Page 56 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(2) (2017)
P. 56
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 2 56ple are born annually and forty million dies. Ifv raziskanem kontekstu pojavili ostanki strelnega orož-
those forty million were buried in a necropolis, ja, pa so se glede na to razvrstili in analizirali tudi drugi
hereditatiin a classic graveyard with skeletal burials, theypredmeti iz groba, kar je pomagalo pri kronološki, kul-
would take up an area of 2​ 0 km2. One day, not in turni in individualni identifikaciji umrle osebe. Pomen
the distant future, this will become a huge prob- poudarjanja konteksta je zelo pomemben, saj je omogo-
lem. Will we throw our dead into the sea, or fer- čil razvrstitev ugotovitev v forenzični okvir. Pomembno
tilize the soil with them, will we burn them? je tudi izpostaviti razpravo o etičnih vprašanjih, saj so
človeški ostanki lahko izhajajo iz arheoloških konteks-
What yesterday was ethics, today may no tov ali pa so del uradnega postopka, ki lahko prinese po-
longer be. The rule about preserving, what we membne dokaze za sodišče.
must and what we want to preserve, and our
choice will represent our civilization. Whatever Summary
we thought yesterday we would preserve, if pos-
sible all of it, today has a completely different di- The present work explores to which extent the differ-
mension. Where are the areas in which we will ence between research methodology and techniques
preserve all that? In the whirlwind of events in of archaeology and forensic archaeology exists. From
the recent years, more and more raises the ques- the very basic distinction between “graves excavation”,
tion of how to survive, how to provide enough a term closer to archaeological sense, and “exhumation
space and food for all, but also how to preserve of human remains”, closely related to forensic archaeol-
everything of value? Archaeology will offer an ogy, to the new models that could give better quality of
answer based on the long history of human ex- both research and investigations in the future. During
perience. the last thirty years, archaeologists have been called, as
part of the multidisciplinary forensic expert teams in
Povzetek human rights cases, to investigate clandestine graves
and especially mass graves from recent wars. A good
Predstavljeno delo raziskuje, do kakšne mere obstaja case study of overlapping forensic and archaeological
razlika v raziskovalni metodologiji in tehniki arheologi- cases is the clandestine grave of an unknown soldier
je in forenzične arheologije. Iz zelo osnovnega razliko- from the World War II, from the archaeological site Jo-
vanja med „izkopavanjem grobov“, pojmom, ki je bliže sipovac – Verušed near Osijek (Slavonia, Croatia). The
arheološkemu smislu in „ekshumacijo človeških ostan- grave was revealed during an archaeological rescue ex-
kov“, tesno povezano s forenzično arheologijo, do no- cavation in 2007, on the route of the highway A 5, Beli
vih modelov, ki bi lahko v prihodnosti omogočili bolj- Manastir – Osijek. This finding was unexpected for
šo kakovost raziskav in preiskav. V zadnjih tridesetih an archaeological site, so all standard procedures that
letih so bili kot del multidisciplinarnih forenzičnih stro- precede the excavation had already been made. It was
kovnih ekip povabljeni arheologi, še posebej ob raziska- treated as a real archaeological, historical layer because
vah skrivnih grobov in množičnih grobišč iz nedavnih before excavation, there was no information that could
vojn, ko je šlo za vprašanja človekovih pravic. Dobra štu- confirm its age, period or status. So when, after defin-
dija prekrivanja forenzičnih in arheoloških primerov je ing the skeleton remains, remains of a firearm emerged
skrivni grob neznanega vojaka iz druge svetovne vojne from the soil, classifying and analyzing the objects from
iz arheološkega najdišča Josipovac - Verušed pri Osije- the grave helped to give chronological, cultural and in-
ku (Slavonija, Hrvaška). Odkrit je bil med zaščitnimi ar- dividual identifiers of the deceased person. The impor-
heološkimi izkopavanji, leta 2007, na trasi avtoceste (A tance of giving emphasis to the context, which enabled
5) Beli Manastir - Osijek. Najdba je bila na tem arheo- the classification of findings in the forensic framework,
loškem najdišču nepričakovana, zato so bili vsi standar- was accentuated. It is crucial to mention and discuss the
dni postopki izvedeni že pred izkopom. Obravnavana je ethical issues of whether the human remains are part of
bila kot arheološki kontekst, saj pred izkopavanji ni bilo an archaeological period, or they are part of a case that
informacij, ki bi lahko potrdile starost, obdobje ali sta- could provide evidence for the court.
tus pokojnika. Ko so se po opredelitvi kostnih ostankov
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