opremo Rodríguez, Diego González-Aguilera,
Autodesk ReCap 360 Pro Mobile, za Apple iPad Pro. and M. Teresa Rivas-Brea. “Terrestrial
To omogoča enostaven prenos skeniranih podatkov v laser scanning intensity data applied
katero koli programsko opremo Autodesk CAD za na- to damage detection for historical.”
daljnjo uporabo. Zagotavlja tudi možnost predstavit- Journal of Archaeological Science 37, no.
ve v realnem času ali kasneje, ne glede na lokacijo. Na ta 12 (December, 2010): 3037-3047, doi:
način lahko zagotovimo varno predstavitev za obisko- 10.1016/j.jas.2010.06.031.
valce muzeja.
Gulhan, Benli, and Ozer Derya Gulec.
The Magistrate building, as well as the dungeons situat- DOCUMENTATION”. International
ed in the basement of this building, represents a signifi- Journal of Electronics, Mechanical and
cant part of the cultural heritage of the city of Pančevo Mechatronics Engineering (IJEMME) 3/1
and the area of S outh Banat. The walls of the dungeons (June 2013): 447-454
are deteriorating due to moisture. With mortar fall-
ing from the walls we are losing engraved messages of Günçe, Kağan, and Damla Mısırlısoy.
the prisoners. This situation led to the idea of a pplying «Adaptive reuse of military
3D scanners to the record current situation. The Leica establishments as museums: conservation
vs. museography.” WIT Transactions on