Page 19 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(2) (2017)
P. 19
ia universitatisPovzetek Literatura
r imski fr agmenti z napisi v mestnem muzeju ljubljana 19 HD: Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg
Prispevek predstavlja epigrafsko analizo napisov, ki so
ohranjeni na enajstih še neobjavljenih odlomkih nag- (skrbnik/Service provider: Heidelberger
robnikov in mejnikov grobnih parcel z območja rim- Akademie der Wissenschaften). http://
ske Emone. Vsi kamniti spomeniki z napisi so bili naj-
verjetneje odkriti v sekundarni legi in izvirajo iz obdobja home?&lang=de (zadnji dostop: 21. 3.
od 1. do 3. stol. n. št. Litološka analiza kamnin, iz katerih 2017).
so bili izdelani artefakti kaže, da so bili mejniki in neka- ILJug: Ana in Jaroslav Šašel, Inscriptiones
teri od nagrobnih napisov izdelani iz jurskega apnenca, Latinae quae in Iugoslavia inter annos
domnevno iz območja današnje Podpeči pri Ljubljani. ... repertae et editae sunt: Situla 5 (1963);
Tovrstni apnenec je bil na prostem razmeroma obsto- Situla 19 (1978); Situla 25 (1986).
jen. Eden od fragmentov vsebuje neenakomerno veli- OPEL: Onomasticon provinciarum Europae
ke in preproste črke, klesane v slabo obstojen miocenski Latinarum. Ex materia ab A. Mócsy,
apnenec, ki bi lahko prihajal iz okolice Moravč. Tovrstni R. Feldmann, E. Marton et M. Szilágy
material je bil slabe kvalitete in zato verjetno cenejši. Na- collecta. Composuit et correxit B. Lőrincz.
sprotno so najlepše oblikovane črke klesane v (verjetno) Vol. I: Aba-Bysanus, Budapest 2005. Vol.
kredni apnenec in marmor, ki ju ne najdemo v neposre- II: Cabalicius-Ixus, Wien 1999. Vol. III:
dni bližini Ljubljane, zaradi česar sklepamo, da so bili to- Labarum-Pythea, Wien 2000. Vol. IV:
vrstni spomeniki najdražji. Naročniki so ju domnevno Quadratia-Zures, Wien 2002.
izbrali zaradi obstojnosti in/ali estetske vrednosti (ho- RINMS: Šašel Kos, Marjeta. Lapidarij
mogen izgled, skoraj bela barva). Narodnega muzeja Slovenije / The Roman
Inscriptions in the National Museum of
Summary Slovenia. Situla 36 (1997).
Boudager-Fadel, Marcelle. K. Evolution
Eleven inscriptions, discovered on as yet unpublished and geological significance of larger
fragments of funerary stelae and boundary stones of benthic foraminifera. Developments
burial plots from the territory of Roman Emona, are in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy 22.
discussed in this contribution. The monuments with in- Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2008.
scriptions, kept in the City Museum of Ljubljana, were Djurić, Bojan in Igor Rižnar. “Kamen Emone.
most probably discovered in the secondary position and “ V EMONA MM, Urbanizacija prostora
date to the period from the 1st till the 3rd century AD. – nastanek mesta, ur. Bernarda Županek,
The lithological analysis of stone that the artefacts were 121-143. Ljubljana: ZVKDS, MGML, 2017.
made of indicates that grave plot markers and some ste- Dunham, J. Robert. “Classification of carbonate
lae were made of Jurassic limestone, presumably origi- rocks according to depositional texture.”
nating from the area of Podpeč near Ljubljana. This kind In Classification of carbonate rocks, A
of limestone is relatively durable in the open air. One of symposium, ur. Ham W. E., 108-121. Tulsa:
the fragments displays large and simple letters inscribed American Ass. Petrol. Geol., 1962.
into less durable Miocenic limestone that could come Gale, Luka. Microfacies characteristics of the
from the Moravče area. The poor quality of this kind Lower Jurassic lithiotid limestone from
of limestone presumably made it cheaper. Other frag- northern Adriatic Carbonate Platform
ments, with beautifully-formed letters incised into the (central Slovenia). Geologija 58 (2015): 121-
(probably) Cretaceous limestone and marble, are quite 138.
the opposite. Those rocks cannot be found in the area Kajanto, Iiro. The Latin Cognomina
around Ljubljana, which makes these products expen- (Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum
sive. They must have been desired for their durability Fennica. Commentationes Humanarum
and/or aesthetics (homogenous surface, almost white Litterarum, XXXVI 2, 1965).
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