Page 62 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(2) (2020)
P. 62
head, A. 2000. “A new Academic Wordstudia universitatis hereditati, letnik 8 (2020), številka 2 62driven Study.” V K. Katsampoxaki-
List.” TESOL Quarterly, 34 (2): 213–38. Hodgetts (ur.), Options and Practices of
hereditati LSP Practitioners, 94‒108. University of
Crosthwaite, P. in L. Cheung. 2019. Learning Crete Publications.
the Language of Dentistry. Amsterdam, Granger, S. 1998. Learner English on Computer.
Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing London in New York: Addison Wesley
Company. Longman.
Halliday, M. A. K., W. Teubert, C. Yallop
Dixon, R. M. W. 2005. A Sematic Approach in A. Čermakova. 2004. Lexicology and
to English Grammar. Oxford, New York: Corpus Linguistics. London in New York:
OUP. Continuum.
Hockey, S. 2000. Electronic Texts in the
Flowerdew, L. 2013. “Needs Analysis and Humanities: Principles and Practice.
Curriculum Development in ESP.” V B. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Paltridge in S. Starfield (ur.) Handbook of Hunston, B. 2002. Corpora in Applied
English for specific purposes, 325-346. Oxford: Linguistics. Cambridge: CUP.
Blackwell. Hyland, K. in P. Tse. 2007. “Is there an
»Academic Vocabulary«?” TESOL
Flowerdew, L. 2005. “An Integration QUARTERLY, 41(2): 235‒253.
of Corpus-based and Genre-based Hyland, K. 2006. “Disciplinary differences:
Approaches to Text Analysis in EAP/ESP: language variation in academic discourses.”
Countering Criticisms against Corpus- V K. Hyland in M. Bondi (ur.), Academic
based Methodologies.” English for Specific Discourse across Disciplines, 32‒57.
Purposes, 24: 321–332. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Hyland, K. in M. Bondi. 2006. Academic
Flowerdew, L. 2002. “Corpus-Based Analyses discourse across disciplines. Frankfurt: Peter
in EAP”. V J. Flowerdew (ur.) Academic Lang.
Discourse, 95‒114. Harlow: Longman. Hyland, K. 2004. Genre and second language
writing. Ann Arbor, MI: University of
Flowerdew, J. 2002. Academic Discourse. Michigan Press.
Harlow: Longman. Jablonkai, R. R. in N. Čebron. 2017. “Corpora
as tools for self-driven learning.” V N. A.
Gavioli, L. 2005. Exploring corpora for ESP Alias in J. E. Luaran (ur.). Student-driven
learning. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. learning strategies for the 21st century
classroom, 274–298. Hershey, PA: IGI
Gorjanc, V. in Š. Vintar 2007. “Korpusna Global.
analiza vloge označevalcev medleksemskih 1689-7.ch018.
razmerij v organizaciji besedila.” Jezik in Johns, T. 2002. “Data-driven learning: the
slovstvo, 52(3−4): 117‒129. perpetual challenge.” V B. Kettemann in
G. Marko (ur.). Teaching and learning by
Gojanc, V. 2005. Uvod v korpusno jezikoslovje. doing corpus analysis, 107‒117. Amsterdam
Domžale: Založba Izolit. in Huston: Rodopi.
Kilgarriff, A. 2005. “Language is never, ever,
Granger, S. in M. Paquot. 2015. “Electronic ever, random.” V Corpus Linguistics and
Lexicography Goes Local. Design and Language Theory, 1(2): 263‒275. Herndon,
Structures of a Needs-driven Online VA: Walter de Gruyter.
Academic Writing Aid.” Lexicographica
- International Annual for Lexicography /
Internationales Jahrbuch für Lexikographie,
31(1): 118‒141.
Granger, S., E. Dagneaux in F. Meunier. 2009.
International Corpus of Learner English.
Version 2. Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses
Universitaires de Louvain.
Granger, S., in M. Paquot. 2009. “In Search of a
General Academic Vocabulary: A Corpus-
List.” TESOL Quarterly, 34 (2): 213–38. Hodgetts (ur.), Options and Practices of
hereditati LSP Practitioners, 94‒108. University of
Crosthwaite, P. in L. Cheung. 2019. Learning Crete Publications.
the Language of Dentistry. Amsterdam, Granger, S. 1998. Learner English on Computer.
Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing London in New York: Addison Wesley
Company. Longman.
Halliday, M. A. K., W. Teubert, C. Yallop
Dixon, R. M. W. 2005. A Sematic Approach in A. Čermakova. 2004. Lexicology and
to English Grammar. Oxford, New York: Corpus Linguistics. London in New York:
OUP. Continuum.
Hockey, S. 2000. Electronic Texts in the
Flowerdew, L. 2013. “Needs Analysis and Humanities: Principles and Practice.
Curriculum Development in ESP.” V B. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Paltridge in S. Starfield (ur.) Handbook of Hunston, B. 2002. Corpora in Applied
English for specific purposes, 325-346. Oxford: Linguistics. Cambridge: CUP.
Blackwell. Hyland, K. in P. Tse. 2007. “Is there an
»Academic Vocabulary«?” TESOL
Flowerdew, L. 2005. “An Integration QUARTERLY, 41(2): 235‒253.
of Corpus-based and Genre-based Hyland, K. 2006. “Disciplinary differences:
Approaches to Text Analysis in EAP/ESP: language variation in academic discourses.”
Countering Criticisms against Corpus- V K. Hyland in M. Bondi (ur.), Academic
based Methodologies.” English for Specific Discourse across Disciplines, 32‒57.
Purposes, 24: 321–332. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Hyland, K. in M. Bondi. 2006. Academic
Flowerdew, L. 2002. “Corpus-Based Analyses discourse across disciplines. Frankfurt: Peter
in EAP”. V J. Flowerdew (ur.) Academic Lang.
Discourse, 95‒114. Harlow: Longman. Hyland, K. 2004. Genre and second language
writing. Ann Arbor, MI: University of
Flowerdew, J. 2002. Academic Discourse. Michigan Press.
Harlow: Longman. Jablonkai, R. R. in N. Čebron. 2017. “Corpora
as tools for self-driven learning.” V N. A.
Gavioli, L. 2005. Exploring corpora for ESP Alias in J. E. Luaran (ur.). Student-driven
learning. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. learning strategies for the 21st century
classroom, 274–298. Hershey, PA: IGI
Gorjanc, V. in Š. Vintar 2007. “Korpusna Global.
analiza vloge označevalcev medleksemskih 1689-7.ch018.
razmerij v organizaciji besedila.” Jezik in Johns, T. 2002. “Data-driven learning: the
slovstvo, 52(3−4): 117‒129. perpetual challenge.” V B. Kettemann in
G. Marko (ur.). Teaching and learning by
Gojanc, V. 2005. Uvod v korpusno jezikoslovje. doing corpus analysis, 107‒117. Amsterdam
Domžale: Založba Izolit. in Huston: Rodopi.
Kilgarriff, A. 2005. “Language is never, ever,
Granger, S. in M. Paquot. 2015. “Electronic ever, random.” V Corpus Linguistics and
Lexicography Goes Local. Design and Language Theory, 1(2): 263‒275. Herndon,
Structures of a Needs-driven Online VA: Walter de Gruyter.
Academic Writing Aid.” Lexicographica
- International Annual for Lexicography /
Internationales Jahrbuch für Lexikographie,
31(1): 118‒141.
Granger, S., E. Dagneaux in F. Meunier. 2009.
International Corpus of Learner English.
Version 2. Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses
Universitaires de Louvain.
Granger, S., in M. Paquot. 2009. “In Search of a
General Academic Vocabulary: A Corpus-