Page 65 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(2) (2020)
P. 65
ia universitatisDigital and Multimodal Literacies in Foreign Language Learning:
65 theories and application

Elisa Da Lio
Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia

Ta članek sledi razvoju pojma pismenosti v vsej njegovi razvejanosti in analizira njegove prednosti ter sla-
bosti, ki jih razkrivajo raziskave, opravljene na področju učenja jezikov. Poudarek je na razmerju med ra-
ziskavami in poukom jezikov, kjer se zdi, da je spodbujanje pluralne, multimodalne in digitalne pisme-
nosti še vedno težko dosegljivo. Ta članek opozarja na primerjavo med najnovejšimi študijami primerov
na področju jezikovnega izobraževanja in specifičnimi učnimi cilji za poučevanje in učenje pismenosti.
Zaključi se s predlogom novih smernic za nadaljnje raziskave.
Ključne besede: opismenjevanje, multimodalnost, digitalna pismenost, angleščina kot tuji jezik, pouče-

This article traces the evolution of the term literacy in the plurality of its branches, analysing its strong

points as much as the critical aspects highlighted by research in the field of language education. The em-

phasis is placed on the relationship between literacy and language classrooms, where the promotion of

plural, multimodal and digital literacies still seems difficult to achieve. This article calls attention to the

comparison between the most recent case studies in the language education field and the specific learn-

ing objectives for literacy teaching and learning. It concludes by suggesting new directions for further

Keywords: Literacy, Multimodality, Digital Literacy, EFL, Teaching
Over four decades of studies have wit-
nessed literacy go from being synony- cult to provide, and that research has been mov-
mous with ‘alphabetization’ to being ing in several different directions to try and cov-
er as many aspects as possible. It is a very vast
considered as “the ability to identify, under- field, which affects every educational subject as
stand, interpret, create, communicate and com- it is a prerequisite of sorts, and calls into question
pute, using printed and written materials associ- aspects of social background, first of all econom-
ated with varying contexts” (UNESCO 2004). ically, as it requires for everyone to have access
It has recently emerged as a pivotal term in lan- to the same tools and devices (Fairlie et al.2012;
guage teaching and learning, as a plural set of Urbančíková et al. 2017), as well as culturally
skills and abilities that allow individuals to use and identity wise, as it may involve the develop-
specific languages for particular purposes and ment of literacies in a language other than one’s
through a variety of media within socially com- native one (Dooley 2008; Danzak 2011; Ntelio-
plex multimodal contexts. The fact that literacy glou 2012). Also, a branch mainly related to the
is an ever evolving, elastic concept implies that wide setting of digital skills is being expanded:
clear, universally accepted definitions are diffi- as a result, many studies in this area focus on ex-

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